Recent content by Hiatus

  1. Hiatus

    A Nice Nazi

    @Kestrel *Catches confetti and throws it back*
  2. Hiatus

    A Nice Nazi

    i would introduce myself but i'm too edgy (<_<)(B')(>_>)
  3. Hiatus

    Other Post your real human stats here.

    Holy shit, what are you, queen elizabeth?
  4. Hiatus

    Other Post your real human stats here.

    Speed: ■ooooooooo Strength: ■ooooooooo Intelligence: ■ooooooooo Charisma: ■ooooooooo Inlfuence: ■ooooooooo God never finished me. Pic related.
  5. Hiatus

    Futuristic Apollarus

    You forgot to make character sheets.
  6. Hiatus

    Fantasy Isle of Mist (CLOSED)

    I'm waiting for one of three things - I discover there is no alchemical shop within colonist territory - A player who knows alchemy stops me while muttering about it in the streets - Crystal Cali runs an NPC for me. (OuO)
  7. Hiatus

    Fantasy Isle of Mist

    Hickory, still roaming around the town in search of an alchemist shop would be within vision as he passed by May and Raider. (Is there an alchemical shop in this place?)
  8. Hiatus

    Fantasy Isle of Mist

    "Hehehe." He said aloud, doing a little dance to express his excitement as he was awarded with a hefty sum of gold. "Oi believe dere be an upgrade i'll need now, eh?" He said to himself as he headed back to the town, and then to the blacksmith, where he would purchase two new shiny swords...
  9. Hiatus

    Fantasy Isle of Mist

    "Dam straight cha do. I da only one speakin sense round dis place. All dese womens as leaders is keepin us from sum damn well conquering!" He yelled, though trying not to be too loud. "Ah yeah, tanks for da elp too. Is you's lookin to help me wit overthrowing dese sissy leaders?"
  10. Hiatus

    Fantasy Isle of Mist

    Hickory would strech, flaunting around his newfound freedom. "Soyins good ta me." He said as he picked up his beaten up blade as well as his cooking pot. "Oi'll get ta alcohol anotha day." He added on, followed by his teeth rattling as they smacked together, as if he was attempting to laugh.
  11. Hiatus

    Fantasy Isle of Mist

    ( Yeah, I was hit by almost everything if not everything. ) "Finelly speakin sum sense, woman. Now get dis brutes off mah. Oi'd hate ta a've to do it mahself." Hickory would seem only briefly phased at the discovery of his helper being a vampire. With hickory himself being a dark creature...
  12. Hiatus

    Fantasy Isle of Mist (CLOSED)

    @ThatOneLunatic said "Your right I dont go to the tavern much which means your words mean little to nothing right now, an insult to my people is all i care about. Insult me all you want but not my people. Now keep up with your meaningless insults and I'll gut you aswell. Vampire" he said the...
  13. Hiatus

    @Spanner I don't think that's anything to be ashamed of. The Nazi's were a wonderful...

    @Spanner I don't think that's anything to be ashamed of. The Nazi's were a wonderful organization. They had the lowest innocent kill count of any major power involved in WW2, even if you believe in the holohoax.
  14. Hiatus

    Fantasy Isle of Mist

    (I did it at the last possible second, there's only so much you can do to dodge something. Us both are really fast.) "Oi carreh a sword bacaus every man does, ye git! Ah wasn't demanden de drink, I was ordren!" He shouted back at the man, now growing sick of the men holding him.
  15. Hiatus

    Fantasy Isle of Mist

    ( plz stop dodging everything, that was a suprise attack (:'() @ThatOneLunatic ) "Can we's end dis now? Oim trynna get mah drink. Me and de boss gots tings da do." He stated. feeling safe in the comfort of his own village. "Oi didn't even start nothen wit nobody."