Recent content by edc

  1. edc

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    Root 👏🏻 Beer 👏🏻 Is 👏🏻 Gross 👏🏻 This is culture
  2. edc

    Opinion If you love something, but then you find out that those who made it have been doing terrible things, will you still love it?

    Harry Potter separating from the author is exactly what I came to say!!
  3. edc

    Music What kind of music are you into right now?

    Anytime I see people with Lana Del Ray on their music lists it makes me so happy. Thank you stranger haha
  4. edc

    Literature What are you reading at the moment?

    The Witcher!
  5. edc

    Other How tall are you?

  6. edc

    Other Random question of the day

  7. edc

    Food What is your favorite coffee or tea and why do you drink coffee or tea?

    I don’t have much to contribute but I appreciate how thorough this response was. I feel the urge to drink a coffee now haha. I personally love a nice southern sweet tea
  8. edc

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello! New around here and just trying to see what this website is