Recent content by ErrantLight

  1. ErrantLight

    Fantasy A call of duty for all knights and mercenaries!

    So! I have for quite some time now been mulling over the premise of a scene set in the olden days of knights, maidens, kings and queens. Mostly due to the fact that I have had an abundance of modern scenes of late, and I'm feeling like changing things up. I haven't posted an interest check in a...
  2. ErrantLight

    Video Games What are you Playing Right Now?

    I'm in a very shaky love-hate relationship with For Honor. It's one of those deals where you put it down with distaste, but don't know well enough to just keep it on the shelf. When I'm not indulging in ways of pain, FFXIV or a bit of WoW is where I relax. ...Oh, and Cyberpunk 2077. Pew pew!
  3. ErrantLight

    Fantasy A Twist(ed) Machine

    So! The times of autumn winds, the chill of the air and the dwindling daylight is coming upon us along with promises of scary pranks, talks of the supernatural, of witches, vampires, werewolves and trolls... It is in this spirit that I would like to propose my next few words! For the longest...
  4. ErrantLight

    Is this a virus?

    Should be online virus scanners to help you out as well. Just paste the file / URL into it and it'll do all the hard work for you.
  5. ErrantLight

    Any 3ds or Smash Bros players out there?

    Wow, this gives me some stuff to look up! Thanks for the extensive information -- was thinking about whether I should get Hyrule Warriors for the 3DS or the Wii-U.
  6. ErrantLight

    Any 3ds or Smash Bros players out there?

    You really made me want to dig out my old Game Boy Colour, now. Perhaps I'll do that and occupy myself with some Pokémon Red until I find something better to do.
  7. ErrantLight

    Any 3ds or Smash Bros players out there?

    For me Monster Hunter was an acquired taste, and now that I know what I'm doing it's one of the best games I've played for the 3DS. Definitely worth checking out, even if it doesn't seem like it's something for you. Might be your mind's changed! As stated above, there's always the Pokémon games...
  8. ErrantLight

    Any 3ds or Smash Bros players out there?

    I could never play as Olimar. I despise people who can, because Olimar tends to hurt a lot, very quickly. I main Roy, Zero Suit Samus and Lucina. Gotta love me some shield breakers. c: Yoshi? Teach me, senpai.
  9. ErrantLight


    Again, thank you! c: Now as for what I enjoy, it's... a difficult thing to define. I was thinking of creating one of those searchy-findy posts explaining that particular subject in detail. Main interests, though? Horror, fantasy and modern scenes. Which totally isn't a wide subject at all, right?
  10. ErrantLight


    Why yes, you most certainly did hear that right! Thank you!
  11. ErrantLight

    Any 3ds or Smash Bros players out there?

    Suppose there's no shame in reviving the post. I've got Smash for the 3DS. If there's interest to play, I can force my friend code upon this poor reply field.
  12. ErrantLight


    I promise nothing! Thank you for the kind words though, and mayhap the oodles of roleplay will be a suitable replacemet in the stead of riches and wealth.
  13. ErrantLight


    Good evening! Now then. I expect tons of sacrifices, princesses, a hoard of gold and a grand cave to store it all in! At least I would, if I was a dragon. Bummer, that. I'm new to this place, just found it the other day after doing some searching about and I'm really liking what I've seen so...