Recent content by fluteloops

  1. fluteloops

    Fantasy Tribal Mountains // Fantasy

    Tribal Mountains Quest Log by fluteloops Voting Characters and Locations Medicinal Herbs Discussion and Recommendations > Kill the deer She twirls the dagger once more in her fingers and shakes her head like a dog trying to rid itself of water. She went out for food, and there's no way that the...
  2. fluteloops

    Tribal Mountains // Voting

    What is Adam's reply? > "...plans to let you leave in one week for a month-long espionage trip." > " holding up his end of the deal. He'll let you go on your sixteenth birthday." > " preoccupied with battle preparations. He may not notice if you were to sneak out."
  3. fluteloops

    Fantasy Muddy Footprints

    I'm interested!
  4. fluteloops

    Tribal Mountains // Voting

    How will you respond to the deer? > Kill the deer > Try to patch the wound > Try to find ujuper
  5. fluteloops

    Fantasy Tribal Mountains // Fantasy

    Tribal Mountains Quest Log by fluteloops Voting Characters and Locations Medicinal Herbs Discussion and Recommendations Perched atop a slowly waving tree, a girl aimed her drawn bow at a grazing buck. The air whistled as the girl broke from her statue-like stance. The bow's string snapped...
  6. fluteloops

    Tribal Mountains // Discussion and Recommendations

    Tribal Mountains Quest Log by fluteloops Main Story Voting Characters and Locations Medicinal Herbs Here, you may freely discuss the Tribal Mountains Quest Log and provide recommendations for future plot points, characters, or settings, among other things. Remember to be civil in your...
  7. fluteloops

    Tribal Mountains // Voting

    Tribal Mountains Quest Log by fluteloops Main Story Characters and Locations Medicinal Herbs Discussion and Recommendations Following a new post in the main thread of Tribal Mountains, a new post will be created here, reminding voters of the question and options. Voting will cease upon the...