Recent content by Bram181

  1. Bram181

    Colosseum Terran Academy for Warfare (External Page)

    The Terran Academy for Warfare is a virtual simulation of a military academy. It is aimed to share and teach expiriences and knowledge of private persons about warfare and the military in a realistic atmosphere. The Academy searches for: - Amateur Commanders - Roleplayers - Wargamers Or...
  2. Bram181

    Realistic or Modern Terran Academy for Warfare (External Page)

    The Terran Academy for Warfare is a virtual simulation of a military academy. It is aimed to share and teach expiriences and knowledge of private persons about warfare and the military in a realistic atmosphere. The Academy searches for: - Amateur Commanders - Roleplayers - Wargamers...
  3. Bram181

    Being perfect is defined through the absence of perfection and flawlessness.

    Being perfect is defined through the absence of perfection and flawlessness.
  4. Bram181

    Introduction of Myself

    Haha thanks. Already started reading? :P So what would be your idea of a GoT RP?
  5. Bram181


    Sure. Good night.
  6. Bram181


    You can´t lose anything, not even time ^^ My second reading it, I finished one time when Total War: Rome 2 released, the rounds took so long, I could read while the other factions were running through and finished a book within a week :D
  7. Bram181

    Futuristic For the Emperor!

    It sounds pretty interesting. Though there could be more details. I have once designed a fictional crusade, but never been able to play it.
  8. Bram181


    I read the books two times now and watched the TV show for several times. The books are well written and much better than the show, you have much more input info. Even if you know 'everything', you don´t read the original novel and the actions and descriptions around it ^^ It is worth the try...
  9. Bram181


    Shame, if you like the lore you should read them. If you are too lazy, listen to audiobooks :D
  10. Bram181


    Sure. So I have to ask, you read the books? :D
  11. Bram181


    Oh GoT is very realisitc, I enjoy ASoIaF. Was already in some roleplays about it, was always funny ^^
  12. Bram181


    Well, I prefer realisitc stuff. Not necessarily real, but realistic.
  13. Bram181

    ^^ hello

    Welcome to RP-Nation :)
  14. Bram181


    So am I :D I jsut joined a few minutes ago and now trying to get my 10 posts to use this in its whole
  15. Bram181


    Welcome to RP-Nation :)