ღ Love House #4 ღ

Lee Joon-Gi


 "Ahh cute!" She said happily, getting out of the car and opening the trunk to grab her things.


"I've always wanted to live in a hanok.", he said glad that she seemed to like the house. "Why don't you have a look around and I'll bring in our luggage."




***House Reveal***






(You probably recognize this as the house from Personal Taste. I hope you like it) 




(By the way I thought that the opening on the left can lead to and from a garage and we can just imagine a small driveway and garage on the left hand side of the house. Also, the furniture inside will probably be modern. The main room can be the room on the top left since it looks like the biggest. We can decide later what the other rooms are for or if we want a different layout. The basic idea is to live in a traditional Korean styled house.)

(Yes! It's so pretty, I loved that house. Sounds good!)

Park So Woo


Woo nodded and skipped into the house, "Ahh so cute! I love this." It was so open and gorgeous. She explored the house, going into the bedrooms and bathroom and kitchen. Woo walked out and looked at the tree, grinning. She got on her tiptoes and grabbed a leaf.





What do you think of the house your husband prepared?


I adore it. It's so gorgeous and traditional I think it is a perfect house for us to learn more about each others skill and weaknesses. *grinning*


When he came in with the luggage, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen and letting the luggage stay by the door, "What do you like?" She asked him curiously. "We can make something together." She suggested, going through the cabinets to look at the ingredients they had to use. Woo hummed a bit as she sifted through the fresh vegetables, picking some up and examining them. She handed him some of the vegetables. When he wasn't looking, she stuck the leafe behind his ear. Woo burst out laughing, "So cute!"
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Lee Joon-Gi


Joon-gi brought the last of their luggage in setting it down by the door as he paused to observe Woo enthusiastically explore the house. 


"Ahh so cute! I love this."

"I'm glad that you like it." He watched her walk to the tree and pull off a leaf examining it happily. It was a relief. She didn't seem like the type of women to put much value into material things which was a rare trait. People where so caught up in obtaining the newest and best clothes, technology and houses that they often didn't see the value in simple things. Woo turned to him and grabbed his hand dragging him into the kitchen.


 "What do you like?" She asked him curiously. "We can make something together."

She already began looking through the cabinets and pulling out some ingredients. Joon-gi thought for a moment staring at her and absently thinking that it was a good idea to stock the cupboards beforehand  then replied, "What did you have in mind? I'm sure that anything you cook will taste good and I'm not a picky eater." His thoughts went back to the abandoned luggage and he wondered if he should bring it into the house. Even if he brought it in where would he put it? He looked in the direction of the master bedroom and wondered if they had to share a room, sleep in the same bed.. He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sensation of something behind his ear and he jumped a little rubbing the spot with his hand.


"So cute!"


Woo burst out laughing and Joon-gi could feel his face become hot partly because he realized that he got scared for a leaf and partly because of his train of thought before she startled him. He laughed awkwardly feeling a bit embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. She handed him some vegetables still smiling a little. "What are we making?", he asked wondering if they should wash up first but dismissed the thought when his stomach gave a small grumble of protest. "Ah, before we start.", he put down the vegetables on the counter and opened the cupboard below him taking out a pair of couples aprons.




He smiled at her sheepishly. Honestly he had always wanted to try this type of thing. "Let me help you put it on.", he held up her apron and waited for her to turn around.

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(Oh my god that's so cute xD)


Park So Woo

"What did you have in mind? I'm sure that anything you cook will taste good and I'm not a picky eater."

"Hmm, Bi Bam Bap? It's healthy and tastes amazing!" She shrugged, giving him a big smile and getting out the ingredients they would need. "Sunny side or fried egg?" She asked him, grabbing the eggs and a pan, laughing at how he got scared, thinking about how adorable it was how he was scared so easily, she knew he was going to be the end of a few pranks from her after seeing his reaction to just a simple leaf.

"Ah, before we start.", he put down the vegetables on the counter and opened the cupboard below him taking out a pair of couples aprons.

She was a bit confused on what he was doing, but focused on preparing the ingredients. When Woo saw what he pulled out, she burst out laughing again, "Oh so cute! So cheesy too!" She giggled as she turned around so he could put it on her.

"I love it!" She laughed, turning around once he tied it and gently turning him around, putting his apron on him. She turned him back around and nodded in approval.

"We are the ultimate couple." She smirked a bit and made a cheesy pose, putting one hand on her hip and the other in the air, doing a cute little dance and then started to wash vegetables.
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Lee Joon-Gi


He raised the apron carefully over her head and tied it loosely behind her back making a small bow.


"I love it!


He knew it was cheesy but he was glad that she liked this type of thing. Joon-gi allowed Woo to turn him around and put his apron on for him. Her touch was light and he could feel her leaning slightly against him as she stood on the tips of her toes to pull the apron over his head. She turned him back around a look of approval lighting up her face. 


"We are the ultimate couple." She smirked a bit and made a cheesy pose, putting one hand on her hip and the other in the air.


"Park-Lee couple fighting! Aja!", he mimicked her pose and they both burst out laughing. Woo turned around continuing what she was doing. "Oh, Sunny side eggs go best with bi bam bap.", he said replying to her earlier question. He took out a cutting board and knife so that he could prepare the vegetables. They worked in a comfortable silence until Woo started humming softly to herself. Her voice was gentle and soothing. Remembering something he stopped what he was doing and jogged to the garage to get something from the car. On his way back he lined their luggage neatly to the side before entering the kitchen. He walked to the cd player, inserted a disc and turned it on before casually walking back to where he was working pretending like he didn't do anything. "I don't know which singer this is but she has a beautiful voice.", he teased as Woo's songs played from the speakers.
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Park So Woo


Park-Lee couple fighting! Aja!", he mimicked her pose and they both burst out laughing


"This show is already fun!" Woo giggled. She nodded when he saw Sunny side was the best and cracked an egg, putting it in the pan and then washing off her hands, throwing the egg shell away. When he jogged away she watched in confusion but shrugged, putting the egg she had made onto a plate and then making another egg.


"I don't know which singer this is but she has a beautiful voice.", he teased as Woo's songs played from the speakers.


Woo's eyes widened as her song poured through the room and she blushed a bit. "Where did you get this? You had no clue who I was!" She gently smacked his chest, starting to sing along, doing the dance with the spatula in her hand. As she danced she managed to finish the egg and put it on the plate. She stopped dancing and focused on putting the rice on the stove, putting in the water and then turning it on. When she finished that she went back to dancing.

Lee Joon-Gi




"Where did you get this? You had no clue who I was!"

"Of course I know who you are.", he half-lied. Joon-gi watched Woo dance along to her songs and chuckled softly. "Actually my younger sister is a big fan of yours.", he said after a while being more honest. He picked up glasses and a table cloth and headed to the sunk-in lounge area thinking that it would be nice to eat looking out into the garden. He set the table as Woo finished up making the meal and they both settled into seats opposite from each other. "This looks good, thank you for the meal.", he gestured for her to dig in. "Mmm, it's delicious! I think the cook had and excellent assistant.", he said jokingly.   
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Park So Woo


"Actually my younger sister is a big fan of yours.", he said after a while being more honest


"Ahh I see! I'll talk to her then if I ever get to meet her." Woo grinned, "I love all my fans. I'll take her for ice cream or something, she is my sister in law." She snorted a bit at the word and laughed quietly, "My brother likes your dramas. He was a drama star in high school, but he found his passion in painting, I still wish he could've pursued acting more, It would've been great to do movies and stuff with my oppa." Woo thought of something, "Ooh call her! I want to prank her actually. She knows you're doing this right?"


"This looks good, thank you for the meal.", he gestured for her to dig in. "Mmm, it's delicious! I think the cook had and excellent assistant.", he said jokingly. 


Woo nodded and sat down, clapping her hands excitedly. She stuck her tongue out at the best assistant thing. "Sure I did." She giggled, taking a bite and nodding, "This is good." She rubbed her belly, "Next time you get to make this dish and I'll be the assistant.
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Lee Joon-Gi


"Ahh I see! I'll talk to her then if I ever get to meet her." Woo grinned, "I love all my fans. I'll take her for ice cream or something, she is my sister in law." She snorted a bit at the word and laughed quietly,

"She would love that. She will probably freak out when the show airs." He could hear his sister now scolding him for keeping his 'wife' a secret and bragging to her friends that Park So Woo said that she was her "sister in law". 


"My brother likes your dramas. He was a drama star in high school, but he found his passion in painting, I still wish he could've pursued acting more, It would've been great to do movies and stuff with my oppa."

"Your brother is a painter? That's interesting. It's such an enviable ability to be able to create something so beautiful. I'd like to go see his paintings sometime. Anyway now you can do movies with your husband.", the words came out before he realised what he was saying and he cleared his throat hoping that she didn't catch that last part.


"Ooh call her! I want to prank her actually. She knows you're doing this right?"

Joon-gi laughed at the mischevious look in her eyes and nodded enthusiastically.

"She's the one that made me do this show! Let's call her!", he searched for his phone in his pocket. 


"Next time you get to make this dish and I'll be the assistant.

He nodded at that and took his phone out searching for his sister's number. "Are you ready?", he asked Woo and switched his phone onto loud speaker. 




"Hyemi-yah are you okay?" 


"Yes, I'm fine but oppa why did you call? Aren't busy today?"


"I just called to find out if you are okay and Hyemi-yah.. Oppa has someone that wants to talk to you", he gave Woo a thumbs up.


"To me?", confusion was clear in her voice.

Park So Woo


"She would love that. She will probably freak out when the show airs." He could hear his sister now scolding him for keeping his 'wife' a secret and bragging to her friends that Park So Woo said that she was her "sister in law". 


Woo giggled, "Let's do it then!" She said, fist pumping the air.


"Your brother is a painter? That's interesting. It's such an enviable ability to be able to create something so beautiful. I'd like to go see his paintings sometime. Anyway now you can do movies with your husband.", the words came out before he realised what he was saying and he cleared his throat hoping that she didn't catch that last part.



"You should see it, he has a art gallery, he sells paintings there too. I will take you one day." She heard the last part and smirked, gently nudging him, and starting to act cute, doing her famous doe eyes, gently holding his arm, "Do you want to do a movie, honey?" She couldn't keep that for long because she started laughing.

He nodded at that and took his phone out searching for his sister's number. "Are you ready?", he asked Woo and switched his phone onto loud speaker. 




"Hyemi-yah are you okay?" 


"Yes, I'm fine but oppa why did you call? Aren't busy today?"


"I just called to find out if you are okay and Hyemi-yah.. Oppa has someone that wants to talk to you", he gave Woo a thumbs up.


"To me?", confusion was clear in her voice.


"Hey, it's noona." She said, making her voice even more high pitched, imitating some really old celebrity she knew. "You're oppas wife, Song Hi-Sun." Hi-Sun was a 60 year old opera singer, now reality show host. Woo grabbed his hand and gently squeezed I, trying to distract herself from laughing.

"Noona wanted to speak to her sister-in law." Woo was trying her hardest not too laughed, burying her face in the couch as she waited for a response from the younger girl. This wasn't the best she could do, but she didn't want to scare the poor girl by doing something bad.

"How old are you sweetheart?" 


(I'm making this person up lmao)
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Lee Joon-Gi


"You should see it, he has a art gallery, he sells paintings there too. I will take you one day." She heard the last part and smirked, gently nudging him, and starting to act cute, doing her famous doe eyes, gently holding his arm, "Do you want to do a movie, honey?" She couldn't keep that for long because she started laughing.

It was the second time today that Woo made him blush and he laughed awkwardly trying to avoid her question. "He must be really good at it."


"Hey, it's noona." She said, making her voice even more high pitched, imitating some really old celebrity she knew. "You're oppas wife, Song Hi-Sun." Hi-Sun was a 60 year old opera singer, now reality show host. Woo grabbed his hand and gently squeezed I, trying to distract herself from laughing.


"O- oppa's wife? Song. Hi. Sun. Nooona?" She pronounced each word slowly, worry clear in her voice.


Woo grabbed his hand then, gently squeezing it and he tensed. She seemed to do this a lot, casually pushing him or taking his hand. He didn't think that she did it on purpose but rather it just seemed in her nature to easily be friendly and feel comfortable around others. He didn't dislike it, it's just that he was not used to it. His eyes transfixed on their hands and he was lost in thought now only half following the conversation. There was something about Woo's touch. It felt warm.


"Noona wanted to speak to her sister-in law." Woo was trying her hardest not too laughed, burying her face in the couch as she waited for a response from the younger girl. This wasn't the best she could do, but she didn't want to scare the poor girl by doing something bad.

"How old are you sweetheart?"


"A- ah, I see." Hye-mi sounded like she didn't believe it but uncertainty still laced her voice. "I- I'm 16 y- years old, noona." She stuttered, the word 'noona' came out awkwardly.       


(Haha, I actually wondered if she was a real person. >.<)
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Park So Woo


It was the second time today that Woo made him blush and he laughed awkwardly trying to avoid her question. "He must be really good at it."

Woo smirked at his blush, this was too easy for her. He seemed to be a bit weird about these things so she didn't answer and focused on talking to his younger sister. Woo found her cute, just by the way she stuttered when saying noona and since she was his sibling she was going to be good to her.


"O- oppa's wife? Song. Hi. Sun. Nooona?" She pronounced each word slowly, worry clear in her voice


"Ahh I can't do this! Hello Hyemi. I'm Park So Woo, nice to meet you." She let go of his hand, sensing a bit of discomfort coming from him, she was going to stop being really touchy with him because she knew he felt a bit weird about it. Woo gave him a goofy smile as she waited for the sister to answer.

"You're so cute Hyemi, you're my sibling in law now so lets get to know each other sometime alright? I'll take you for ice cream one day."
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Lee Joon-Gi


"Ahh I can't do this! Hello Hyemi. I'm Park So Woo, nice to meet you." She let go of his hand, sensing a bit of discomfort coming from him, she was going to stop being really touchy with him because she knew he felt a bit weird about it. Woo gave him a goofy smile as she waited for the sister to answer.

"Park So Woo?" The words came out slowly. "PARK SO WOO NOONA?! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!"


Woo let go of his hand and he reached out to stop her but then halted. He felt comfortable around Woo and it was easy to forget that they had just met, but, he had to remind himself that they had only known each other for a few hours and that this was a show not reality. He ran his hand through his hair instead and focused on the conversation between Woo and his sister.


"You're so cute Hyemi, you're my sibling in law now so lets get to know each other sometime alright? I'll take you for ice cream one day."

"Noona, you are my brother's wife?! You are too good for him!", she squealed. "Let's go for ice cream soon, noona! I hope oppa is being nice to you!", they could hear noise and someone talking in the background. "Noona, I want to talk to you more but I have to go." Joon-gi could almost see her pouting. "I'll speak to you again. Call me often! Okay?! You have to! Oh, and say goodbye to oppa for me! Bye!" They heard some fiddling and then Hye-mi's voice in the distance before she hung up.

"Umma! You won't believe what just happened..."


"She's not going to leave you alone now.", he laughed.


(By the way I think she was supposed to refer to Woo as Unnie but oh well.)
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"Park So Woo?" The words came out slowly. "PARK SO WOO NOONA?! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!"


Woo nearly fell over when she started screaming. "Aish! So excited!" She giggled, "Nice too meet you too." She smiled fondly at the phone, this young girl reminded her of herself when she was 16, which was two years ago so she shouldn't talk.


"Noona, you are my brother's wife?! You are too good for him!", she squealed. "Let's go for ice cream soon, noona! I hope oppa is being nice to you!", they could hear noise and someone talking in the background. "Noona, I want to talk to you more but I have to go." Joon-gi could almost see her pouting. "I'll speak to you again. Call me often! Okay?! You have to! Oh, and say goodbye to oppa for me! Bye!" They heard some fiddling and then Hye-mi's voice in the distance before she hung up.

"Umma! You won't believe what just happened..."


Woo grinned over at Joon-Gi, "I am too good for him." She joked, winking at him. "He's being great don't worry, yeah i'll take you out soon.." She heard she had to go and pouted a bit, "Alright Hye-mi, have a good day! Hi Umma!" She yelled before the call ended, giggling a bit as she handed him back his phone.

"I love you're little sister. She's so cute. I won't mind if she bothers me, my own brother never texts me back." Woo smiled at him. she stood up and stretched, climbing out of the booth and heading over to a whiteboard sitting in the corner. "We should write like, chores and stuff on this."


(Yeah but its fine xDD It's funnier as noona)
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Lee Joon-Gi


"I love you're little sister. She's so cute. I won't mind if she bothers me, my own brother never texts me back."


He lifted an eyebrow up at that. Woo had spoken of her brother so fondly and they sounded close. It seemed strange that her brother wouldn't answer her messages. Maybe he was just overthinking things. He wanted to ask her what she meant but decided against it. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.


Woo smiled at him. she stood up and stretched, climbing out of the booth and heading over to a whiteboard sitting in the corner. "We should write like, chores and stuff on this."

Joon-gi began cleaning up the table and looked over to Woo when she spoke. "Chores? Hmm.." It wasn't a bad idea but he thought that instead of looking at the board and seeing work he wanted them to be able to look at the board and smile. "Why don't we write things that we expect or would like to see from each other? Hmm... like..." He picked up a marker and wrote: My wife looks prettiest when she smiles. So, everyday I hope to see her smilling face. 


He drew something next to the words and angled his body so that Woo couldn't see. When he was done he stepped back and grinned at her. 


images (63).jpg

Park So Woo

"Chores? Hmm.." It wasn't a bad idea but he thought that instead of looking at the board and seeing work he wanted them to be able to look at the board and smile. "Why don't we write things that we expect or would like to see from each other? Hmm... like..." He picked up a marker and wrote: My wife looks prettiest when she smiles. So, everyday I hope to see her smilling face. 


Woo hummed a bit as she waited, "Okay, that works." She said happily to her earlier statement. When he finally moved and she could see the board, she blushed a bit but started laughing, "Aww that's such a cute drawing who knew Lee Joon-Gi could draw!" She said, smiling at the cute drawing on the board. She moved it so he couldn't see the board the board. Woo thought about it for a second, and then wrote; I would like too see my husband smile more and be happy, his smile is gorgeous. She stayed in his way, thinking about anything else, but she didn't really know. She just wanted to see him smile and be happy. She just drew a smiley face next to the picture since she could barely draw a straight line without messing up. She showed it too him, sitting beside him again.
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Lee Joon-Gi


"Aww that's such a cute drawing who knew Lee Joon-Gi could draw!"

He laughed at her statement and looked at his drawing thinking to himself that it wasn't much.

She moved it so he couldn't see the board the board. Woo thought about it for a second, and then wrote; I would like too see my husband smile more and be happy, his smile is gorgeous. She stayed in his way, thinking about anything else, but she didn't really know. She just wanted to see him smile and be happy. She just drew a smiley face next to the picture since she could barely draw a straight line without messing up. She showed it too him, sitting beside him again.

Joon-gi tried to sneak a peak at what Woo wrote but she moved the board in such a manner that he couldn't see what she was doing. When she finally showed him what she wrote he smiled. "It's a striking resemblance" He pointed to her drawing and laughed. They both took turns and jotted down a few more things and when they where done the board was half full of writing and doodles. He smiled at the things that Woo wrote laughing at her cute drawings. "Alright, if we think of anything else then we can write it down later." They both stood up then cleared up the table and washed the dishes. When they had finished Joon-gi brought in the luggage. "We should probably unpack." He opened the main bedroom door and set their luggage inside. "This is our bedroom." The bedroom looked homely despite it's lack of decor. It had a mix of a modern and traditional feel to it and he thought that it was a nice, cosy room. "The room is a bit bare but we can decorate it later." His eyes moved to the bed and his earlier thoughts came flooding back to him. He noticed that despite all the rooms, there was only one bed. Although he chose the house the crew prepared everything including fulfilling one or two of his small requests. This didn't come to mind though at the time. Did they expect them to sleep in the same bed? He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Clearing his throat he looked to Woo. "Do you like it?"


(I don't really have a specefic bedroom in mind. Do you?)
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Park So Woo

. "Alright, if we think of anything else then we can write it down later." They both stood up then clearing up the table and washed the dishes. When they had finished Joon-gi brought in the luggage. "We should probably unpack." He opened the main bedroom door and set their luggage inside. "This is our bedroom." The bedroom looked homely despite it's lack of decor. It had a mix of a modern and traditional feel to it and he thought that it was a nice, cost room. "The room is a bit bare but we can decorate it later." His eyes moved to the bed and his earlier thoughts came flooding back to him. He noticed that despite all the rooms that there was only one bed. Although he chose the house the crew prepared everything including fulfilling one or two of his small requests. This didn't come to mind though at the time. Did they expect them to sleep in the same bed? He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Clearing his throught he looked to Woo. "Do you like it?"


"Yes! It's so pretty!" Woo said happily, sitting on the bed and looking around. She pulled her suitcase onto it and patted the spot next to her for him to sit. She opened the suitcase and pulled out a picture frame, it was of her and her brother. She hung it up on a side wall, laughing a bit at it. "they told me to bring some pictures." She said. It was a small picture but it was cute. She looked through her bag a bit more then pulled out a small book. "My song writing book." She said, putting it in a bedside drawer. The last item, other then clothes and other necessities, was a watch box. She handed him it, "My brother suggested I give my husband a gift because I need to be a real woman, so here." she handed him the box containing a watch. She didn't know if he would like it or not.



(I don't really either, I'll just find a random one then?)

(Something simple like this, but the decorations aren't there and they do it by themselves?)
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Lee Joon-Gi 


Woo gestured for him to sit on the bed so he grabbed his suitcase and sat next to her. He opened his bag looking through it. His cloathes where neatly packed inside with a few essentials but there where things that he didn't recognize as well. His mother must have packed some things in his bag before he left. 

She opened the suitcase and pulled out a picture frame, it was of her and her brother. She hung it up on a side wall, laughing a bit at it. "they told me to bring some pictures." She said.

He looked at the picture when she spoke and smiled. He could see some similarities between Woo and her brother. They looked happy in the picture both of them smilling widely. "What about your parents?" He noticed that Woo hadn't spoken about her parents and she didn't seem to have pictures of them either.


"My song writing book." She said, putting it in a bedside drawer.

Woo's book was like her personality, cute and colourful. It had doddles all over the cover and her name scrawled in bubbly letters. 


The last item, other then clothes and other necessities, was a watch box. She handed him it, "My brother suggested I give my husband a gift because I need to be a real woman, so here." she handed him the box containing a watch.

Joon-gi looked at her surprised. He hadn't expected anything nor had he prepared anything. He took the box with both hands and carefully opened it. Inside was a black and gold watch. A warm feeling spread into his heart. It was something he rarely felt. The feeling of being genuinely cared for. He sliped the watch out of the box and fastened it around his wrist. "Thank you.." His voice was soft as he looked at the watch fondly. He liked the watch but that wasn't what moved him it was the fact that she thought of him in the first place and prepared something without expecting anything in return. "I didn't prepare anything for you.." He looked away from her  sadly then remembered something. "..but you still have your wish! What do you wish for? I'll give/do anything."


(It looks good to me. Although maybe not so cramped on the sides.)
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Park So Woo


He looked at the picture when she spoke and smiled. He could see some similarities between Woo and her brother. They looked happy in the picture both of them smilling widely. "What about your parents?" He noticed that Woo hadn't spoken about her parents and she didn't seem to have pictures of them either.

Woo's smile faltered a bit at the question but she just gave a small smile and said, "They died 2 years ago. I never got to really take pictures with them." she mumbled.She didn't go further on the subject, just looked at the the picture of her and her brother, smiling fondly. "He's handsome, he has a wife and two children now. 1 and 3."


Thank you.." His voice was soft as he looked at the watch fondly. He liked the watch but that wasn't what moved him it was the fact that she thought of him in the first place and prepared something without expecting anything in return. "I didn't prepare anything for you.." He looked away from her  sadly then remembered something. "..but you still have your wish! What do you wish for? I'll give/do you anything."

Woo saw his changing expressions and smiled at him, gently squeezing his knee, "You didn't have too Oppa, I wanted to get you something, I didn't expect anything in return, I wanted it to be about only you." She smiled softly at him. "I haven't really thought about it yet to be honest.." She rubbed the back of her neck and laughed. "I'll tell you soon though." She promised.


(I have no clue what her wish should be) 
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Lee Joon-Gi 


Woo's smile faltered a bit at the question but she just gave a small smile and said, "They died 2 years ago. I never got to really take pictures with them." she mumbled.She didn't go further on the subject, just looked at the the picture of her and her brother, smiling fondly. "He's handsome, he has a wife and two children now. 1 and 3."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Looking at Woo you would never think that she carried such sorrows in her heart. She always seemed happy and bright and he wondered if she was the type of person to keep her worries to herself. Woo's expression perked up when talking about her brother and Joon-gi then understood just how important he was to her. He was the only family she had left. He didn't want to pry further and stayed silent.


Woo saw his changing expressions and smiled at him, gently squeezing his knee, "You didn't have too Oppa, I wanted to get you something, I didn't expect anything in return, I wanted it to be about only you." She smiled softly at him. "I haven't really thought about it yet to be honest.." She rubbed the back of her neck and laughed. "I'll tell you soon though." She promised.


"Think about it and tell me when you are ready.", he smiled at her. Woo began to unpack her things and he turned to his bag to do the same. He felt something vibrate in his pocket and took out his phone. Smiling at the screen he answered the phone. "Hello..", but Ha-neul cut him off before he could say more. "Yes... why?", he cut the phone without giving Joon-gi an explanation. Woo looked at him curiously and he shrugged his shoulders. "Ha-neul called to confirm our address but didn't say why." A moment later they heard noise comming from outside the house. Joon-gi and Woo looked at each other questioningly and then they got up to see where all the commotion was coming from. It sounded like someone was singing outside the house so he followed the sound to their front door and peeped outside. When he opened the door two figures outside dressed in traditional cloathes and wearing masks stopped singing and dancing and started chanting. "Hahm for sale, hahm for sale!" 


When Joon-gi and Woo just stood there in confusion, both the strangers lifted up their masks to reveal Ha-neul and Joo-hyuk. They both smiled at them broadly and chanted again. "Hahm for sale, hahm for sale!"


"What are you guys doing?", Joon-gi laughed at his friends.


"Hyung, you don't know?!", Joo-hyuk asked with a look of astonishment on his face. 


"Should I know?", he called back shaking his head.


Ha-neul made a clicking sound with his tongue. "How do you live with this guy hyeongsu-nim?", he asked Woo addressing her as sister-in-law. Then remembering himself he bowed to Woo. "My name is Kang Ha-neul. It's nice to meet you.", he said pleasantly.


"Ah! My name is Nam Joo-hyuk.", he bowed quickly following Ha-neul's lead.


"But, what are you guys doing here. Aren't you busy with your schedules?"


"We couldn't not come greet hyeongsu-nim." Then Joo-hyuk took something from inside his robes and held it out with both hands. "Don't you know it's tradition for the groom's friends to present the bride with a gift?", he said in a matter-of-fact tone and smiled brightly at Woo.


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(It's cool you can just bring it up when you think of something.)
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Park So Woo

"Hello..", but Ha-neul cut him off before he could say more. "Yes... why?", he cut the phone without giving Joon-gi an explanation. Woo looked at him curiously and he shrugged his shoulders. "Ha-neul called to confirm our address but didn't say why."


Woo raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" She said, laughing a bit. "I guess we are getting some company." The singing confirmed this for her, and she followed after Joon-Gi to the door.


When Joon-gi and Woo just stood there in confusion, both the strangers lifted up their masks to reveal Ha-neul and Joo-hyuk. They both smiled at them broadly and chanted again. "Hahm for sale, hahm for sale!"


"What are you guys doing?", Joon-gi laughed at his friends.


"Hyung, you don't know?!", Joo-hyuk asked with a look of astonishment on his face. 


"Should I know?", he called back shaking his head.

Woo giggled as she watched them, dancing a bit at there chanting. "Ahh so cute!" She clapped happily. "Oppa has such cute friends." She looked confused, "What are you doing? I'm confused too.. I'm not from Korea I barely know anything.." She whined.


Ha-neul made a clicking sound with his tongue. "How do you live with this guy hyeongsu-nim?", he asked Woo addressing her as sister-in-law. Then remembering himself he bowed to Woo. "My name is Kang Ha-neul. It's nice to meet you.", he said pleasantly.


"Ah! My name is Nam Joo-hyuk.", he bowed quickly following Ha-neul's lead.


"But, what are you guys doing here. Aren't you busy with your schedules?"


"We couldn't not come greet hyeongsu-nim." Then Joo-hyuk took something from inside his robes and held it out with both hands. "Don't you know it's tradition for the groom's friends to present the bride with a gift?", he said in a matter-of-fact tone and smiled brightly at Woo.


Woo laughed and shrugged, "I don't know." She gently nudged Joon-Gi and bowed quickly. "Nice to meet you two! I'm Park So Woo." Woo gave them big smiles and then looked at the thing in his hands, really confused at this point. She looked at Joon-Hyuk, "Are you guys already trying to scare me off?" She joked, smiling at him. She remembered he was the closest in age to her, getting a little more comfortable with him first.


(Why do you do this? I have the biggest crush on all the males from that show ;-; and IU but shh. Hanuel has the biggest crsh on IU though, it's so cute.)
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Lee Joon-Gi


She looked at Joon-Hyuk, "Are you guys already trying to scare me off?"

"No!" Joon-hyuk looked alarmed but relaxed when he saw Woo smile. He put a hand behind his head and laughed slightly embarrassed that he took her words so seriously. 


"You guys should come inside." Joon-gi moved aside so they could come in.


"Waa.. This place is nice." Ha-neul said as he gazed around the house. 


Joon-hyuk nodded his head in agreement giving a thumbs up to Joon-gi and Woo. Then remembering the gift in his hand he turned to Woo and held the package out to her. "This is for you hyeongsu-nim." He said brightly with a childish smile on his face. 


Woo reached out for the parcel but Ha-neul stopped her blushing a bit when their hands slightly touched. Regaining his composure he held out his hand and wagged his finger at Woo. "Not so fast." ,he looked at them mischievously. "Traditionally the bride's family is supposed to negotiate with us on a price for the hahm but since Woo's family isn't here I guess her husband has to pay the price.", he winked at Woo. "Let's see how much you love your wife!", he said playfully.


Joon-gi noticed Ha-neul blush and something occured to him. They all knew that he had the biggest crush on a singer and Joon-gi wondered if it was Woo. "Umm, there is no price too high for my wife."


"Oh ho!" They both said together. 


"Uri Joon-gi is impressive.", Ha-neul said in mock-amazement.


"Hyeongsu-nim I'm so jealous!", Joon-hyuk chimed in. "But hyung what are you going to give us?" 


Joon-gi thought for a moment placing his hand on his chin. "Umm, since it's almost supper time how about I treat you guys to whatever you want to eat?


They both made a show of leaning their heads close to each other and talked in hushed tones. When they finally broke apart Ha-neul looked at them both very seriously. "The payment is acceptable.", he said in a robotic manner.


Joon-hyuk cheered and lightly took Woo's hand leading her to the sunk-in lounge area and plopped down dragging Woo with him placing the parcel on the table before them. Joon-gi and Ha-neul followed but before he could sit Ha-neul went over to Joon-hyuk and hit him playfully on the head. "Who do you think that you are sitting next to?" When Joon-hyuk continued to look at him with a blank expression on his face, Ha-neul reached down and picked Joon-hyuk up. "Joon-gi you should sit here.", he gestured to the seat next to Woo. 


Joon-gi sat next to Woo giving her an apologetic look. His friends could be a bit much sometimes. He watched as Ha-neul carried Joon-hyuk to the opposite side and shook his head smilling at the two.


"Aah, oppa I new you liked me but aren't we moving too fast?", Joon-hyuk said in a high pitched tone atempting to sound like a girl. 


"What are you doing?", Ha-neul asked in a flat voice already used to his antics. He plumped Joon-hyuk down on the seat and sat next to him looking at Woo. "Ignore him."


"Aww, oppa! Don't be so shy.", he reached over to pinch Ha-neul's cheeks. Ha-neul swatted his hands away. He turned to Woo and stuck his tongue out showing the V sign and then pushed the parcel towards her slightly hopping up and down in his seat with excitement. 


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Joon-gi watched as Woo opened the parcel carefully, inside was an intricately designed box.


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It was filled with items that a bride would traditionally be gifted such as hair ornaments and jewellery but in the middle of it all there was a figurine of a bride and groom. Inside the bride's hands where two necklaces.


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(I'm sorry! I just saw the picture of them and thought why not but I didn't know he had a crush on IU! So cute!)


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Woo reached out for the parcel but Ha-neul stopped her blushing a bit when their hands slightly touched. Regaining his composure he held out his hand and wagged his finger at Woo. "Not so fast." ,he looked at them mischievously. "Traditionally the bride's family is supposed to negotiate with us on a price for the hahm but since Woo's family isn't here I guess her husband had to pay the price.", he winked at Woo. "Let's see how much you love your wife!", he said playfully.


Woo noticed his blush and smirked a bit, "Wow." she laughed, turning to Joon- Gi, "Have fun with that." She smirked a bit as she turned to him, wagging her finger back and sticking her tongue out at him.


Joon-hyuk cheered and lightly took Woo's hand leading her to the sunk-in lounge area and plopped down dragging Woo with him and placed the parcel on the table before them. Joon-gi and Ha-neul followed but before he could sit Ha-neul went over to Joon-hyuk and hit him lightly on the head. "Who do you think that you are sitting next to?" When Joon-hyuk continued to look at him with a blank expression on his face, Ha-neul reached down and picked Joon-hyuk up. "Joon-gi you should sit here.", he gestured to the seat next to Woo. 

Woo was definitely enjoying this visit. "Ahh Ha-Neul don't be mean." She giggled a bit, gently squeezing Joon-Hyuks hand. She smiled at Joon-Gi signaling it was okay. Woo giggled at there antics and gently squeezed both of there cheeks, "Ahh so cute! I like them, can we keep them?" She said, jokingly.


As Woo opened it, her eyes widened and she turned to them. "Guys! This is too much." She whined, showed Joon-Gi all the items. "It's all beautiful, but I feel bad taking so much." She stuck her bottom lip out, much like a pouting child. She turned to Ha-neul with big eyes, "Thank you, cute oppas." She said, blowing the two a kiss and handing Joon-Gi the dog tag side of the necklace. Cute Oppas was there nickname now and they will have to live with it. Woo examined the stuff, careful not to break it.


(omg Ha-neul xD)
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Lee Joon-Gi


He took the necklace that Woo handed him and slipped it around his neck. He then turned to Woo and asked her if she needed help putting on her half of the necklace. His hands shook slightly as Ha-neul and Joon-hyuk gawked at them and began teasing him. He sent them a look and missed once before finally getting the latch around the hoop. Woo turned around and looked at the necklace fondly. Joon-gi smiled at her and then turned to his friends. "Alright, what do you guys want to eat?" 


"Barbecue!" Joon-hyuk said without hesitation, beaming at them. Ha-neul and Joon-gi shared a look, both of them already expecting this answer.


"Ya! Joon-hyuk, we can't eat barbecue every time we go out." 


Joon-hyuk pouted at him and then started chanting. "Barbecue! Barbecue!"


"Araso! Araso, let's go for barbecue." He shook his head at Joon-hyuk. 


"Hmm, but, first you need to give us the grand tour of your house. Isn't that right hyeongsu-nim?" Ha-neul looked at them both expectantly but Joon-hyuk already started to pull him out of the seat and drag him around the house. Joon-gi and Woo followed pointing out the different rooms. When they reached the master bedroom both Ha-neul and Joon-hyuk looked at each other and smiled. They both grabbed Joon-gi, one on each side. 


"Hyung, there is only one bed." Joon-hyuk wispered.


"Are you really going to share a bed with Woo?" Ha-neul asked, a look of concern on his face, then he added. "Don't get any weird thoughts."


"Hyung, have fun! I'm cheering for you! Fighting!" Joon-hyuk lifted his hand up and made a fist.


"What do you mean 'have fun'?" Ha-neul asked but cut himself short when he saw Woo approach them. He looked at Woo very seriously when she stopped in front of them. "Hyeongsu-nim if this guy does anything weird then just call me okay."


"Why would she need to call you?" Joon-gi took Woo's hand and led her to the car. "Let's go!" He shouted back at the guys. Although he knew Ha-neul meant well, but, what was he doing saying those kinds of things to Woo. He tightened his grip on her hand. Woo was his wife.






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