Recent content by Bandicat

  1. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    It's fine! Don't worry -w- Thank you for clearing it up I'm always worried everytime I reply. I'm just like "What if [insert thing to do with writing and story] isn't that good/not correct," lol
  2. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    035 was mesmerized by the events taking place, but the gunshots broke his trance. If it's who he believed it to be, then they needed to leave. 3657 could work her magic, but they were always ready to shoot-on-sight, and 035 didn't know if 3657 could beat their reaction time. Plus, what about the...
  3. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    Question: Are the gun-shots coming from a nine-tailed-fox unit? and explain 'it bore into the party's residents'. Just want to make sure I'm getting the right idea lol
  4. Bandicat

    I hate being in love. It sucks. Heck, I don't even know what I'm feeling but I know I want to...

    I hate being in love. It sucks. Heck, I don't even know what I'm feeling but I know I want to hug this person a lot, and I hate it.
  5. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    "3657... Might you want to use your 'persuasion' on these bears? To save our new companions?" 035 asked. These two wouldn't hurt a fellow SCP, but he wondered if they could sense the human that's left on Lyssa, and if they could... well... he dreaded to think. It's not that he particularly cared...
  6. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    If the teddy bear is who I think it is... Oh no. If it's A or C we're doomed
  7. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    "Well, you learn to live with it. I'd rather a human than nothing at all." He replied. He'd always wondered what it would be like to take over something other than a human, but it was beyond his capabilities, surprisingly. He gently pet the hissing Lyssa "Now's not the time to be making...
  8. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    I was planning on bringing 049 along for the ride at some point X)
  9. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    I'm going to start using names rather than just 'the cat' lol
  10. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    "They seem to be," He sighed "So 3657 is it? What might you be doing here then?" He asked whilst absentmindedly picking up Lyssa; now wasn't the time to be unprofessional in-front of a threat, and now certainly wasn't the time to loose what trace of human you had left. He guessed that this...
  11. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    He shook his head "and what would you do, even if you had the gun? Hm? From my knowledge, I don't think a gun would provide much help, especially not now," He knew what she was doing, but he couldn't just leave a conversation; 035 had unfortunately gained manners during his host time. "A good...
  12. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    Gosh, I've got writers-block today! DX
  13. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    The sudden voice was quite the surprise, but 035 recognized the tone. 035 let out a somewhat dry chuckle, noticing that 'SCP-795' was sat next to the hissing 'cat' "What have you gotten yourself into now, my dear?" He made his way towards the two cats "And it was a member of the guard who let...
  14. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    @AriaPsiana389 Ready to meet SCP-035?
  15. Bandicat

    Fandom Signs - An SCP RP

    035 made his way out of his chamber. Finally, maybe this was his chance to be free. He scanned the halls, making sure that any resistance or obstacle between him and freedom wasn't waiting for him. The only significant things he could see were scorched remains and burnt walls down the right...