Recent content by CinnamonShards

  1. CinnamonShards

    Some Ideas

    Sounds cool. :) PM me how you wanna spin it.
  2. CinnamonShards

    Some Ideas

    No preferred age for the main characters. :) Are we setting this in a neon and chrome technocracy? An Inquisitior ' s dungeon? A secret military base? I like the idea of them suffering for their parent ' s mistakes. Do we wanna inject them with super serum?
  3. CinnamonShards

    Some Ideas

    Well welcome to the site then, fuzzy. :) Do you know how you want to approach that scenario?
  4. CinnamonShards

    Some Ideas

    Fire away. ;)
  5. CinnamonShards

    Some Ideas

    I found two brain cells to rub together, and came up with a couple of scenarios. Send me a PM if one of them strikes your fancy. :) NOTES - I prefer to post from my phone while I'm at work, so my posts are usually short -not brainless or sloppy, just short. -I'd really like a partner who...
  6. CinnamonShards

    Keeping it Casual

    <p>Very cool. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=" :) " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> If you have a particular character or idea you wanna work with, feel free to shoot me a PM.</p>
  7. CinnamonShards

    Keeping it Casual

    Hey all. I've been taking a break from RP for the last few months to deal with some unexpected and fairly traumatic BS. Endlessly scrolling tumblr and reddit is starting to take a toll on my data plan and turn my brain into a potato, so I'm hoping to find someone cool to play typey make-believe...
  8. CinnamonShards

    Sorry for being that person who vanishes for months without a word. A friend got friendly with...

    Sorry for being that person who vanishes for months without a word. A friend got friendly with hard drugs, and I kinda forgot about RP.
  9. CinnamonShards

    Been drinking way too much caffeine lately. Time for a detox. All I have to do it survive until...

    Been drinking way too much caffeine lately. Time for a detox. All I have to do it survive until the withdrawal symptoms go away >>
  10. CinnamonShards

    TV & Film Cartoons you can't stand

    Ren and Stimpy. Ugh, I hate that show so much! >> Uggggggggggggh!!!!!
  11. CinnamonShards

    A Home by the Sea (With FreeMustang)

    Jack was quite familiar with the concept of picking your battles. He knew better than to debate the ethics of pork products or the scumminess of rodents with Anna. "Can I at least swap the vitamin water for a beer?" he sighed, hoping to negotiate a compromise. He stepped out onto the deck...
  12. CinnamonShards

    Maybe. I can always try again later :P

    Maybe. I can always try again later :P
  13. CinnamonShards

    I've been trying to make progress on the script for my VA, but lately I just sit down, stare at...

    I've been trying to make progress on the script for my VA, but lately I just sit down, stare at the screen, hate myself, then write an RP post instead. :/ Glad I'm not the only one though.
  14. CinnamonShards

    That feeling when everything you type looks like shit, and you just want to hide under a...

    That feeling when everything you type looks like shit, and you just want to hide under a porch...just me?
  15. CinnamonShards

    Insert Clever Title Here (hyacinth + cinnamonshards)

    The dishes were clean. The garden was tended. The wine was uncorked. Miranda poured slowly, savouring the colourful splashes and the wafting fragrance. She'd been saving it for just such a peaceful evening. The sky ran with shades of pale blue, salmon pink, and violet. Ribbons of cirrus clouds...