Recent content by Grime

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  4. Grime

    Fantasy Cerberus Vale - Reverse:Rebirth [Character Sheets]

    Name: Elias Wismarr Nickname: Eli Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Powers: Shadowfade: Step through existing shadows, can not manifest shadows at will though and can only move through shadows within sight or shadows he has traversed through in the past. Aka'ia: Basically meaning...
  5. Grime

    Fantasy Cerberus Vale - Reverse:Rebirth (Dark fantasy/Action Adventure/Monster hunting/Magical/RP CLOSED)

    You had me at Dark Fantasy! No but seriously, I'd like to join, this definitely sounds like fun! :)
  6. Grime

    Fantasy Grim/Dark Fantasy Idea - with a certain sense of 'realism' incl.

    Perfect. I'll write up the CS and link / PM you all, please finish your Character Sheet -and wait for me to approve/disapprove your CS- before starting to RP in the actual roleplay though. This is done to get a basic understanding of your character and also to see how your writing style is...
  7. Grime

    Fantasy Grim/Dark Fantasy Idea - with a certain sense of 'realism' incl.

    Awesome! So far we have @zerozero @Darkhan @Ms. Sparrow and myself 2x (Since I'll probably play a PC on both groups) Mercenaries: 2 players Thieves: 3 players I'm going to wait a little while longer before creating a CS Thread, Introduction/Opening Post and whatnot, in case there are...
  8. Grime

    Fantasy Grim/Dark Fantasy Idea - with a certain sense of 'realism' incl.

    Absolutely not. Females can be definitely be a part of the con artist's org as well! No genderlocks/genderspecific aspects on either group. Never been a fan of that in games, so I'll be damned to incorporate that in the RP haha. The Gentlemen Bastards is also a reference to the original book, IC...
  9. Grime

    Fantasy Grim/Dark Fantasy Idea - with a certain sense of 'realism' incl.

    Awesome, thanks for showing interest. I'm going to tackle two PCs, one in each group. Of course we'll be roleplaying with a lot of NPCs as well, but these will be 'collaborative projects' in which we can all provide feedback/input on, for the major ones at least. For minor NPCs, feel free to...
  10. Grime

    Old(er?) and nerdy.

    Oh no, I don't want this fate but odds are I'll be following suit D&D wise. (30+ and still haven't gotten around to playing a game of D&D) Neat that you create 3D animation/art. I used Cinema 4D in the past but...No, just no. The end results were...The equivalent of someone jumping in a...
  11. Grime

    Fantasy Grim/Dark Fantasy Idea - with a certain sense of 'realism' incl.

    Alright, so I know I'm basically new blood on this forum and all, but I have this certain not-all-that-original idea in mind. I say that because it's loosely based on a couple of books, basically mix & matching their outlinings where fitting and creating the not-all-that-original idea as...
  12. Grime


    I'll keep this short and simple. Hi. No but seriously; I'm terrible at introductions. I'll just add some basic info about myself and some RP genres I'm usually interested in. - GMT +1 Timezone (EU-W) - Old enough not to enjoy birthdays (as much) anymore. - Anything else you might want to...