Recent content by BlackNinja16

  1. BlackNinja16

    Fantasy Character forms for supernatural high

  2. BlackNinja16

    Fantasy Character forms for supernatural high

    Name:  Nickname (if applies): Gender: Age: Species: Power/Gift: Likes: Dislikes: Appearance: Good or Bad or Neutral: Bio:
  3. BlackNinja16

    Fantasy Character forms for supernatural high

    Here are the character forms for Supernatural High.
  4. BlackNinja16

    Fantasy Supernatural High

    Welcome to Supernatural high. Here you can learn to master your powers and battle your enemies. Before you can get accepted you need to fill out a character form. Just go to the menu and click on character form. Have fun!
  5. BlackNinja16

    Fantasy The story that depends on what you do

    Sirena gazed at the beach. She didn't know why but the beach always made her feel better. 
  6. BlackNinja16

    Fantasy The Inner Circle

    this post was deleted 
  7. BlackNinja16

    Fantasy The Inner Circle

    This post was deleted 
  8. BlackNinja16

    Fantasy The story that depends on what you do

    Once upon a time....  The world was beautiful and healthy, because of the seven elements of magic. The people who controlled them are.... Alexa , the goddess of air , Thalia godess of ice, Ethan God of earth, Nathan God of shadows, Laura the godess of Water, Magnus, God of fire, and Liah...
  9. BlackNinja16

    Fantasy The story that depends on what you do

    This is YOUR story the possibility of each ending is endless that is all I can say. Enjoy your adventure 