Recent content by Elvenoff

  1. Elvenoff

    Realistic or Modern Resident Evil..

    NON-CANON Absolute power corrupts absolutely! This statement was so on the nose when the Umbrella cooperation lost control of the T1 virus. I wish to do a non-canon role-play using the background of Resident Evil without the use of Alice. Let us be the heroes in this storyline. Those...
  2. Elvenoff

    The Walking Dead: Survive. Thrive.

    About my CS... You say it has been a week since the undead has risen. I think in that time he could come up with the inventory that he has. Now if your story takes place at the time it happened and not a week later than I see your point.
  3. Elvenoff

    The Walking Dead: Survive. Thrive.

    I have a question on that Gun law thing, Umm if this is a week after the undead start their rampage. Do you really think the police would be enforcing gun control with walking dead around killing everyone?
  4. Elvenoff

    The Walking Dead: Survive. Thrive.

    Name: Jack Winters Age: 28 Gender: Male Ethnicity: American Previous Occupation: Secret Service Appearance: Personality: Jack is the quite, professional type of guy who keeps to himself unless there is something that is going on that he is well diverged in, or peaks his interest. He...
  5. Elvenoff

    Realistic or Modern Walking Dead Realistic Survival RP

    Greetings, I wish to join if it's not to late to do so.. I know I can meet your requirements.
  6. Elvenoff

    Fantasy D&D Based Roleplay - Literate and Detailed Preferred

    I shall join this one, since the one I started failed... So lets give it a shot.
  7. Elvenoff

    Realistic or Modern A Slasher-Horror RP

    I'll give this a shot if you allow me too.
  8. Elvenoff

    Cataclysm 1x1

    Artillerous’s heavy hand fell to his side, the parchment still clutched tightly in his hand, his other hand moved forward and rested upon the warm, white stone balcony railing of his home to support his weight. Forty-five years he has watched good men and women dyeing trying to stop the hordes...
  9. Elvenoff

    Cataclysm 1x1

    Name: Artillerous Race: Half Elven Age/Gender: 60 Male Physical: Artillerous dawns the cloths of his profession to you inquiring gawk. The long grey robe shows its age with small, but repaired rips and tears that covers the medium build of the man that stands before you. His dark blue eyes...
  10. Elvenoff

    Cataclysm 1x1

    Hey Thanks! Do you wish to just start this where our characters just arrived at the meeting spot?
  11. Elvenoff

    Fantasy Cataclysm

    Artillerous completed his chant with a small exhale of breath before refocusing his attention upon the beast. He slightly cursed himself for being so slow when he witnessed the young girl drawing forth an ice golem knowing that drew a lot of stored energy. The life of magic users was one of...
  12. Elvenoff


    If all of you are ok with this I would like to bring in Tosha later, I was thinking maybe she wasn't invited to this party but maybe she comes along during a fight and begins to heal people which might end up her being asked to join. Of course that would be played out and not taken for granted...
  13. Elvenoff

    Fantasy Cataclysm

    Blue orbs focused upon the battle that raged before them, impressed was Artillerous with the skill that the young man showed with a blade but even with his best ability, this beast was just a little faster or immune to the slicing cuts that the young man was doing to it. Artillerous began to...
  14. Elvenoff

    Fantasy Cataclysm

    Artillerous pulled himself up with a gruff to be on the polite side of things, his gaze falls to another unique individual whom seems to have had a bad alchemical mishap as well. A slight chuckle escaped his lips while his gaze moved between both newcomers. “Well met to you lads as well.” He...
  15. Elvenoff


    On the topic of Demonology, I concur with your view points. So on the subject of the portals, has anyone ever returned from these portals to give information about them or do they remain unexplored?