Recent content by Blondiemon

  1. Blondiemon

    Apparently I'm a lady

    Apparently I'm a lady
  2. Blondiemon


  3. Blondiemon

    Appartently I'm a lady

    Appartently I'm a lady
  4. Blondiemon

    Everything has a start...

    If you don't already have too many rps going, I'd be interested. I absolutely love medieval fantasy. I can flick you a PM so we can discuss details if you're up for it.
  5. Blondiemon

    Who wants to go to Straight Camp? (MxM)

    This sounds extremely interesting! PM if you're still looking for a partner for this roleplay.
  6. Blondiemon

    Th person who got me into RPing has ended our roleplay after 3 great years filled with drama...

    Th person who got me into RPing has ended our roleplay after 3 great years filled with drama, love and tears. Thank you for the friendship
  7. Blondiemon

    Sometimes you've just got to shift out of the light and into the dark.

    Sometimes you've just got to shift out of the light and into the dark.
  8. Blondiemon

    100 years on. Lest We Forget

    100 years on. Lest We Forget
  9. Blondiemon


    I've been craving another werewolf RP lately! Some of the other pairing sound pretty interesting as well so if you're still looking for partners, let me know.
  10. Blondiemon

    Thank you. We love having the road flooded when we need to cross.

    Thank you. We love having the road flooded when we need to cross.
  11. Blondiemon

    Holidays are almost over and they have been so unproductive.

    Holidays are almost over and they have been so unproductive.
  12. Blondiemon

    Stress from exams and now THIS news?! I cannot handle all of this.

    Stress from exams and now THIS news?! I cannot handle all of this.
  13. Blondiemon

    Two more exams and I'm done!

    Two more exams and I'm done!
  14. Blondiemon

    First official exam is tomorrow morning :O

    First official exam is tomorrow morning :O
  15. Blondiemon

    Exams start next week and I'm stressing. Bare with me.

    Exams start next week and I'm stressing. Bare with me.