Recent content by blink0623

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    Fandom Once Upon a Time...

    ((Need a Killian?))
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    Fantasy Sail

    "I like you're thinking. You're a sharp man." He smiled at him and guided his hand over his hook, "I'm not opposed to killing for this treasure, mate. I hope you aren't either." The sound of the dogs heavy paws running across his deck hit his ears. They were bloody beasts. Despite his...
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    Eternity Calls

    Is this RP still going?
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    @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t You are definitely needed. Quickly!
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    Fantasy Sail

    "Ah, thank you mate." He took the flask and drank deeply. He sighed happily and handed it to him, "You display good form. And honor. I like that." He clapped him on the shoulder as he stood up. He looked at the damage to the mast and frowned, "Hate to say it, but Dulio got you good." "Now...
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    Fantasy Sail

    Killian listened to him and nodded. His men helped him up the ladder. Having one hand and a hook was a disadvantage in this aspect. He finally made over the railing and looked down at his men. They saluted him and sat back on the boat. Killian strode over to Connor and clapped him on the back...
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    Fantasy Sail

    "Oh, come on lass. Please?" He said softly and trailed kisses down her neck. He stopped and looked at her. She was really not wanting to. He stood up and helped her up. "You know where to find me." He winked at her. Even as a drunk pirate he didn't force himself on a woman. He had a code and...
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    Fantasy Sail

    He pulled her in and shut the door. He guided her to a chair then sat in his, nearly missing it. He tried to keep his composure as he looked at her. "My father is a bloody fool." He waved his hand at nothing, "You, lass, are not with child. It's impossible. So there's nothing to discuss." He...
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    Fantasy Sail

    Killian was drunk, ridiculously so. It was okay with him. He was forgetting all of his worries one by one. He played with his hook as he hummed. No more women in his life. They were trouble. He laughed at himself. There would be lots of women. As the knock came, he slowly snapped his hook on...
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    Killian called out to him to bring his ship around. He has men, lumber, and tools waiting for him.
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    No more replies guys?
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    1x1 partner

    Hi! I'm looking for a few partners to RP with. I have an Achilles' tendon injury so I'm down for a bit. I would like something to pass the time. Here's a few things about it: - No anime - I only do MxF - I ask for 2-3 paragraphs minimum - I'm hoping you're willing to do lemon scenes...
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    Follow me on Twitter! @Irishlass_92

    Follow me on Twitter! @Irishlass_92
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    Fantasy Sail

    Killian Jones He kept his eyes locked on Penelope. The more he thought about it, the more he willed himself not to believe it. He had bedded loads of women. Not one of them told him they were with child. Not that he ever saw very many of them again. Or that they would ever tell someone they...
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    Fantasy Sail

    Davy Jones He was watching, always watching. His vessel, the Flying Dutchman, navigated along the sea floor waiting for pirates with black hearts to come to him. They would join his crew of dead men and live in a hell like he did. There was no rest. There would never be rest. This day he...