Recent content by CatVortex

  1. CatVortex

    Do you mind if I PM you with my sort of idea of a plot?

    Do you mind if I PM you with my sort of idea of a plot?
  2. CatVortex

    Alright, I'll be heading off to bed now, but we can talk more about this tomorrow

    Alright, I'll be heading off to bed now, but we can talk more about this tomorrow
  3. CatVortex

    I do enjoy fantasy and adventure. Do you have a plot in mind or would you like to come up with one?

    I do enjoy fantasy and adventure. Do you have a plot in mind or would you like to come up with one?
  4. CatVortex

    Sure! What genres are you into?

    Sure! What genres are you into?
  5. CatVortex

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello! I have been roleplaying for over a year now, and I'm excited to try this site out :3