Recent content by B00kwyrm

  1. B00kwyrm

    Fandom Avatar: Last Air Bender (Looking for a "male" partner)

    Hello are you still interested?
  2. B00kwyrm

    Fandom Avatar: Last Air Bender (Looking for a "male" partner)

    I generally prefr my charas to be OCs, easier like that vause I dont have to channel them xD Gah I thought I responded but turns out I didn't! How would you like to do this?
  3. B00kwyrm

    Fandom Avatar: Last Air Bender (Looking for a "male" partner)

    When would this be taking place? Korra? Aang? Before that? XD;; I'm interested but I don't do romance though unless I'm pretty familiar with the player and know they can separate IC and OOC well enough. I've had too many bad experiences regarding that x.x
  4. B00kwyrm

    Fandom Dragon Age Romance Oc Rp?

    Hmm maybe one x one, since I'm not trying that out xD
  5. B00kwyrm

    Fandom Dragon Age Romance Oc Rp?

    Both are fine either way! I'll let you pick. Could I trouble you to set the setting and starting post as well? I think I'll go with the noble... he's more dynamic than my mage in a way... mostly cause I'm used to playing my mage as a grumpy paternal figure xD
  6. B00kwyrm


    Hmmm someone from the orphanage rp? :P *is more of a paper book dragon*
  7. B00kwyrm


    Thank you! I'm usually a slow rper so I hope I can be forgiven. Not the most eloquent either xD; but I enjoy it nevertheless... just hope its acceptable for people ^^;
  8. B00kwyrm

    Fantasy Dragon Age

    hai I see dragon age, I show up
  9. B00kwyrm

    Fandom Dragon Age Romance Oc Rp?

    Hmm I'm interested in dragon age though I'm not one for romance rp. A general one would suit me just fine. I got a few characters for another rp that I can use. One who escaped from Kirkwall circle prior to DA2 and became a warden, another who is a free marcher noble who was sent to Orlais to...
  10. B00kwyrm


    Dragon age and Fantastic Beasts Fan here! :D Nice to meet you all