
Hai!..no Aye!

Tsu-nya declared that his illness would be wasted on himself only.

Technically he should be better, but extended nights rewatching fairy tail and working on game design has kept him perpetually ill :3
Believe it or not Tsu, Hier is the type to have a brief explanation. If anything, he'd be amused Shun came up with a good way to react in such short time. He's dangerous but still an intellectual. :U

Edit: Also, Adonna. Does my signature remind you of anything?
Tsu figured that in real life, vol. You just have to remember, Shun has only seen him attack Ulysses and then suddenly collapse the tower on top of him. He is a bit concerned for his life atm.

Shun doesn't want to fight, which is why he voiced that and used an attack he knew Heir would be hardly affected by.

Mental fights!
I'm not "that" cruel. Hier figures casualties is pointless this early on in the game. Different story with Damian though. Regardless of effect, Hier will understand the notion Shun is attempting to make. Honestly, Shun might be the only Host out of the group Hier would openly respect.
I don't know, honestly.. I just am driven to say no to everything.. It's a habit.

I have a habit of saying no. Holy sh*t, I discovered something about myself. I-- Guys help.
I habit of saying, "Oh my len"

Or using, "You're a person, person." as an insult.

Hurray, let's go bite purples.





I give up
Let's all give up.

Give up and let them win. Put an end to everything, let us look at them right in the eyes and give up. No more worries, let them control everything. Lose the right to give and freaking give up on everything. Stop breathing in defeat or worries. Not a thing will be yours to keep. No more ideas. No more competition, Just give up. Let them win. Let them take over everything. A voice in your head screams, but ignore it. Leave. Stop. Allow. Lose. End.

Let us all give up.

I'm drunk from sugar. I think I need to sleep.
I've actually been awake since what? 10:30pm last night? I should probably lay down myself. I'm beginning to get a headache, but I don't want to miss posts.

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