Recent content by DazedandConfused

  1. D

    Hi! :)

    Welcome! Here's another question to help people get to know your RP style: What kind of pairings do you do? For example, MxM, MxF, FxF, or do you prefer to have characters be platonic with one another? ( :) )
  2. D

    Hello darkness my old friend, i've come to speak with you again. (For the first time.)

    Welcome! This is a pretty cool place, I'm sure you'll feel right at home soon enough. What genres of RP do you enjoy most? Or contrariwise, don't enjoy at all?
  3. D

    H-hi *bashfully waves*

    Hey, welcome! I just joined yesterday myself but everyone is very nice here and I've already got a few RPs in the works. You'll get into the swing of it soon enough! If you're interested in roleplaying, just let me know. I know you can't send PMs yet, but my twenty-four hour PM lockout is...
  4. D


    Hey! Good, thanks. Yourself? Yeah, I started out with *action* style roleplay, then one liners, then a few lines and onward. It was great fun, but I'm sure I never want to see anything I wrote at that time. It'd definitely be awful. (>P)
  5. D


    I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I'll do both at the same time. (' :| )
  6. D


  7. D

    I just noticed that my Avatar is reaching for the post candy-cane.

    It's a sign! I don't know of what … but it's definitely a sign! :o
  8. D

    Looking For 1x1's ~ I Bark, Not Bite

    Hey! I'd be interested in starting an MxM plot with you. If you'd like to message me, then we could perhaps get something going? I can't PM yet, unfortunately.
  9. D


    Thanks so much!
  10. D


    Thanks, guys. This looks to be an easily navigated place so I'm sure I'll get in the swing of it very soon. (:
  11. D

