Recent content by Bi0S

  1. Bi0S

    Other Random question of the day

  2. Bi0S

    Other Random question of the day

    They're no better, no worse, just different.
  3. Bi0S

    Other Random question of the day

    I don't know if he's considered a celebrity, or even the douche-ist, but Jake Paul gets on my nerves. Every time I see a video about him, my lip raises. He's just obnoxious. Everything about him, I hate.
  4. Bi0S

    Other What would you most like advice and help in when doing writing?

    I'd like to be able to write more unique descriptions, more poetic. I'm working on it, but it really is mostly learning new words.
  5. Bi0S

    Opinion Cats Or Dogs?

    Cats. I hate the smell of dogs. I hate the sound of dogs, barking/whining/panting. I hate having to take it for walks. I put food and water in a dish, scoop poop from a single location and never have to have it in my hand, and I don't have something that is constantly desperate for...
  6. Bi0S

    O-mikuji Fortune Lottery

    Great Good Luck for that BBCode design
  7. Bi0S

    Other Random question of the day

    I've been watching a lot of Scare Tactics on Netflix and enjoying myself. I guess I like them. :lenny:
  8. Bi0S

    Other Random question of the day

    I am the night.
  9. Bi0S

    As your current Avatar, How would you kill the users avatar below you?

    Unleash the army of 1,000 squirrels upon their person and home. At dawn, WE RIDE!!!
  10. Bi0S

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

    5 :lenny:
  11. Bi0S

    Multiple Settings Seasons - Long-Term

  12. Bi0S

    Other How do y'all deal with being overweight?

    I think it makes sense and is good advice.
  13. Bi0S

    Journal Thoughts From a Cigarette

    Browsing Halloween costumes a while back, I found one of Guy Fieri. Of course they can't call it Guy Fieri because of copyright reasons, despite it obviously being Guy Fieri, so it's labeled as 'The Governor of Tasteville'. Well if that didn't tickle me pink. Being the person I am, I've been...
  14. Bi0S

    Viewpoint Do you use the LGTBQ Friendly sub genre? Why or why not?

    That makes sense to me. I think it can act as two things since, from what I'm reading through these posts, there seems to be two main standpoints being taken. People who see it as a sub-genre only, and people who see it as an inclusivity notification. There doesn't currently appear to be a...
  15. Bi0S

    Other Random question of the day

    With that exact face too. 🤣