Recent content by EdenRose24

  1. EdenRose24

    Realistic or Modern Soulmate Idea

    Send me a pm and we can talk about ideas!
  2. EdenRose24

    Realistic or Modern Soulmate Idea

  3. EdenRose24

    Loving this website so far! Hope I find some friends to rp with

    Loving this website so far! Hope I find some friends to rp with
  4. EdenRose24

    Realistic or Modern Soulmate Idea

    Hey guys! I'm looking for anyone that might be interested in a soulmate idea I once read a long time ago. The idea went something like this: When you write something on your skin in pen/marker/whatever, it will show up on your soulmate's skin as well. There is also a variation that scars...
  5. EdenRose24

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello everyone, 👋 My name is Eden. Because I am horrible with intros I'll just borrow the template XD Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying. - I have been roleplaying for over 5+ years What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings. - Anything...