Recent content by DarkHost

  1. DarkHost

    Death By Romance

    *The male didn't like this, everyone was watching him and he was trapped. Turning back at the girl, the male went toward her in a steady speed but his expression quickly changed as he felt himself losing control. Finally leering over her small frail body, the male bent down and tried to calm...
  2. DarkHost

    Death By Romance

    *Twisting and resisting was the only answer the make got causing him to get angrier at her. Just as he was going to throw her to the ground, the male got distracted by the people outside the barrier. Eyes clenched hard and soon the male went into a panic mode. Adrenaline whisked out again and...
  3. DarkHost

    Death By Romance

    *The males eyes widened and it back up more before he could realize he too was trapped. Slamming into the ward, the male bent down in pain for a moment before he doesn't banging on it. Panic rose in his mind and everything was becoming hazy. Turning around, the male saw the girl on the ground...
  4. DarkHost

    Gandora High (Accepting)

    (( I will try, but if she posts herself leaving already then ==" -Been trying to get caught up, and tight now I have to respond to some major rps :/ thank you very much~ ))
  5. DarkHost

    Gandora High (Accepting)

    ( Holy shiz....... =.=" this is what happens when I decide to leave for a day or two ......thanks, that was a lot of work and I appreciate it ~ )
  6. DarkHost

    Gandora High (Accepting)

    (-.- so lost. Is anyone willing to brief me on what is going on?)
  7. DarkHost

    Death By Romance

    *The male watched the girl as she was leaving him, slowly but eventually she was getting further away from him. Adrenaline which was pumping through his veins slowed to a stop as if something had blocked its way from spreading. Backing up as well, the male flicked his pocket knife back into...
  8. DarkHost

    Death By Romance

    *The male tightened his eyes as he held the girl still after her struggling. Not noticing the knife cut her, the male continued to press the knife closer to her to make her stop moving.*"I don't believe you. Why here, espiecally your friends? Want do you want from me?"*The man spoke in a quick...
  9. DarkHost

    Gandora High (Accepting)

    (( ooh, pretty :3 ))
  10. DarkHost

    Gandora High (Accepting)

    ( same here, can't see it U.U And man... Everyone is so powerful with ya skills and what not ;0 regrets making a male with no powers ~ )
  11. DarkHost

    Gandora High (Accepting)

    (( oh it doesn't ... :0 Ops.... I assumed it did, forgive me~ ))
  12. DarkHost

    Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

    *Rename eyes whipped toward the sound that spoke to him, catching her words he shifted his body almost in a protective way. Psychic. I see.... Rename cleared his mind to only minimal thoughts. His facial expressions slightly changed at the sudden change and facaded a smile.*"I see.. I will keep...
  13. DarkHost

    Gandora High (Accepting)

    ((Ah, I don't know about it being a boarding school.. :0 I guess so. And lol, yeah~ more variety ))
  14. DarkHost

    Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

    *Rename furrowed his eyebrows but he kept himself from dropping his jaw at the acknowledgement that this man might be more dangerous than he thought. Shifting and bending...Rename thought to keep this in his mind just in case he would have to engage in some sort of combat with this man. Seeing...
  15. DarkHost

    Gandora High (Accepting)

    (Hello, oh no of course not~ never to late... I hope ^.^" Just make ya chara here on this thread and Young Chaos or Nappy will approve of ya ;3 Basically, everyone is getting to know everyone under circumstances of classes or fighting against Hydras. So far everyone has met everyone, except...