Recent content by August Reign

  1. August Reign

    Viewpoint What do your characters have in common?

    This is a fun question. While I do believe that most, if not all of my characters are fairly different from one another, I believe every single one has an aspect of my moral beliefs and/or desires engraved in them. One of my first characters was, what I defined at the time,a total badass. She...
  2. August Reign

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello all! I just realized the old Introductions were archived, so here I am to update my intro. My name is August Reign. I'm a up and coming cosplayer, artist, seamstress, and overall crafty person. I work part time at a paint store (currently) and am a referee for an awesome laser tag...
  3. August Reign

    I'm just playing. Keep up the good work. :)

    I'm just playing. Keep up the good work. :)
  4. August Reign

    Thanks, Peter. You got something for me?

    Thanks, Peter. You got something for me?
  5. August Reign

    You know it. I'm back from a hiatus on another planet.

    You know it. I'm back from a hiatus on another planet.
  6. August Reign

    Other What was 'The Incident' at your school?

    There were a few events that happened in my high school that everyone knew about. The Vending Machine Basically, without going too much into detail, there was a sexual encounter between two students during class hours. Somehow they both wedged themselves behind the vending machine, which there...
  7. August Reign

    Fantasy Askew - Lore and Mechanic 1x1

    Riven turned his head, the separation curtain between the cell and Lady Nero's room opening abruptly. He quickly took his hand from Par's, so as to not cause suspicion further in his captor's mind. The sun just barely trickled into the area, causing him to squint a moment at the sudden change in...
  8. August Reign

    Fantasy Askew - Lore and Mechanic 1x1

    Riven tossed a bit in the bed, not as comfortable as his own used to be. He was more accustomed to sleeping in the streets than cell beds, but it was better than the cold stone below. The chain rang a little bit, the thief tossing it into a more comfortable position. He needn't worry about Par...
  9. August Reign

    Fantasy Askew - Lore and Mechanic 1x1

    Riven exchanged looks with Par, giving her a shrug at the situation. He let out a sigh, playing with the chains a moment to put him at a good spot for rest. Par watched him as he lay down, knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep on his own. She'd have to set him down, make sure she watched over him...
  10. August Reign

    Fantasy Askew - Lore and Mechanic 1x1

    Riven snatched his attention from his ghostly bond and instead turned towards the sound of heavy boots on the stone. Lady Nero had returned. He watched her as she came in, eyeing him like a guilty party. Had she overheard their conversation? No, that was impossible. Par was only a figure to him...
  11. August Reign

    Fantasy Askew - Lore and Mechanic 1x1

    Par had looked blankly at him as he explained the difference between a hunter and a thief. It clearly distraught him so, but she was unsure of how to react. Yes, she had seen him like this before, and her reaction was to take him somewhere else, somewhere new. Perhaps... there was a different...
  12. August Reign

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    OMG that's so much better than Amy
  13. August Reign

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    Wait, there was a NEW Barbie movie? Was it the stupid "Life in the Dreamhouse" thing or another one of their "original films" that they're ripping off of themselves from the golden age of Barbie Movies?
  14. August Reign

    Fantasy Askew - Lore and Mechanic 1x1

    Her sudden haste caught the thief's attention, and he stopped playing with the bread. Setting it on the plate, he stood up to meet Lady Nero at the cell bars. "What's wrong?" He placed his hands around a couple of the rungs, but his question was never answered. She just darted out the door with...
  15. August Reign

    Chitchat What is the dialect/slang like where you live?

    Another Michigander here. We don't even pronounce the letter T in most of our words. Like in Mountain Dew, we say something like Mound'n Deiw (or if you're like me, you don't even pronounce the D/T. I end up with "moun'n".) Apparently we also say a lot of "Ope"s. I have done it myself, this is...