
I'm a 30-year-old female writer, not English native speaker. My experience on a scale of 1-10 is probably 0.5 because I've only written 1x1 in private with close friends so far. I want to improve that, and I want to improve my English.
I prefer AU settings to fandoms, and original settings. I'm more comfortable with writing OCs, writing canon characters intimidates me because I'm always afraid of not doing them justice.

Other than that, I regularly play Pathfinder, a TTRPG which is based on DnD 3.5. Our group focuses on roleplay more than on rolling dice checks every minute - if we can get out of a situation by good roleplay, we don't even have to roll.
I enjoy games like World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV, although I'm taking a break from the first one and fully dive into the second currently. To unwind, I play offline games like Stardew Valley, or crochet while listening to audiobooks. One of my favorite series is The Witcher, closely followed by The Silmarillion, and a long elf saga by a German author.

The TTRPG background makes me liking to roll character stats for every of my characters. Yes, every single one of them. It helps me to handle my character and to not make them OP by letting them succeed in everything they do. These stats usually include Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Based on the race the character has, some stats get a bonus or a malus; my decisions on how I do that are based on the races that are available in the Pathfinder setting.
If desired, I'll include the stats in a character sheet; otherwise I'll try to showcase the stats in the character's appearance.

My fandoms include, in no particular order*
-* Steven Universe
-* The Witcher
-* Pokémon (I don't like the series, I prefer the games, and what people make of the universe)
-* Avatar - The Last Airbender
-* Avatar - Legend of Korra
-* Pacifim Rim
-* Sailor Moon
-* Utena - Revolutionary Girl
-* the lore of the Warcraft universe
-* Fate/Grand Order - Fate/apocrypha - Fate/zero
- * Epic 7
-* Neon Genesis Evangelion
-* Kill la Kill
-* settings with certain types of mermaids, or vampires
(* list will be updated regularly)

Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to try many other TTRPG universes besides Pathfinder. I've played one session of Vampire - The Masquerade and I deeply enjoyed it. I consider myself to be quite open-minded when it comes to trying new things though.

I don't bite - most of the time.
May 28




-* If I could begin to be -*- half of what you think of me -*- I could do about anything -*- I could even learn how to love like you *-



