


Samuel Winchester
NICKNAMES: Sam, Sammy, Bitch, Gigantor, Sasquatch, Sam the Ginormitron, Moose, Jolly Green, The Boy King, Bullwinkle, Giant, Bampot, Samantha, Sasquatch, Big Bird, and Timon.
ALIASES: Too many to name.
DATE OF BIRTH: May 2, 1983
PLACE OF BIRTH: Lawrence, Kansas


HEIGHT: 6'4".
WEIGHT: 190 pounds.
TATTOOS/SCARS: Anti-possession tattoo.


Sam has a high regard for human life. Him and Dean are constantly arguing over how to manage hard situations. Dean's theory is to shoot first, ask questions later. While Sam is known to be more trusting and hopeful of a positive result.
ADDICTIONS: Demon blood.
LIKES: Sam loves his family above all things. Sam also is well read and well spoken. He enjoys researching and he is full of facts about the lore of almost every kind of evil the boys meet.
DISLIKES: Sam does not like when people call him "Sammy", unless it is his brother Dean and definitely he hates clowns.
QUIRKS: Loves to work out and eat healthy to the dismay of his brother.


JOB DESCRIPTION: Hunt and kill supernatural beings.
SKILLSET: Good with knives, guns, and supernatural fighting objects.


Mary Winchester.
FATHER: John Winchester
BROTHER(S): Dean Winchester (full brother, living), Adam Winchester (half brother--resurrected by Zechariah)


I don't feel free. What we've done, what we've lost, right now, that is what I'm feeling, and sometimes it's like I can't even breathe. But maybe tomorrow. (...) Maybe I'll feel better in the morning."

Samuel "Sam" Winchester is the son of John and Mary Winchester & younger brother of bad boy supernatural hunter Dean Winchester. He was born May 2nd, 1983. He is named after his maternal grandfather (Samuel Campbell). His mother was killed on the night of his 6 month birthday when a demon engulfed her in flames. Sam then lived on the move with his father and brother learning to hunt supernatural beings. As Sam grew older the strain between he & his father intensified upon Sam's discovery of his brother and father's hunting of evil beings. After a while, he decided he no longer wanted to hunt and eventually left to go to Stanford University. It was there that he met his girlfriend Jessica Moore who was later killed by the very same demon that killed his mother. After this second tragedy in his life, he decided to team up with his brother Dean once again and hunt all supernatural evil in hopes of one day finding and killing the demon that plagued his life. Along the way, Sam began to realize he had certain powers within him. He began to have visions of the future and a kind of telekinesis that allowed him to move objects with his mind. Unsure of the extent of his powers and how to use them, Sam now lives on the road with his brother in search of the demon and answers to questions of his new abilities. After they killed yellow eyes, His powers were seemingly gone, but they were only dormant. He was killed by Jake Talley in 2007 after all of the special kids were gathered in an abandoned town in order for yellow eyes to figure out which of the children were the strongest. Sam was later revived when Dean sold his soul to a crossroads demon for Sam's life. After being unable to save his brother from his ultimate fate, Sam hunted erratically all while he searched for Lilith, The demon that held Dean's contract to hell. While Sam has a very gentle nature and kind spirit, Dean's death made him harder and it also opened him up to being manipulated by a demon to access the powers that yellow eyes gave to him. Even after Dean's return from hell, Sam was hellbent on revenge which led him to drinking demon blood to further his ability of being able to pull demons out of their human host. This allowed him to not only save the human (if their body was okay) but it eventually allowed him to kill upper level demons that were otherwise indestructible. This ability was used to ultimately kill Lilith and help free Lucifer from his cage in hell. Just as Dean was intended to be the vessel for the archangel, Michael. Sam was intended to be the vessel for Lucifer.
Samifer - MFEO

"It's Okay, Dean...I've Got Him."

Since the very beginning Sam knew there was a connection between him and Lucifer, a deep bond that could not be broken. But perhaps his faith in God and good things were blocking him from accepting the truth as it was, that him and Lucifer were and will always be MFEO, as Lucifer used to tell him. The Devil, like many call him, was not so Evil after all, he had his motives to act the way he did, to be mad at the entire world after all he had been through, being cast out for an unfair reason by God himself, his father, and locked in a prison for millennia. And the oddest is that Lucifer shows that he can understand the boy too, all the things Sam keeps for himself, the way he feels, he knows it all even when Sam is not pronouncing himself about it. But Sam Winchester and his denial screwed their relationship to a level that now a days it seems to be broken. Who can you blame for that? Both of them or the circumstances that lead them to this? So, we will see what the future holds for them, if they can be fixed. One thing is sure, they are still MFEO and no one can change that.

The Brotherhood

Sam is four years younger than his brother, Dean, and was always told from a young age to "watch out for Sammy". When a demon killed their mother, it was Dean who carried baby Sam out of the house. Dean was tasked as Sam's protector and, as a result, views himself as such. Thus, whenever their father John went out hunting, Dean would watch over Sam. He would cook and care for Sam as well as protect him while their father was out.

As the boys got older, Sam started asking questions about what kind of work their father does and why they always have to move around. Dean tells Sam that their dad is a superhero. Sam continues on by asking if it was because of their mother. Dean gets angry and leaves. He comes back later and gives Sam "dinner." Sam reveals to Dean that he found Dad's journal and asks if it's true. Dean tells Sam it's all true (except for Santa) and how Dad fights these monsters. Dean is essentially the one who showed Sam the truth about the world and all the supernatural creatures. Realizing Dad is probably not coming home because of the job, Sam goes to bed upset. Dean feels sorry for his brother and tries to make it up to him by stealing presents from other houses. Much to his luck however, they are all girl presents. Sam thanks Dean anyway, and gives him the necklace he was going to give to their father. Dean continues wearing this necklace until Season 5.

Sam and Dean also went to high school together for a year (Dean in Grade 12, Sam in Grade 9). Dean displays his protective nature again when Sam gets picked on by a bully in Truman High. Dean threatens to tear the kid's lungs out, but Sam stops him. Dean wonders why Sam didn't take this guy down himself (due to their combat training). Sam doesn't want to be "the weird kid" again, which appears to confuse Dean.

A year later, Sam is left alone when Dean and John go after a kitsune together. Sam helps gather information for them, and often talks to Dean on the phone. Sam later asks Dean for advice on how to talk to girls, and tries it when he attempts to talk to Amy Pond. Sometime after that, they continue hunting until Sam wants to go to college. Sam leaves and doesn't talk to Dean for two years.

One night, Sam returns home after a casual hunting with Dean, thinking that his hunting days can finally be over, when he discovers his girlfriend pinned to the ceiling with a slash across her chest. Her body then bursts into flames, which engulfs the entire place, the circumstances identical to the ones during his mother's death. Dean rushes in and sees Sam lying on the bed with a burning Jessica above him and drags Sam from the apartment, reminiscent of when he carried Sam out of his nursery when he was 6 months old. Now angry and wanting vengeance, Sam heads out with Dean, back on the job.

Sam and Dean travel around looking around for their father, but the trail goes cold.After that they continue their journey, even after they find out their father was investigating the yellow demon eyed, and that it costed him his life. Sam had a destiny to become Lucifer's vessel and Dean, Michael's vessel. At first, John revealed that secret about Sam's future only to Dean, thinking Dean could save his brother as he always did.

The road was ahead of them, they were the Winchesters brothers, they had a family business to keep on runing, and they went throught being The Archangel's vessel's, saving people and preventing the apocalypse and defeating God so many times, more than any regular human being should. Guess those two were born to be soldier, or cursed. You pick one. But one thing that can't be broken between them is they brotherhood, their bond. That's what makes them so strong, even if in the end they are going to go down fighting, they'll have their heads lifted with pride.

