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Fantasy Godling Academy

Torri stood in front of the schools main building, sniffing the air and blushing at the mix of smells. "I'm so hungry! He could have at least sent me with a snack!" She howled, whimpering as she started blindly following her nose. "I need something to eat...it took me forever to walk here!" Holding her bag to her chest Torri tried to stay focused, she knew that a teacher or staff member was supposed to meet her but she didn't know who they were or where she was supposed to go.

Lauren 'Artemis' Harper
On the days Lauren found herself not having to teach she often went out for a good hunt. However today she had been tasked with greeting a new student. Lauren loved meeting new people, and the new student was her own daughter. 'I hope she does me well!'

As Lauren stood waiting atop the stairs at the entrance of the main building, she could sense someones footsteps nearing the front gate of the school. They seemed, almost, lost. Lauren took it upon herself to walk down the steps towards the gate. As she rounded the corner she saw a young girl embracing her bag..

"Ah you must be Torri!" Lauren called out to the girl. A warm smile spread across Lauren's face as she quickly noticed the girls resemblance to her. "I am Artemis, your mother. It's always a pleasure to meet my children!" Lauren turned around and raised her arms towards the front door. "This, is Godling Academy. Welcome young one. I'm sure you will do wonderfully here my dear." She turned back to the girl. "If you have any questions feel free to ask!" She said with a smile.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Lauren 'Artemis' Harper
On the days Lauren found herself not having to teach she often went out for a good hunt. However today she had been tasked with greeting a new student. Lauren loved meeting new people, and the new student was her own daughter. 'I hope she does me well!'

As Lauren stood waiting atop the stairs at the entrance of the main building, she could sense someones footsteps nearing the front gate of the school. They seemed, almost, lost. Lauren took it upon herself to walk down the steps towards the gate. As she rounded the corner she saw a young girl embracing her bag..

"Ah you must be Torri!" Lauren called out to the girl. A warm smile spread across Lauren's face as she quickly noticed the girls resemblance to her. "I am Artemis, your mother. It's always a pleasure to meet my children!" Lauren turned around and raised her arms towards the front door. "This, is Godling Academy. Welcome young one. I'm sure you will do wonderfully here my dear." She turned back to the girl. "If you have any questions feel free to ask!" She said with a smile.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Children? So does that mean....wait I have brothers or sisters?" Torri paused for a few moments trying to get her thoughts all in a row before asking "I have a lot of questions, too many to ask while we just walk...and then theres...this place is huge!" nearly Dropping her bag and ruffling her hair as she grew frustrated, she had not imagined that she would meet her mother, especially where she would be attending school. Picking her place up momentarily to catch up to Artemis "Mom.....I mean...Artemis...wait, what would you prefer I call you? And where can I eat?" Bombarding Artemis with questions just like an excited child, all the while her ears twitched, listening to every voice around her.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
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Alaric Swift
Alaric watched as Argus pulled the cart of bronze along the roads of Rome. "I don't have any special abilities, at least none I'm aware of." he said casually. "And I will try to be discreet." And he genuinely meant it. Not all missions required a straight forward approach. Sometimes it was better to slit a few throats in the night than to charge into a neighborhood, guns blazing, looking for a fight. While he might not have fully grasped what Argus meant by discreet, he was definitely going to try to be. Now all they had to do was find the Romans.

Argus had mentioned a Coliseum as the most likely location for the roman camp. Unfortunately for Alaric, these words meant very little to him. Having grown up on the battlefield, his knowledge of things like world history, mathematics, and science were seriously lacking. He knew how to find water in the desert, chart his location using the stars, and where to cut a man so he would bleed out. But his "family" were not big on teaching their little war machines about the world and so he remained ignorant. "I'll be rearguard for this mission." he stated as he fell in behind Argus, clearly not wanting to get into why he couldn't lead them to the Coliseum. It was shameful to lack such basic knowledge of the enemy.

St. Boethius St. Boethius
"Children? So does that mean....wait I have brothers or sisters?" Torri paused for a few moments trying to get her thoughts all in a row before asking "I have a lot of questions, too many to ask while we just walk...and then theres...this place is huge!" nearly Dropping her bag and ruffling her hair as she grew frustrated, she had not imagined that she would meet her mother, especially where she would be attending school. Picking her place up momentarily to catch up to Artemis "Mom.....I mean...Artemis...wait, what would you prefer I call you? And where can I eat?" Bombarding Artemis with questions just like an excited child, all the while her ears twitched, listening to every voice around her.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Lauren 'Artemis' Harper
Lauren couldn't help but chuckle at Torri's surprise at discovering she isn't an only child. "Yes dear, you have siblings." She said though her laughter. Torri was quite a pretty charismatic girl, and well endowed. 'She will have no troubles making friends here'

The smile stayed on Lauren's face as she continued to speak. "Well feel free to ask them as you wish. There are a few things, however, that I need to go over with you." Lauren turned and began walking towards the entrance all the while keeping an eye in Torri's direction.

"I would prefer you call me Artemis, but I won't get upset if mom slips out every once and a while."
Lauren squinted her eyes to express her pleasure. "As for food, along the walking tour of GA we will pass the cafeteria. There you will be able to get a quick snack." As they reached the top of the steps Lauren held the door open for her daughter and followed inside right after. "Now if you'll come with me this way," Lauren gestured in the direction of her office. "I've got a few things to give you."
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Lauren 'Artemis' Harper
Lauren couldn't help but chuckle at Torri's surprise at discovering she isn't an only child. "Yes dear, you have siblings." She said though her laughter. Torri was quite a pretty charismatic girl, and well endowed. 'She will have no troubles making friends here'

The smile stayed on Lauren's face as she continued to speak. "Well feel free to ask them as you wish. There are a few things, however, that I need to go over with you." Lauren turned and began walking towards the entrance all the while keeping an eye in Torri's direction.

"I would prefer you call me Artemis, but I won't get upset if mom slips out every once and a while." Lauren squinted her eyes to express her pleasure. "As for food, along the walking tour of GA we will pass the cafeteria. There you will be able to get a quick snack." As they reached the top of the steps Lauren held the door open for her daughter and followed inside right after. "Now if you'll come with me this way," Lauren gestured in the direction of her office. "I've got a few things to give you."
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"I see, I'll try to not say mom too much" Torri brushed her hair from her eyes so she could watch Artemis. Torri was nervous, her mother was a God and she was gorgeous. She couldn't figure out how her father got that lucky. "Yes Artemis, I cant wait to eat, I havnt eaten in about four days so I could probably eat a whole cow at this point...although dad keeps saying if I eat that much I'll get fat" Laughing nervously at her own little joke, her ears quickly laying down as her gaze fell to her tail, she always fidgeted with it when she got nervous. Following behind Artenis towards her office.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
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Nia stared at the egg with sparkles in her eyes and a gasp. (Kinda like my profile pic.) "Oooohh~ I wonder what kind of egg it is?" She was thoroughly interested in this quest now. A magic bag that gives stuff that needs deliverin? Sounds like a cool, more magic version of a courier. "How about we go ask a teacher? Or maybe do a bit of research in the library... or the Greek god version of the internet. Maybe a chef of some kind. What we need is an eggs-pert!" She smiled wide and looked to the people in front of her to gauge their reaction to the pun. Nico Nico SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Samantha Whitney
Every time Nia spoke felt like nails on a chalk board to Sam. Her energy was overwhelming. "First we need to find a fourth member to accompany us." Sam racked her brain who to ask. Out of everyone she's met so far the only one not here was Nicole, but Sam didn't exactly want to lose control over her power again. "Lets head back to that classroom to see if anyone wants to come."

Sam lead their small group through the halls back to the class she had met Nicole. The group she had previously left was still waiting out of the room. Sam quickly spotted a girl with long wavy hair and piercing blue eyes, like the sea. Sam walked up behind her and tapped on her shoulder. "Um, excuse me." Sam hated confrontation, but this seemed like the best option. "Would you like to come on a quest with us?" She gestured towards Nia and Kyle.
AquaMarie AquaMarie Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Nico Nico
Marina Odeletta Anderson

Marina stood among the others for a while unsure what they would be doing. Growing a bit bored she decided to lean against the wall, soon sliding down to sit cross-legged on the ground. Pulling out a book she quietly read, every so often looking up from her book to look over at the group in the hall, before going back to her book.

She was soon pulled out from the world within the book by a gentle tap on her shoulder. She place her bookmark on the page she left off and looked over. “Yes?..” she said with a small smile moving strand of chocolate brown hair behind her ear. Her smile grew slightly with the mention of a quest, she could not believe she was being invited to join them. “Sure, I would love too” she softly said a smiles still blaming across her face as she stood up. Excited but held it back not wanting to scare off the girl if she grew to excited. Standing up she placed her book back into her satchel. “Whats the quest?...if you don't mind me asking?” she asked curiously as she followed Sam over to Nia and Kyle to which she smiled and wave at the two.

SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Nico Nico
"HI!" Nia waved back, leaning over to one side so she wasn't blocked by Sam. She waved back. "We need to deliver this large egg somewhere because her dad said so." The redhead stepped from behind Sam and did a mock curtsey. "Nia Davion, chosen of Eirene, the goddess of peace." She stood to her full height with a small jump as she clasped her hands together. "Nice t' meet you!" She said with a bright and sunny smile.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Nico Nico AquaMarie AquaMarie
Marina Odeletta Anderson

Marina smiled as Nia waved back to her “deliver a large egg?...that sound fun” Mari said standing next to them. This quest sounds to be fun and easy and also she was curious about what was in the egg. “Nice to meet you too Nia, I am Marina Odeletta Anderson,...A chosen of Amphitrite..” she added holding the strap of her satchel.

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Nico Nico
"I see, I'll try to not say mom too much" Torri brushed her hair from her eyes so she could watch Artemis. Torri was nervous, her mother was a God and she was gorgeous. She couldn't figure out how her father got that lucky. "Yes Artemis, I cant wait to eat, I havnt eaten in about four days so I could probably eat a whole cow at this point...although dad keeps saying if I eat that much I'll get fat" Laughing nervously at her own little joke, her ears quickly laying down as her gaze fell to her tail, she always fidgeted with it when she got nervous. Following behind Artenis towards her office.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Lauren 'Artemis' Harper
Lauren ushered Torri in and sat her down at her desk. The room was filled with trophies Lauren had collected on her hunts, different pelts were strewn about as decorative pieces and a pair of antlers were mounted on the corner of the desk. Lauren sat down in her cushioned office chair and rolled in closer to the desk surface.

"First order of business, where you will be staying." Lauren flipped open a file that had Torri's name on it. Inside held the details of her arrangements and various other details such as chosen god and such. Not that Artemis didn't already know who she had chosen. "Your room number will be..." Lauren skimmed the words on the page with her index finger, scanning for the number. "Ah, room number 342." She looked up to Torri to make sure she understood. Inside the file held the room key along with a picture of her room mate. "Your assigned dorm partner is Nia Davion, chosen of Eirene." she said as she handed Torri the room key and the photo.

"Now before our little tour, there are some rules here at Godling Academy." Lauren got up from her chair and walked over to a filing cabinet. In the top drawer she kept copies of the GA rule book and their golden credit cards. She picked up one of each and sat back down at her desk. "Here is your rule book." She slid the book on the desk towards Torri. "And this," Lauren held up the small card and it glistened under the lights of the office. "This will be how you pay for things around here and down in the mortal world. And don't worry about running out of funds," she pointed at the card "that will cover just about anything you need."

Gesturing to the rule book in front of Torri, Lauren said, "I'll go over the important rules with you now." Lauren cleared her throat. "Number one, You aren't to leave the campus grounds without permission from a faculty member. The consequence of anyone leaving without permission is a memory wipe, I don't recommend it. Next, during meals you are expected to partake in the consumption of Ambrosia, the food of the gods. This is to get you used to eating it in large quantities as us Gods do." A hair on Lauren's head fell in front of her face, without even thinking she tucked it back over her ear and continued speaking. "You aren't the only Godling I've chosen as a potential successor, therefore if you both make it to graduation you will have to go to battle to decide my true predecessor. I'm just warning you now so this doesn't come as a surprise to you in the future."

Lauren paused for a moment and put her hand on the edge of the table to let out a big sigh. She looked to Torri with a smile on her face. "But I'm sure you will have no need to worry!" The thought of two of her daughters having to fight each other frightened Lauren. 'I hope somehow it doesn't have to come to that.' Lauren shook the vision out of her head. "So if you've got questions, now is the time. Any and all are welcome!"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"HI!" Nia waved back, leaning over to one side so she wasn't blocked by Sam. She waved back. "We need to deliver this large egg somewhere because her dad said so." The redhead stepped from behind Sam and did a mock curtsey. "Nia Davion, chosen of Eirene, the goddess of peace." She stood to her full height with a small jump as she clasped her hands together. "Nice t' meet you!" She said with a bright and sunny smile.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Nico Nico AquaMarie AquaMarie
Marina Odeletta Anderson

Marina smiled as Nia waved back to her “deliver a large egg?...that sound fun” Mari said standing next to them. This quest sounds to be fun and easy and also she was curious about what was in the egg. “Nice to meet you too Nia, I am Marina Odeletta Anderson,...A chosen of Amphitrite..” she added holding the strap of her satchel.

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Nico Nico

Samantha Whitney
Once again Sam's face found its way to the palm of her hand due to the simplicity of Nia's words. "Perhaps a bit more explaining would be helpful." Sam glared at Nia. "My bag was given to me by my father Thanatos. Its magic and collects items that are either lost or forgotten." Sam pulled the pack off to take out the egg. "This egg appeared in my pack not to long ago, which means its probably a long way from home." Sam put the egg back in the pack and slung one strap over her shoulder. "However we aren't entirely sure what kind of egg it is, nor where it comes from. So before all, we need to do a little digging." Sam wasn't entirely familiar with the schools layout but she was fairly certain that she had seen the library towards the front of the school. "Lets head to the library!"
AquaMarie AquaMarie Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Nico Nico
Lauren 'Artemis' Harper
Lauren ushered Torri in and sat her down at her desk. The room was filled with trophies Lauren had collected on her hunts, different pelts were strewn about as decorative pieces and a pair of antlers were mounted on the corner of the desk. Lauren sat down in her cushioned office chair and rolled in closer to the desk surface.

"First order of business, where you will be staying." Lauren flipped open a file that had Torri's name on it. Inside held the details of her arrangements and various other details such as chosen god and such. Not that Artemis didn't already know who she had chosen. "Your room number will be..." Lauren skimmed the words on the page with her index finger, scanning for the number. "Ah, room number 342." She looked up to Torri to make sure she understood. Inside the file held the room key along with a picture of her room mate. "Your assigned dorm partner is Nia Davion, chosen of Eirene." she said as she handed Torri the room key and the photo.

"Now before our little tour, there are some rules here at Godling Academy." Lauren got up from her chair and walked over to a filing cabinet. In the top drawer she kept copies of the GA rule book and their golden credit cards. She picked up one of each and sat back down at her desk. "Here is your rule book." She slid the book on the desk towards Torri. "And this," Lauren held up the small card and it glistened under the lights of the office. "This will be how you pay for things around here and down in the mortal world. And don't worry about running out of funds," she pointed at the card "that will cover just about anything you need."

Gesturing to the rule book in front of Torri, Lauren said, "I'll go over the important rules with you now." Lauren cleared her throat. "Number one, You aren't to leave the campus grounds without permission from a faculty member. The consequence of anyone leaving without permission is a memory wipe, I don't recommend it. Next, during meals you are expected to partake in the consumption of Ambrosia, the food of the gods. This is to get you used to eating it in large quantities as us Gods do." A hair on Lauren's head fell in front of her face, without even thinking she tucked it back over her ear and continued speaking. "You aren't the only Godling I've chosen as a potential successor, therefore if you both make it to graduation you will have to go to battle to decide my true predecessor. I'm just warning you now so this doesn't come as a surprise to you in the future."

Lauren paused for a moment and put her hand on the edge of the table to let out a big sigh. She looked to Torri with a smile on her face. "But I'm sure you will have no need to worry!" The thought of two of her daughters having to fight each other frightened Lauren. 'I hope somehow it doesn't have to come to that.' Lauren shook the vision out of her head. "So if you've got questions, now is the time. Any and all are welcome!"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"I'm glad that we get one of these cards, I was wondering how I would be able to get any food or supplies" Torri sitting in one of the chairs just opposite of Artemis's desk was still messing with her tail. "I'm just curious, are we separated from the males when it comes to our bathrooms or is it co-ed? I only ask just in case I catch anyone peeping in on me while I bathe how I should handle it?" Quickly tucking the golden card into her top and the rule book into her bag. Truth be told she was fine fighting monsters and beasts but really didn't want to have to fight her own brother or sister, well at least if it was to death. There was a lot about the academy that bright and shiny to her but at the same time she wasn't quite sure what to ask, everything was happening so fast and her mind was stuck on food. Up until Artemis said if you both make it "wait does that mean I could die on the way? I mean it was always a risk while we were hunting but I'm not....Mom...if I dont pass does that mean I won't be able to see you again?" Torri's eyes started to well up as she pulled her tail to her chest to hide her face so Artemis couldn't see. SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Nika grinned, glad that she got Katara to laugh. "I've got no idea, I thought that teachers just phased out of existence when not in the classroom." Nika agreed that it would be a good idea to have a teacher watching over them, though she doubted much would happen with practice weapons. Then again, they were a bit stronger now that they were godlings, especially as godlings that are rooted in combat, but that also meant that they could take more punishment too. At least, that's been the case with Nika, she didn't know about Katara. "I should warn you, I'm stronger than I look, so don't blame me if you get hurt!" Having a little fun, Nika held up her arm and showed off her nearly nonexistent bicep. She said it with a purposely cute yet serious voice, her face exaggeratedly confident. Though it was pretty obvious she was messing around, it was also true. She was by no means the weak person she looked, having participated in many clubs and sports back in Japan. She was just cursed to never be able to have a toned body.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Katara laughs, deciding that this is going to be a lot of fun. Nika seems sweet, but Katara wants to see how she fights before she makes a judgement on it. A smaller frame can be an advantage, if you know how to use it.

Katara hums, looking around. “Yeah, I have no idea how to call to them. Think maybe the offices?” The redhead suggests. She wants to get this show on the road.
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Nika nodded her head at Katara's recommendation, seeing the sense in it. "Probably the offices, yeah."

There was a moment of silence.

"... Do you know where the offices are?" Nika had only been here for a little less than two weeks, and considering it took her ten years to learn the layout of her house she definitely needed a guide. She only got by on her terrible knowledge of the area by following the other godlings. She kept forgetting to see if there was a map to grab anywhere, so pretty much the only journeys she could make without guidance were between the dorms and this garden or the dorms and the cafeteria... How she got lost on her way to classes when she could even see the building they're in, is a miracle that nobody could possibly understand.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Katara nods, going for the map. “Yeah, I’ve got it. Who do you think we should check with?” She asks, tilting her head. She really doesn’t know which teacher they should go to about this. Aphrodite, maybe? He might be able to calm her down if she really loses herself.
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
"I'm glad that we get one of these cards, I was wondering how I would be able to get any food or supplies" Torri sitting in one of the chairs just opposite of Artemis's desk was still messing with her tail. "I'm just curious, are we separated from the males when it comes to our bathrooms or is it co-ed? I only ask just in case I catch anyone peeping in on me while I bathe how I should handle it?" Quickly tucking the golden card into her top and the rule book into her bag. Truth be told she was fine fighting monsters and beasts but really didn't want to have to fight her own brother or sister, well at least if it was to death. There was a lot about the academy that bright and shiny to her but at the same time she wasn't quite sure what to ask, everything was happening so fast and her mind was stuck on food. Up until Artemis said if you both make it "wait does that mean I could die on the way? I mean it was always a risk while we were hunting but I'm not....Mom...if I dont pass does that mean I won't be able to see you again?" Torri's eyes started to well up as she pulled her tail to her chest to hide her face so Artemis couldn't see. SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion

Lauren 'Artemis' Harper
"The restrooms are separated." This girl seemed very self conscious to Artemis. Being the "virgin" goddess, it brought pleasure to her that she wanted to avoid the boys perverseness. Now obviously the fact that Lauren had children means she is no longer a virgin, but the title virgin goddess was one that belonged to the Artemis's of the past.

The mood of the room quickly went from cheerful and upbeat to grim as the talk of death came to their conversation. "In the past there have been many who haven't survived to graduation for various reasons. Some may not survive battle training, or even lose their lives out on missions of extreme difficulty. We do the best we can to protect every one of you, but the world is a dangerous place." Mom slipped Torri's lips once more and Lauren felt warmer. "Please dear, Artemis." She put her hand up as a polite signal to stop. "In regards to passing, it matters very little who passes to me for no matter who passes I will return to my life as a mortal." Lauren hoped that she set Torri a bit more at ease. Whatever expression Torri was making was blocked by the fir of her tail. "That means there is a possibility for us to meet again. Is there anything else you would like to know before we go?"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Forgive me, I seem to have lost my composure for moment, we should continue with the tour about now, correct?" Torri's tail wiped what little amount of tears that had formed away, what Artemis had said about still being able to see her had put Torri at ease. "I shouldn't have much trouble with monsters and beasts then, with these ears it's almost like cheating" she had put on a big smile and gave Artemis two thumbs up. Relaxing some before she stood and bowed, holding her arm out for Artemis to lead the way "I just hope my attire went be too much of a distraction for the boys during combat training, God or not I've heard of Zeus's many quests and men are still men" a sly grin comming across her face, truthfully she was screwed if in combat if her sister could manipulate or control anything, she had a great mindset for being the God Artemis but probably not the best when it came to fighting things like titans or a corrupt god.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Marina Odeletta Anderson

Marina looked over to Sam as she explains in more detailed to what was known and needed to be done. Which the brunettes blue eyes sparkled with curiosity as she saw the egg, though her attention quickly returned to Sam as she continued to speak. She nodded to acknowledge she understood what had to be done. “sounds good to me and the library is the best place to start” she replied with a smile. Mari had spent most of her time here in the academy in the library so she knew where exactly it was. Though at the same time it meant she hadn't really interacted with many of her classmates, so guess it was a good thing she was going on this quest with them.

@Heir of Dalania @SuperiorOnion @Nico
Marina Odeletta Anderson

Marina looked over to Sam as she explains in more detailed to what was known and needed to be done. Which the brunettes blue eyes sparkled with curiosity as she saw the egg, though her attention quickly returned to Sam as she continued to speak. She nodded to acknowledge she understood what had to be done. “sounds good to me and the library is the best place to start” she replied with a smile. Mari had spent most of her time here in the academy in the library so she knew where exactly it was. Though at the same time it meant she hadn't really interacted with many of her classmates, so guess it was a good thing she was going on this quest with them.

@Heir of Dalania @SuperiorOnion @Nico
Samantha Whitney
Sam let Marina lead the way to the library for she looked as if she knew where she was going. She kept her hands in her pockets as she followed along. She looked over to Kyle, 'What a quiet kid' Entering the library, Sam was overwhelmed with the number of books just waiting for someone to read. Her jaw even dropped. "Where do we even begin?" As she said it a forest nymph came right up to her. "Greetings godling, what may I help you with?" Sam was startled to say the least. "Um, we need to find out what kind of egg this is." Sam pulled the egg from her pack to show the nymph. At the sight of the egg the nymph dropped her head in a small bow. "Right away miss!" And with that the nymph went off into the stacked shelves of books. "Should we find somewhere to sit?" Sam saw some tables near the center of the room and began making her way towards them.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Nico Nico AquaMarie AquaMarie
Kyle was following after the two girls. A quest didn't sound so bad, he could actually practice his powers if needed. He was rested and ready to go. So all they had to do was find out who this egg belonged to and give it back? Though what if this egg was dangerous and the person who owns it wants to use it for a bad reason? Though Thanatos himself gave it to Sam, would he really jeopardize the well being of the world like that? He personally didn't know the god. He snapped out of his thoughts, he probably looked high off his ass with a dazed expression. He looked at the girl they were talking to. It was Marina, the girl from his group. "Hey again!" he waved with a grin. He followed after them into the library.

The place was massive, he almost wondered if they had books from decades ago, probably in mint condition. Rows upon rows of bookshelves, Nymphs and Niaides were running around, tapping on computers, shelving books. Though the place seemed fairly empty. They were the only students around. He didn't wait for the word and he made his way to the table and flopped down ungracefully. Blinking his baby blues he waited for the book to be brought to them. "So, this place looks like it's used well." he said in a sarcastic tone.

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge AquaMarie AquaMarie SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
"Forgive me, I seem to have lost my composure for moment, we should continue with the tour about now, correct?" Torri's tail wiped what little amount of tears that had formed away, what Artemis had said about still being able to see her had put Torri at ease. "I shouldn't have much trouble with monsters and beasts then, with these ears it's almost like cheating" she had put on a big smile and gave Artemis two thumbs up. Relaxing some before she stood and bowed, holding her arm out for Artemis to lead the way "I just hope my attire went be too much of a distraction for the boys during combat training, God or not I've heard of Zeus's many quests and men are still men" a sly grin comming across her face, truthfully she was screwed if in combat if her sister could manipulate or control anything, she had a great mindset for being the God Artemis but probably not the best when it came to fighting things like titans or a corrupt god.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Lauren 'Artemis' Harper
Lauren stood with Torri who politely waited for her to guide her on the school tour. Torri stood much taller than Lauren. "So as you saw out front we have our beautiful gardens, that are tended by the local wood nymphs, along with the other two buildings, the dorms and the cafeteria." Going through Lauren's head were thoughts of 'Where should I take her first' The forges were the closet to the offices so that seemed like a good start.

Lauren opened up the room to see it empty. The room smelled of burnt coals. "This is the forge, when Hephaestus teaches his blacksmith class, this is where you will come." Moving right along to the next room Lauren opened the door. "This is the laboratories. I'm not entirely sure what goes on in here but I'm fairly sure it has something to do with chemicals." She let Torri look around for a moment before ushering her out and onto the next room.

The library was next. "This is the library." Lauren had to tilt her head up just to see the top of the book shelves. "Here is where you will come to study and learn about things that weren't taught in class." Lauren saw a nymph approaching them and smiled. "Greetings Ms. Artemis, what may I help you with?" Lauren looked to Torri. "The nymphs in here are tasked with helping retrieve information from various sources." She looked back to the nymph. "Hello Nixie, how are you today. Not to busy I hope!" Lauren gave a small chuckle. "I'm quite well! We only have a few students in here at the moment, so not to busy at all." Nixie was a very friendly nymph that Lauren had talked with many times before. "Is that so? Would you mind taking us to them please?" Lauren saw this as a good opportunity for Torri to meet a few of her class mates. "Certainly, right this way"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Sitting around a table, Lauren saw four students; Kyle, Nia (Torri's room mate), Marina, and one she wasn't quite familiar with. "Hello students." Lauren waved to them with a wide grin on her face. "This is our newest student, Torri. You may introduce yourselves if you wish!" Lauren got closer to Torri and whispered to her. "Ill be waiting by the door when you are ready to go." Before she left the table she thanked Nixie and said a quick goodbye to the other students.
Nico Nico AquaMarie AquaMarie Duke of Doge Duke of Doge SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Joseph Manning, as if on cue, emerged from the front of the main school building. With a journal in one hand. His eyes were glued to the pages as he walked. The sound of two students talking brought his attention away. One of them, Katara. His uh... daughter. "Hey there firecracker." He said to Katara. He wasn't the slightest bit weirded out that he was just now meeting his daughter. To him, it was just another student. Just another soldier. She shouldn't be treated differently... despite his immediate nickname for the girl. His voice wasn't too deep, but it was somewhat gravelly. He closed the book in his hands and nonchalantly tossed it across the school grounds. "What'd you two need?" He asked, looking between the two students.
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Lauren 'Artemis' Harper
Lauren stood with Torri who politely waited for her to guide her on the school tour. Torri stood much taller than Lauren. "So as you saw out front we have our beautiful gardens, that are tended by the local wood nymphs, along with the other two buildings, the dorms and the cafeteria." Going through Lauren's head were thoughts of 'Where should I take her first' The forges were the closet to the offices so that seemed like a good start.

Lauren opened up the room to see it empty. The room smelled of burnt coals. "This is the forge, when Hephaestus teaches his blacksmith class, this is where you will come." Moving right along to the next room Lauren opened the door. "This is the laboratories. I'm not entirely sure what goes on in here but I'm fairly sure it has something to do with chemicals." She let Torri look around for a moment before ushering her out and onto the next room.

The library was next. "This is the library." Lauren had to tilt her head up just to see the top of the book shelves. "Here is where you will come to study and learn about things that weren't taught in class." Lauren saw a nymph approaching them and smiled. "Greetings Ms. Artemis, what may I help you with?" Lauren looked to Torri. "The nymphs in here are tasked with helping retrieve information from various sources." She looked back to the nymph. "Hello Nixie, how are you today. Not to busy I hope!" Lauren gave a small chuckle. "I'm quite well! We only have a few students in here at the moment, so not to busy at all." Nixie was a very friendly nymph that Lauren had talked with many times before. "Is that so? Would you mind taking us to them please?" Lauren saw this as a good opportunity for Torri to meet a few of her class mates. "Certainly, right this way"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Sitting around a table, Lauren saw four students; Kyle, Nia (Torri's room mate), Marina, and one she wasn't quite familiar with. "Hello students." Lauren waved to them with a wide grin on her face. "This is our newest student, Torri. You may introduce yourselves if you wish!" Lauren got closer to Torri and whispered to her. "Ill be waiting by the door when you are ready to go." Before she left the table she thanked Nixie and said a quick goodbye to the other students.
Nico Nico AquaMarie AquaMarie Duke of Doge Duke of Doge SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Yes Artemis, and thank you for showing me around this far and you as well Nixie. I hope you dont mind but I'll be needing your knowledge of this room and its contents during my time here" Torri bowed before Artemis took her leave. Turning around to the others, already fidgeting with her tail and nervously smiling. "Hello, I'm torri skovald, a descendant of Artemis. It is a pleasure to meet you all" her ears laying down as she looked off to the side, she had a slight issue when it came to new people. Mainly due to the pendant making her cautious. "So what are your name...s....One of you smells really nice..." Torri's cheeks turned a light shade of pink just as she covered her face with her tail. Torri looked up her tail eyeing Nia for a moment before the smell of the egg finally reached her. As her stomach growled she started look betweethem to see who had it "is anyone going to eat that?"
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion superior Nico Nico Duke of Doge Duke of Doge of AquaMarie AquaMarie
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Kyle was following after the two girls. A quest didn't sound so bad, he could actually practice his powers if needed. He was rested and ready to go. So all they had to do was find out who this egg belonged to and give it back? Though what if this egg was dangerous and the person who owns it wants to use it for a bad reason? Though Thanatos himself gave it to Sam, would he really jeopardize the well being of the world like that? He personally didn't know the god. He snapped out of his thoughts, he probably looked high off his ass with a dazed expression. He looked at the girl they were talking to. It was Marina, the girl from his group. "Hey again!" he waved with a grin. He followed after them into the library.

The place was massive, he almost wondered if they had books from decades ago, probably in mint condition. Rows upon rows of bookshelves, Nymphs and Niaides were running around, tapping on computers, shelving books. Though the place seemed fairly empty. They were the only students around. He didn't wait for the word and he made his way to the table and flopped down ungracefully. Blinking his baby blues he waited for the book to be brought to them. "So, this place looks like it's used well." he said in a sarcastic tone.

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge AquaMarie AquaMarie SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
"Yes Artemis, and thank you for showing me around this far and you as well Nixie. I hope you dont mind but I'll be needing your knowledge of this room and its contents during my time here" Torri bowed before Artemis took her leave. Turning around to the others, already fidgeting with her tail and nervously smiling. "Hello, I'm torri skovald, a descendant of Artemis. It is a pleasure to meet you all" her ears laying down as she looked off to the side, she had a slight issue when it came to new people. Mainly due to the pendant making her cautious. "So what are your name...s....One of you smells really nice..." Torri's cheeks turned a light shade of pink just as she covered her face with her tail. Torri looked up her tail eyeing Nia for a moment before the smell of the egg finally reached her. As her stomach growled she started look betweethem to see who had it "is anyone going to eat that?"
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion superior Nico Nico Duke of Doge Duke of Doge of AquaMarie AquaMarie

Samantha Whitney
Sam couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at Kyle's comment, but she very quickly went back to her blank state of emotion. 'Don't open up' Sam glanced to her right to see a nymph guiding a Godly figure and some sort of dog? person? The God was Artemis as she found out from Torri "Hey.." She raised a hand in greeting. "Sam, daughter of Thanatos." Sam was slightly more uncomfortable meeting this person than anyone else she had met today. It didn't help when she mentioned someones smell. "Uh?" Sam gave up trying to understand exactly what she was talking to and decided just to accept it instead. 'Whatever' The look in Torri's eyes changed from happy greetings to those of greedy hunger, like a wolves. "Eat what!?" Sam pulled her back pack off her back and put it on the floor in between her and Torri, just to make sure it would stay safe.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Nico Nico AquaMarie AquaMarie
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