Recent content by CharlieBradbury

  1. CharlieBradbury

    Realistic or Modern ☠ሮኬኤዳራገቹ'ነ ዲዐይቺያራኢሂ ዦሀᎆፐ☠ [ignore post count]

    I can PM you. =) I also have discord for OOC if you're interested in talking plot out there. I may not get to it tonight but it's been a long day on 4 hours of sleep. Lol. So, I apologize for delay in responding. Yes. Lol. I get lazy in OOC sometimes with things, I will admit. xD And for sure...
  2. CharlieBradbury

    Realistic or Modern ☠ሮኬኤዳራገቹ'ነ ዲዐይቺያራኢሂ ዦሀᎆፐ☠ [ignore post count]

    Of course. Pm me with some basic ideas or just something you would like to have in the rp and we can get started. I have a twincest rp idea that can be f// and royalty, albeit modern and has to do with vamps. If that's okay. The base idea can be done without the vampires but i figured I'd...
  3. CharlieBradbury

    Realistic or Modern ☠ሮኬኤዳራገቹ'ነ ዲዐይቺያራኢሂ ዦሀᎆፐ☠ [ignore post count]

    Annnnd a fun little bump to see if there's any new people out there. 
  4. CharlieBradbury

    Realistic or Modern ☠ሮኬኤዳራገቹ'ነ ዲዐይቺያራኢሂ ዦሀᎆፐ☠ [ignore post count]

    Just a casual little bump to say I am still searching. 
  5. CharlieBradbury

    Pumpkin pull apart bread is now pumkin fall apart mushroom monster looking bread. D= I didn't...

    Pumpkin pull apart bread is now pumkin fall apart mushroom monster looking bread. D= I didn't realize this dough would rise so much and now it's like... Ugh... Next time, I will just make 2 loafs... fml. 
  6. CharlieBradbury

    Finished most of the wrapping.  D= gosh that took FOREVER!

    Finished most of the wrapping.  D= gosh that took FOREVER!
  7. CharlieBradbury

    I am currently wrapping christmas gifts! I may not reply quickly/for a little while 

    I am currently wrapping christmas gifts! I may not reply quickly/for a little while 
  8. CharlieBradbury

    Alrighty, Y'all! I'm out for the night to catch some Z's! :x

    Alrighty, Y'all! I'm out for the night to catch some Z's! :x