Recent content by Alike

  1. Alike

    A Demon Among Us

    "Plans?" Marino repeatedly incredulously. Admittedly, he had washed his hair that morning for the first time in like, four days - but was this woman actually into him? He offered her a half smile, aiming for interested but probably landing on apologetic. Damn, drop the act, dude! "I'm sorry,"...
  2. Alike

    A Demon Among Us

    If the sudden heat spreading to his ears was any indication that Marino probably should have kept his mouth shut, he tried not to acknowledge it. "I-I'm not, uh, good..." He swiftly took the candy that was dropped on the counter from the children. He barely even bothered to count the assortment...
  3. Alike

    A Life Worth A Thousand Dollars

    Watching Wiz launch herself out of the window, Flora was already tired. Tired and panicked. How could this chick be so calm in a situation like this? Flora had no clue what was going on - there could be a shooter in the school, it could be a literal zombie apocalypse! "Um..." she blinked. She...
  4. Alike

    A Demon Among Us

    Marino blinked. "Wait! I -" he blurted out of nowhere to the woman who...who was minding her own business? Marino had no idea why he had called out to her, but somehow he had been unable to keep his eyes off her as soon as she entered the store. Okay, weird. Come on, please have an internal...
  5. Alike

    A Demon Among Us

    So, yes. Marino did live in a small(ish) town and yes, he did work at his parents mini mart. Marino pushed his fingers through his now shoulder length hair and set them back on the task of steadily drumming a beat on the cash register counter top. Beneath his fingers were lotto tickets under the...
  6. Alike

    One x One A Demon Among Us

    @Alike, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  7. Alike

    One x One A Demon Among Us

    @Alike, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  8. Alike

    A Demon Among Us

    Cool, where do you want to start? @TheOnlyCatbug
  9. Alike

    one on one Fantasy rp wanted!

    Yuhs! I'll PM you!
  10. Alike

    one on one Fantasy rp wanted!

    I'm pretty flexible with male or female characters, if you would like to start a onexone @TheOnlyCatbug ? Or @Audrin Heartly? I just want to rp ;-;
  11. Alike

    A Life Worth A Thousand Dollars

    "G-go check?!" she stumbled over her words, half skeptical and offended that this girl was ordering her around. "If what I think is happening is happening, it is obviously not okay to split up! Splitting up is always how people die, are you kidding me?" Flora took several steps away from Wiz and...
  12. Alike

    one on one Fantasy rp wanted!

    ooh! What's the plot? I would be up for a onexone w you, if you want! Or even all 3 of us :)
  13. Alike

    A Life Worth A Thousand Dollars

    Flora might be confused and incredibly suspicious of this girl with literal super hearing, but she was not stupid. As soon as she heard the mention of "knife," she quickly relocated herself behind Wiz and made sure at least 80% of her body was covered by this crazy, maybe mysterious girl. "Okay...
  14. Alike

    A Life Worth A Thousand Dollars

    ((wow so I lost my post because of the maintenance D: but I'm redoing it now ))
  15. Alike

    A Life Worth A Thousand Dollars

    "Who - what..." It was taking Flora a minute to catch up, but she quickly scrambled to her feet and followed Wiz back toward the chemistry lab. "Um! I knew it! I heard the screaming and I thought it was in my head because my stupid little brother forced me to watch a really scary movie with...