Recent content by DreamlessVoid

  1. DreamlessVoid

    Magical Bickerings

    "Well, then I suppose we head to my throne room and begin interrogations, hm? I wonder if it would be rude to eat while we're talking to the staff. I could get some pastries brought in. They were made yesterday and I, um, hid them in my room because Noel would have scolded me if he knew how many...
  2. DreamlessVoid

    The Hollow

    "Or make all three of us fall," But Avalon began her trip down the steps anyways, placing a palm on Quinn's back once she was caught up. "This way, if I fall, I can drag you with me."  Charlie reached the ground ahead of the others, doubling over to calm his breathing. It had certainly been...
  3. DreamlessVoid

    Magical Bickerings

    "Might be," Abel tried not to let his voice choke on the words, eyes squeezing shut. He stayed a few feet back from his brother's bed, turning to motion to one of the guards. He gave orders to have the kitchen staff rounded up and brought to his throne room, and for someone to go get Noel. He...
  4. DreamlessVoid

    The Hollow

    "..That's it," Charlie announced, nodding to Quinn even as he moved to follow the tall guy down the stairs, "I hit my head on one of the poles when you pushed me in. I'm dreaming about the book I was reading. That makes sense. Someone pinch me." Avalon did pinch him, and he squealed and slapped...
  5. DreamlessVoid

    Partners In Crime

    "It would look odd for me to carry a huge bag of stuff into my hotel when I left with nothing. I don't know this town, so I wouldn't know where to go to pawn.. I'm only here for a bit. Are you local?" He quickly picked the lock, popping it open like a can of soda. It contained cold hard cash...
  6. DreamlessVoid

    Magical Bickerings

    Abel was quick to navigate to his brother's room, leading the other king up a flight of stairs and down a dimly lit corridor. Knights and maids bowed as they passed, topping over at their waist, reminding him of dominoes. He wasn't sure he'd ever walked so fast, and might have broken out into a...
  7. DreamlessVoid

    The Hollow

    "MR. TALL GUY-DUDE IS THE GRIM REAPER-"  "The stairs are slippery," Rai cut into Avalon's screaming, looking back at the teens. "So be careful. If you fall, you might actually die. What a shame that would be.."  He turned away to hide his grin. These kids were so naive. Foolish. Weak...
  8. DreamlessVoid

    The Hollow

    Ignoring WW3, Avalon tugged at Quinn's arm. "You'll get to swim later! But what if my foot gets cut open and I get an infection and I die! You're not invited to my funeral because you wouldn't carry me. Isabelle will make sure you're charged with manslaughter because you totally could have...
  9. DreamlessVoid

    Magical Bickerings

    "James is, um. Very important to me. My sister is as well. They're extremely-" He paused, not able to find a word that fit exactly. "I know you don't understand but it would make me feel a lot better to see how he is. You'd have to come with me, though. At least for now. I won't keep you from...
  10. DreamlessVoid

    The Hollow

    "It's your fault for being stupid enough to think you needed to retaliate. You know better than that, silly boy." Avalon stared at the back of their guide's head, wondering if there were any way to get hid attention. She decided against it, turning to Quinn. "You should carry me, Mr. Manly Man...
  11. DreamlessVoid

    Magical Bickerings

    "It would be impolite of me to run off before I've given you an explanation. And anyways, Janette went to see him so I'm sure that he's fine," Abel cleared his throat, trying to keep himself composed.  They had never had many visitors in Roseal. And when they did, the young prince hardly ever...
  12. DreamlessVoid

    Magical Bickerings

    "It would be impolite of me to run off before I've given you an explanation. And anyways, Janette went to see him so I'm sure that he's fine," Abel cleared his throat, trying to keep himself composed.  They had never had many visitors in Roseal. And when they did, the young prince hardly ever...
  13. DreamlessVoid

    Magical Bickerings

    "It would be impolite of me to run off before I've given you an explanation. And anyways, Janette went to see him so I'm sure that he's fine," Abel cleared his throat, trying to keep himself composed.  They had never had many visitors in Roseal. And when they did, the young prince hardly ever...
  14. DreamlessVoid

    Magical Bickerings

    "I believe that this was an attack on me, not on you," He explained, once he and Liethe were alone in the hall. "Many of my people were unhappy about me bringing you here. I'm a new king, after all, and they think my first move of action should have been to have my most powerful mages burn your...
  15. DreamlessVoid

    The Hollow

    Avalon slapped Blythe's hand down for her friend, shooting a glare at him. "How rude. Who puts snakes in people's shampoo? That's so immature," She drug out the 'o' in so, grabbing Quinn's arm, her other still linked with Isabelle. Her skin had began to dry in the warm sun- It was, honestly...