Recent content by IcePrincessWeiss

  1. IcePrincessWeiss

    Multiple Settings ~ go from hiding to shining tonight ~ o p e n

    Hey, there. We sound compatible as partners! I am totally down with a best friends turned lovers roleplay as long as its f/f!
  2. IcePrincessWeiss

    Fandom Searching for a partner for a Rwby roleplay

    Hey there! As you might have gathered from the title of this post as well as my username, I am currently obsessed with Rwby (on season 6). In fact, I specifically decided to try this website instead of my normal roleplaying one because of the lack of Rwby fans there. Just as a little...
  3. IcePrincessWeiss

    Multiple Settings Corrosion's partner search or something like that (Sci-Fi/Fantasy plots wanted)

    I'm 100% down for a RWBY roleplay as you may be able to tell from my username. I just started the series and am on Season 6. I've been roleplaying for ten years and am new to this site so I can't yet PM you. The site hasn't updated that I've posted a message and put up an avatar yet.
  4. IcePrincessWeiss

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, there! My name is Ev. I am 24 years old and I've been roleplaying for about ten years. I started out on a Harry Potter themed website that had a roleplaying section for any and all ideas, not just Harry Potter, and I've been there ever since. I've been kind of scared to branch out because...