Recent content by Eden Smithe

  1. Eden  Smithe

    Would you marry the avatar above you?

    If you say no it means you don't like George Michael and probably have no soul and are also a ginger.  Er...nah
  2. Eden  Smithe


  3. Eden  Smithe

    This movie is a masterpiece that is highly under rated. 

    This movie is a masterpiece that is highly under rated. 
  4. Eden  Smithe


  5. Eden  Smithe


  6. Eden  Smithe

    That's about the extent of what I remember from middle school french lmao

    That's about the extent of what I remember from middle school french lmao
  7. Eden  Smithe

    J'aime les something....Sacre Bleuuu

    J'aime les something....Sacre Bleuuu
  8. Eden  Smithe

    Hope things get better, hang in there. Sometimes life hits rough patches before smoothing out...

    Hope things get better, hang in there. Sometimes life hits rough patches before smoothing out. Cliche but true. 
  9. Eden  Smithe

    *me*  Likes the comment on the status update, following up the like with another comment. 

    *me*  Likes the comment on the status update, following up the like with another comment. 
  10. Eden  Smithe

    How have I not discovered this? Wow I must look like a real idiot now.

    How have I not discovered this? Wow I must look like a real idiot now.
  11. Eden  Smithe

    It's all these status updates I'm telling you. I logged on yesterday exited for some rp...

    It's all these status updates I'm telling you. I logged on yesterday exited for some rp adventures...NOPE! Just over a hundred random status updates. Arghhhhh
  12. Eden  Smithe

    *Me*  Theres too many status updates..... People are using rpn like mainstream social media...

    *Me*  Theres too many status updates..... People are using rpn like mainstream social media, and I don't like it!  *Also Me*  Make a status update about it! 
  13. Eden  Smithe

    Would rather watch corey in the house tbh....yuck!

    Would rather watch corey in the house tbh....yuck!
  14. Eden  Smithe

    Here's a trailer, not sure if you will like it. It's pretty fuckin scary if you ask me tho. ...

    Here's a trailer, not sure if you will like it. It's pretty fuckin scary if you ask me tho.
  15. Eden  Smithe

    this is just too true tbh

    this is just too true tbh