Recent content by AndPeggy

  1. AndPeggy

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    I'm sorry, I know people like to draw their characters instead of using outside reference pictures but. Some people just draw sooo badly. I'd rather have a good written description of the character instead of a terrible drawing as a faceclaim.
  2. AndPeggy

    Viewpoint Banned Face Claims?

    For my RP personally, I don't allow FCs of very well known celebrities. It just really takes me out of it to see like Jason Momoa or Scarlet Johansson as a character.
  3. AndPeggy

    Experiences Go-to personality to roleplay?

    I like to play a lot of brash, bombastic, and charismatic characters that aren't entirely super nice and intelligent, because most RPs I've found are usually missing a personality like that. I've gotten pretty good at it!
  4. AndPeggy

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    This is my biggest annoyance and so SO many people do this! Someone finally said what I've been trying to say in a better way than I could say it: "I dislike when people have their characters ask multiple things and also respond to multiple things in one post, and then the other character has...
  5. AndPeggy

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    This RP I'm in where no one actually RPs, but they do make new characters every day just to never use them. I've been waiting for a response to my post for a week, and in that time the person I'm waiting on has made 4 new characters and is still trying to think of new ones.
  6. AndPeggy

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    This is actually a really unpopular opinion I've learned. It's really hard to find people that just want to improvise. So many rpers get so excited about plotting instead of actually writing, and I've had people get ANGRY at me for not wanting to plot out a romance in a group RP before the RP...
  7. AndPeggy

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    Ahhhhh very this. I tend to bullshit most of the sheets (especially the bio) because I want to get them done but also because every time I make a character, when I play them there's so much I want to change later. I'm a huge fan of character sheets without a personality section or a bio...
  8. AndPeggy

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    I'm so over character bios in profiles. I'm tired of spending all day writing them just for it to be shit that I want to change later.
  9. AndPeggy

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    Ok I get that you 'have a life', but if you have literally no spare time and are not interested in making time to post - don't join (and especially don't create) a group RP!!!
  10. AndPeggy

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    I'm so tired of trying to accommodate new people in my group RPs when they won't even put in any amount of effort to participate. When someone new puts in the effort to make a profile and talk to us OOC, I'm so excited. I do everything I can to get them started on the story, even so far as to...
  11. AndPeggy

    Viewpoint For group RPers: what's your favorite RP "genre?"

    I love medieval fantasy adventures, where a group of people, usually a bunch of misfits, get together to find a treasure or save the world.
  12. AndPeggy

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    This might actually be a popular opinion but it's so common to see him any kind of RP: I just really dislike the stereotypes commonly given to gay characters where small-statured/pretty/shy=bottom and large/muscular/angry=top. Homosexuality is already super fetishized in the RP community but...
  13. AndPeggy

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    I'd want to do a rp set specifically in the same world as final fantasy 9 but only with original characters. I'm old.
  14. AndPeggy

    Experiences Is it safe to come back?

    Those genres have always been popular. Take a look around and see what's there and if you don't see anything you like, make your own RP and maybe others will share your interests. Be the change you want to see in the world.
  15. AndPeggy

    Character Theory What are the most common tropes in character creation right now?

    I don't know if it's the same person doing this everywhere I go but almost every RP with RL face claims has a bodybuilding lesbian character and also one or more viking-looking white dudes (once I saw a RP that had 3 of them and I think two were the same model.) It's not exactly a trope, maybe...