Recent content by alcoholicCatfish

  1. alcoholicCatfish

    Looking for active RP partners! {Always Open}

    Of course! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧
  2. alcoholicCatfish

    Looking for active RP partners! {Always Open}

    *raises hand slowly* :DD I'm in sort of the same situation as you, and I'm also open to roleplaying a lot of things.
  3. alcoholicCatfish

    Vocaloid RP

    Is China Vocaloid allowed? *twiddles thumbs nervously* If so, may I be Yuezheng Ling? Name: Yuezheng Ling ?? ? Nickname: Ling, Yue, answers to most names. Age: 16 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Likes: Music, big fluffy things Dislikes: People who don't have a solid opinion...