Would you marry the avatar above you?

I'm a cat, so does this count?

As a heterosexual male and a married man, I must decline marriage to the handsome avatar above. That said, were I unwed and a pendulum of different direction the appeal would be quite strong.

I can't even see her face but I still say yes,

I feel compelled to explain that the avatar sported by @Pandora's Box is Yuria of Londor, and most certainly an excellent choice!

As my avatar is both difficult to see, and the subject himself is but an armor-clad knight, I provide you this pseudorandom image in his stead:

He knows his stuff, and yeah >.<

There are no pictures of Yuria's face so.. yeah.

If I were to hazard an educated, lore-based guess, hollow or not she is likely going to appear attractive. Any hollow with a reasonable hold of courtly influence uses illusion and enchantment to alter their appearances. That, or they've a stockpile of "humanities" to mask the hollowification inside. Hypotheses aside, I would most certainly say yes to Yuria (given a state of bachelorhood, of course.)

Alas, to reply to this I must hunt another image. Here we are, pulled from the depths of the internet and brought to you here:

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Without a doubt I would pledge my hand in marriage to IQ. Something about a woman who can handle a weapon like a professional sparks an attraction in me. Bonus points are awarded for having a German accent!

Here is the latest result of my internet scrounges:

Way too blurry to make out anything. I must decline.

I think you might have been too slow on the draw, my friend! As for your avatar, I've already given my answer and regrettably it has not changed.

Edit: Oh dear, it seems you edited while I replied. Good on you, comrade!
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Yeah I would!

 (Y'know if they are of age and all that jazz)
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