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Fantasy && you're not real {closed}


New Member
It would be dark soon, for Ezekiel it was his time to hunt. After allowing a villagers 10 years of quiet bliss, the need for a hunt was great. The blacksmith he ran had been filled with customers and as they ordered from him he could hear small little rumors going on about the monster. Were they already expecting him? After spending centuries of tormenting the same village you would assume a predator like himself would move on. But he liked making a new name for himself and claiming he was the grandson to someone who "looked like him". Every time someone would grow suspicious of him, he'd disappear for awhile. He'd kill from the forest for a few years, and then always come back to the village with a new name, a new story, and claiming to be the grandson of the old blacksmith. His alibi this time was that he really was 39 and not 28, and that he was older than he looked. Many believed it, because they only saw the "monster" as simply... a monster. There was nothing human about it, so why would the believe that it was a human turning into a monster? Humans were naive, and for the longest time he couldn't believe he was once one of them. He stopped lumping himself with his meals, and would simply 'forget' he was ever human.

"Ezekiel." A familiar voice came from the the outside of his blacksmith which was just a small little hut that held his bed and supplies inside, then a small roof outside that covered his anvil and his forge. At the moment, he was working on sharpening a sword, and he just looked up. Most of the people didn't like talking to him due to his cold personality, but this one seemed to always bother him. Rover was his name, and Rover tended to label Ezekiel as his friend which Ezekiel despised. The man was a chatterbox, and quite the looker, both of them were. He was the son of the village Elder, and almost reminded Ezekiel of himself back in the day. A man who was too happy to realize the world was too dark, and even with a monster roaming around the man was optimistic. Always claiming he would slay the monster and save the village. Oh how many have tried, and were only met with the same fate. There was reason that Ezekiel didn't kill Rover, it was because he had to look somewhat human. So he simply pretended to befriend the man, but didn't try much to make talk with him.

"I've told you time and time again, Rover." Ezekiel scowled, "You cannot interupt me while I work." Rover just laughed, that deep boisterous laugh that everyone loved. It wasn't like Ezekiel actually said anything funny, he was just stating a fact. He had told Rover many times to wait till the sun was fully set to interrupt him. "I know!" Rover just waved his hand away and took a stool from near the anvil to sit close to Ezekiel. His dark brown eyes examined Rover as if he was waiting for the man to actually tell him why he was here. Rover just smiled at him before he realized that he did have something to say to Ezekiel.

"Oh! Well I interuppted because I think I found you a suitable match." He teased, and leaned in to tell him as if it were a big secret, "Osburn says that whatever man can take down the beast can have Alysia. Is that not great news?"

Ezekiel just stared at the man, eyes narrowed. When Rover didn't get a reaction he was waiting for he groaned, "You've told me it a million times!"

"Then why do you always get your hopes up? You know after 400 centuries, this beast has never been caught. It has terrorized us, and we've accepted our fate as food for him." Ezekiel criticized the man, but Rover had a glint in his eye. "Oh I know... but Osburn has this theory. The beast disappears every few years right? Then returns after exactly 10, why is that?" Ezekiel didn't even know where this was going. He knew that he had a habit of killing for 3 years then disappearing for ten. It was to make sure no one fled the village, it also meant he was hunting other humans somewhere else.

"Well he believes it's because it's one of us" He whispers, which surprised Ezekiel. He knew that he had kept this tradition every 10 years, but no one had really taken notice till now. Perhaps because he killed many of their elders and a lot of their children. It kept the population low enough, and the knowledge of the beast still a mystery. The oldest man of the village was Rover's father and he was the target for the night, but right now that would change. "At first they thought it was you," Rover continued, "But Osburn once said, that when he was a boy he stabbed the beast with a silver knife. The creature had just been prodded with it when it burned its skin. He believes silver is its weakness, and look at you! You work with silver and steel!"

Ezekiel had gone quiet, he knew that his weakness was silver, but he didn't realize they knew... the only reason he still worked with silver was because if he coated his hand with grease he would be able to touch the silver and it could be tolerable. "I think I just need to test everyone with silver... one touch and their skin will burn right?"

This man, and Osburn were going to be the death of him. If they began to think that the monster was a human, and the fact that he allowed Osburn to live those years ago had come back to haunt him would be his demise. His face would be imprinted in their minds and he'd never be able to come back a different man. Having Rover as a friend, however, seemed to also be beneficial. As long as Rover believed Ezekiel was safe... he could most certainly gain information. Rover then pats him on the shoulder and says, "You and I better find that beast, then as promised I will give you Alysia." Ezekiel rolled his eyes as Rover gets up to leave. If they were preparing for the beast to come back, he would have to lay low... But for now- he simply would have to keep an eye on Rover.


It had been dark, everyone had gone to their beds and locked their homes. Tonight would be hard to make a kill, well it would have been... if it wasn't for the baker's boy out on the streets with a silver spear in hand. Of course Osburn would spread the rumor of silver being his weakness. Unfortunately for the baker's boy, the competition for the pretties girl in the village didn't mean he was prepared for the beast who waited in the shadows. Ezekial was patient, ears perked, and crouched between two houses. The baker's boy didn't get the chance to react as he saw teeth and claws come into view and he was done for. Blood was everywhere, he was coated in it. The meal before him tasted much too sweet. It had been only a month since he had tasted human again. He had to hunt miles away just to find a wandering traveler for a meal. Of course, humans wasn't a necessary source of protein, but he sure loved hearing their screams.

As he feasted, there was a gust of wind. It had been a clear day, why were the clouds beggining to cover the moon? He looked to the black sky, and everything went dark. Even though he had superb vision in the night, it was even too dark for him. It was a flash, a lightning? Right in the center of the village, and he wasn't prepared for it. When the lightning hit the rocky path he saw a body lay on the ground. A human? Did a human get struck by lightning? Were the gods that cursed him give this poor human bad luck to have been struck by a single lightning bolt? However, as the clouds seemed to slowly disipate like magic, he took a closer look. A woman? Confused, the wolf slowly made it's way to the body of the woman who seemed untouched. No wounds on her, and she had her eyes closed. at first he would have thought her dead, if it weren't for the rise and fall of her chest. When he came closer, he gazed at her face, such a familiar face, where had he seen her from? Confusion and anger overcame him, but he didn't know why. They had met before, years ago... or was that a dream? Like how he thought being a human was a dream? Yet, he couldn't get a better look at her as her eyes opened and fear was evident in her expression. She let out a shrill cry and lanterns came on and men's voices came from the houses. Men were going to come out, most likely with weapons. Now that most of the village would have silver in their grasps he would be done for. Letting out a growl as the door to Rover's home slammed open revealing Rover like a hero in a story, "You're not getting away this time, you bastard." And villagers all awakened to help whatever woman had cried out. He snarled, and one last time met eyes with this strange woman before fleeing to the trees.

(also rover is gonna be like the man taken interest in your character for the time being)

Rover had rushed to the woman's aid, "Are you alright?" When he came to her aid, however, he didn't recognize her. She had strange clothes, and had never been seen in the village before. The first words out of her mouth was, "Where the hell am I?"

Many villagers were muttering under their breaths, and wondering why the beast handn't killed her, but Rover was too worried for the woman's health. "You're safe now," He tried reassuring her, but she seemed way to eratic and began asking questions and pushing him away and threatening him. Why would such a woman threaten the man who had saved her? Certainly she had gone mad?
For Dorothy in New York City it was an ordinary Wednesday by all means. It was hump day after all which meant the other accountants were going out to the bars and had the courage to ask her if she wanted to join. Usually, Dorothy would just glare at them or ask them if they should be doing their work, but lately it had been hard to care about anything real. Work seemed to always be the same meetings but with different numbers- some quarters were bad others good but it was all the same. Every goddamn day was the exact same as the last.

“Dot,” Martha inquired, raising a brow and eyeing her friend through her thick bangs, “You okay then?”

Martha was the only one out of her coworkers that seemed to be brave enough to call her by that adorable nickname given to her in college. She always thought she might grow into a dot, full of sunshine and rainbows but now she could see she’d always have this frozen exterior. Dorothy looked up from her drink and sighed, “Uh, yeah, just tired. Rough quarter, you know?”

“Yeah, the economy am I right?” She joked, taking a sip of her martini and leaning forward a little more, “You seem… I don’t know how to say this nicely.”

“Then say it in a bitchy way.”

Martha rolled her eyes, “You’re not as closed off as usual. I mean, you always have that scowl on your face, honestly I’m shocked you don’t have wrinkles yet but today you look… well, Dot you look fucking depressed.”

Dorothy couldn’t help chuckle shallowly. Was it true, did she always scowl? That was probably the reason why she hadn’t dated since college, nobody wanted to ask a girl out with a mean mug on her face not that she wanted a relationship. That was the last thing on her mind these days, it used to be numbers and work but now the only thing she really cared about was what was going to happen next in whatever cheesy romance novel she picked up from the dollar section at the used bookstore.

“It’s just the weather gettin’ me down. Maybe I should go on vacation or something.” Dorothy replied, sipping her beer absently.

Martha brightly smiled, “Yes! You haven’t ever taken a vacation, why not go somewhere tropical.”

“Nah, don’t like the heat much.”

“Camping, do you like camping?”

“You know I can’t cook for myself let alone… survive anywhere that doesn’t have take-out or delivery.” Dot laughed.

“Well then maybe Europe, there are lots of things to see there and delicious food!” Martha suggested, clearly tiring of trying to cheer Dot up.

So, she finally gave in and smiled, “Yeah, maybe I will… Now, how’s that boyfriend of yours, Jerry?”


In the comfort of her bed in her small, studio apartment Dorothy was not reading the paperback on her nightstand and instead looking at trips to Europe. She’d have to save up more money, so no hump day drinks anymore (which she wouldn’t mind) but it was possible. Europe didn’t seem like a bad option. At least she could find some quiet and get away from all the nonsense that surrounded her in everyday life. With a groan she shut her laptop and laid down in bed, staring up at the ceiling like she did every night.

Why does it have to be like this? She thought to herself, clutching her fists fiercely, Why does every fucking day have to be the same?

She forced her eyes shut as the rage boiled inside of her. Like every night her body became tired of the anger and turned it into oblivion.


Initially she thought it was a dream if it wasn’t for the heat of the breath against her skin. Dorothy blinked and stared up at the monstrosity staring down at her with bared teeth and lonely golden eyes. For some reason they were familiar to her, perhaps because they looked so much like her own when she looked in the mirror morning after morning.

However, this all did not register in her brain. What did register was the fact a huge wolf-like creature was standing over her and she was presumably seconds away from death. So naturally she began to scream bloody murder, pushing against the cool, wet pavement under her in order to get away. All the while shaking in fear with wide eyes and a now sore throat.

That’s when the other people came out from everywhere and that is also when she realized that she was nowhere she recognized. A man approached her, he obviously wanted to help but all Dorothy could say was, “Where the HELL am I?!”

She pushed against him, she was from New York where the only men that approached her at night only had the worst plans for her. But clearly she was not in New York City anymore.

“Safe? Safe?!” She shrieked, clutching onto his shirt furiously, “I-I don’t know where I am and a giant dog just tried to eat me! I think I am the furthest thing from safe.”
Ezekiel had transformed the minute he got to the shadows of the trees, his breathing was rugged and there were too many emotions running through his head. Had it been that long where he couldn't even remember the face of his lover? The whole reason he tormented the village was because they sat by and watched his lover die.. He wanted to rip her apart, the animalistic instincts in his head demanded to destroy that familiar face. Did she have the same eyes? He couldn't remember and he let out a snarl of frustration. Ezekiel leaned against a tree to calm down and try to gather the last few moments in his head. That lightening had summoned a demon to torment him of all things, it couldn't be her. He could hear more commotion from the village, being so close to the houses allowed him to just listen. Listen to that voice speak in that strange tone of hers. Surely it couldn't be her... her voice was so much different. He had to get back to his black Smith, but the blood all over his chest would be questioned. What could he do in this situation? It was dark enough, and they were distracted by the woman. Could he possibly sneak by them?

The shock from seeing her face though and made him motionless, still stuck under the tree trying to figure out if she was his lover or not. He had seen her die, had been the one to bury her. The man he traded his humanity with and promised he'd get his lover back, but he didn't expect after centuries that it would come true. God, now he couldn't tell if this was the promise he was finally getting or just another way to make his life hell. Whatever god was watching him had a sick sense of humor. For now though, he had to rest. He had to complete his thought and fix his emotions. For now, he would wait till morning to go back to the village so he could


Rover had tried to settle her down, but she seemed confused and scared. She spoke strangely and though they spoke the same language it sounded wrong. As if she were pronouncing the words in such a way that seemed English but not entirely. It was too confusing, because they never really knew foreigners in the village. Rover looked to the villagers for any guidance, but they were at a loss too. Some still were concerned as to why she wasn't dead, but when they witness the Baker's boy dead their attention went straight to him. Rover's attention stayed on her for now, after all, the baker's boy was simply part of the competition and he was eliminated in his head.

"Don't worry, lass." He tried hushing her worries as the cries of the baker's wife were heard, perhaps her screaming wouldn't calm the girl's own fears and he tried to block her view of the dead body covered in his own blood. It wouldn't be right for her to see such carnage after just appearing at the village, "Let's get you somewhere warm, eh?"He asked her, his voice trying to be leveled and calm while the villagers were all panicking. He lifted her onto her feet, and looked to the tavern. He would have her get at least a drink or something warm to eat. It would soon turn winter the next few weeks and so it would get quite chilly out by now.

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