Recent content by Improbable_One

  1. Improbable_One

    Literature Poetry Dump

    Got poetry you want to post? Do it here! Please say what kind of poem it is. (Haiku, Limerick, etc.) Poinsettias? Lame! (A haiku) Poinsettias are lame, I am cooler than flowers, I am way awesome.
  2. Improbable_One

    Other Longest video game you've spent time on

    Pokemon. 500+ Hours of gameplay.
  3. Improbable_One

    Make an anime sound really bad in 1 sentence.

    Guy has stretchy arms. - One Piece Boy wants to be Hokage - Naruto Something about alien frogs - Sgt. Frog
  4. Improbable_One

    Anime & Manga Your first EVER anime! ^^

    Mine was either One Piece or Sgt. Frog. I can't remember.
  5. Improbable_One

    Other What is your favourite accent?

    I'm British, but I like American Accents! They're so weird!!!