Recent content by amashz

  1. amashz

    South Park

    bump (mainly to get 10 posts!)
  2. amashz

    South Park

    I got stick of truth for christmas, I love it~ x')
  3. amashz

    South Park

    another bump, i could put out some plot ideas maybe??
  4. amashz

    South Park

    bumping again.
  5. amashz

    South Park

    I realized why I've not been able to pm people is because the 24 hour rule, haha... > u>; That explains some things to me.
  6. amashz

    South Park

    bump 17640
  7. amashz

    South Park

  8. amashz

    South Park

    I wouldn't mind Staig. Though Creek is also really good too... Especially with the resent episodes. Hmmm, I mean we could do Creek too. I am not picky.
  9. amashz

    South Park

    Alright good, do you have a preference to which coupling or characters you'd prefer? I've been into south park since it came out, i was in the third grade. I've grown up with the kids, so yeah lol. Do you have a speific couple you'd like or a character you want to play?
  10. amashz

    South Park

    QUICK FACTS twenty six i'd prefer a partner out of high school, i feel weird talking to minors. aries wisconsin/central timezone i roleplay a lot on gaia online, but its kinda dead in south park fandom. platform order: tumblr = google docs = pms > email > thread. pretty casual, you...