Recent content by 1Shot1Squee

  1. 1Shot1Squee

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    Literally just an anime noise mixed with a line a unit in a video game says.
  2. 1Shot1Squee

    Music Can someone recommend me some bands?

    The City's Finest We The Kings Artist vs Poet Get Scared Might be a few to look into if you're interested
  3. 1Shot1Squee

    Anime & Manga Your first EVER anime! ^^

    Outlaw Star. Holds a special place in my heart. 💙
  4. 1Shot1Squee

    Music favorite songs at the moment?

    Right!? His music videos are really sick too. They're awesome
  5. 1Shot1Squee

    Literature What are you currently reading?

    I'm bouncing around a bunch but atm it's; The Disappearing Spoon - Sam Kean Godsgrave - Jay Kristoff Igniting The Fire, The Art of Romantic Submission - Master Arcane
  6. 1Shot1Squee

    Music favorite songs at the moment?

    Stay and Decay - Unlike Pluto Overkill - RIOT Bad Habits - KUURO The Search - NF Suffocate - Kayzo Blck - VRSTY Rock Bottom - grandson Just to name a few :)
  7. 1Shot1Squee

    Other What Purpose Do You Think You Have Right Now?

    To find peace. Or die since that's the closest I've come to finding it. 👍
  8. 1Shot1Squee

    Sorry for everyone I lost contact with in private rps. My depression kind of tanked and just...

    Sorry for everyone I lost contact with in private rps. My depression kind of tanked and just fell off the world for a bit. Back though! Sorry again :(
  9. 1Shot1Squee

    Literature Favourite author/poet?

    Think it's between Arthur Guiterman and Ace Combat 5's poem over the Razgriz Legend. 👌
  10. 1Shot1Squee

    Other Random question of the day

    Tiny creatures called 'children' fuel the damnable channels like that
  11. 1Shot1Squee

    Other Someone convince me

    What is this other site o.o
  12. 1Shot1Squee

    Viewpoint What is one thing you wish to roleplay, without getting judged?

    Always wanted to roleplay depression and the difficulties of suicide but I'm afraid it might hit too close to home
  13. 1Shot1Squee

    Other Post Fun Facts About Yourself

    Most of my joints are 'double-jointed'. Though the weirdest part is both of my pinkies are severely crooked inward. I can straighten them out but they bend unnaturally and just pop back into position. According to my family I somehow conversed with my deceased aunt as a child. I have no...
  14. 1Shot1Squee

    Other Fears?

    I have a fear of heights, mirrors, the dark and of Black/Dark water. Use to have a fear of literally dying but not anymore. Though at the same time it's fun confronting them and experiencing an adrenaline rush from doing so. It's weird.
  15. 1Shot1Squee

    Other Would you date yourself?

    Definitely not. I'm too mentally unstable in many aspects. I'd just feed off the negativity and dark humor of myself until there was nothing left. I'd just keep me around for the sexual aspects of it all.