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Fantasy Wolves on the Run

Bat realized they were talking about Alyla. He couldn't do anything in this state. However, a transmissions from Ketsui came in. It was just her yelling that he called her harmless. Seems she forgot to turn off the earpiece. "Ketsui, harmless was referring to what you would do to Kris. I know how dangerous you can be, but I knew you wouldn't hurt a friendly. Now, if you're done, I need you to go in my utility belt and press the explosion switch."

"Hah you think sending more will- wait explosion switch?"
Elliot sees this godown and feels frozen in place. He doesn't think he is strong enough to do anything. You don't need to be strong, dumb butt. You just need to be smart. Eyolf mutters. Even he is afraid. But he had a good point. He sees the cure syringes on the back of Dr. Sanders' belt and immediately forms a plan. Elliot looks around him, and tried to find something metal. He finds a loose screw on the ground and he picks it up, rolling it in front of Dr. Sanders. When the doctor bends over, Elliot creeps behind and grabs the syringes. He makes firm eye contact with Grey Bat before shrinking back into the shadows.
Bat finally breaks under the pain, his neutral tone now replaced with anger. He was one step from being flat on the ground, however he saw Elliot take the cures. When Sanders bent over, he used his remaining strength to kick his foe in the jaw, effectively breaking it and knocking Sanders to the floor. He aimed his gun at his left eye and shot, then shot again at his brain, then once more at his heart. This is when Bat passed out under pain.
Once Sanders is dead and bleeding on the floor, Elliot rushes to Grey's side. His hands shake a little from stress and he injects the first syringe's content into the wound in his shoulder. He looks around him. Where is Alyla? He tries to find her scent in the air but the scent of Sanders' blood is overwhelming any other scent. "Bat, wake up. Come on, wake up!" He shakes Bat's shoulder frantically, fear making his breath shallow and quick. "Bat, please, I'm scared, I can't do this on my own!"
Click, Click, Click. That sound was heels. Alyla knew that sound. But from where? "Oh, look at what we have here." A woman's voice filled with evil spoke. Alyla glanced over at her only to see her standing next to a panel of controls. "What are you going to do to me?" "My dear Alyla, that's for me to know and you to find out." This woman wasn't just any scientist. She's the wife of Dr. Sanders. The woman who only deals with Alyla and Andreasa. The backbone of this entire lab. Alyla's eyes followed every single move Mrs Dr. Sanders made and the one move she only made was to push a control button. "Might as well get comfortable, dear Alyla, because you are going to be here for a while." Mrs Dr. Sanders walked over to the door panel and pressed a few controls. The door closed and locked as She walked back over to Alyla pulling on some gloves. "It is time." Alyla was only managed to say one word before she was knocked out with sleeping gas. "Grey..."
Two hours after Elliot injected the cure, Bat finally woke up. He jumped back onto his feet, returning to his normal self. He looked out, turning on his Eye, analyzing every little detail. He stared at Sanders' corpse a while for whatever reason. "The blood of this person does not match Sanders'." Bat walked up to the corpse and put a sample of the in a vial, which he'd analyze with his machine later. He then pointed to a door which was locked with a retina scanner and fingerprint. Presumably, if neither of these matched Sanders the person would be shocked to death. "Alyla is in here, but how would we get in?" Bat walked back over to the corpse. He cut out it's right eye and left thumb. "Moment of truth."
Elliot was found trying to get Grey to wake up and was sedated for about thirty minutes. In that time he was taken to the testing lab and belted down. He opens his eyes to darkness. Elliot immediately took note of his body positioning. His spine was straight. His feet were planted on the ground. One arm was resting on what felt like a desk. The other was at his side. This was a position he knew well. He was going to be tested on.

The lights flicker on after a few minutes. Elliot winces. The light hurts his eyes. When he recovers, he sees three scientists he doesn't recognize. They are holding a syringe filled with a clear liquid. "What do you want?" Elliot asks, a little scared. One scientist looks him in the eye. "What are you going to do?" He almost screams.

"Just relax." The scientist responds as he moves closer. Elliot stiffens and analyzes the syringe.

"Tell me what the fuck that is, now." He demands, anger starting to set in.

The scientist puts the needle into Elliot's arm, who in turn winces. "It's a depressant." The scientist says after taking out the needle. "A little gift for you and your friends."
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(bat was simply talking to himself)

Bat didn't notice Elliot's disappearance, as he had forgotten he was there when he passed out. He did, however, break into Alyla's room. He aimed his gun at Mrs. Sanders and immediately expected words out of her mouth.
"Oh Look who is here to save you, Alyla." Mrs. Sanders mocked as she finished pushing some kind of liquid through a needle into Alyla's arm. A liquid that Mrs. Sanders made after they had escaped. She glanced over to her assistant, "It is done." The assistant nodded and typed something into her tablet. Mrs. Sanders turned around to look Grey Bat in the eye. "Subject 1 is finally complete." The assistant pulled the sleeping mask off Alyla's face. Then both Mrs. Sanders and the assistant walked out of the room through a hidden door that immediately closed right behind them.

Taking a deep breath, Alyla opened her eyes. But everything wasn't their own color. Even her own eyes weren't the same blue color. They had turned into a deep green color. Quickly sitting up, she looked around and the first person that she spotted was Grey. "Grey..." She whispers.
Bat shot at the door they left through, doing nothing. He then turned and pretended to stab the cure into her wound. Realizing this was just fantasy, he threw his gun onto the floor, shattering it during the process. He shuffled through to drawers to see if he could find another copy of his cure, but to no avail. He did find a grey silenced pistol which seemed special. He put it in his pocket along with his zap knife and rushed next to Alyla. "Speak. I just realized Elliot is missing. I must find him fast."
"My eyes... Something's wrong with my eyes." Everything Alyla was seeing was green with different information on the side of her right eye. "Grey, what happened to me?" But she knew he had to find Elliot. "Actually, don't answer that. Just go find him. I'll be fine." Alyla gently placed her hand on his shoulder and lightly pushed him towards the door. "Go."
Bat nodded and ran off without reluctance, unsheathing his new gun and knife. After a few minutes of searching, his Eye detected Elliot's body and a scientist's. He broke down the door and swiftly shot a bullet straight through the scientist's trachea and ran to Elliot. "Why are you always being injected with something? Can't they give you a break and give you a nasal spray or something?" Bat then put his hand on Elliot's chest. "I can't quite tell if you're in great pain or sedated. Speak."
Elliot looks over Bat, terrified. He finds his tongue almost glued to his mouth. Grey Bat, the legend himself, is talking to him. He doesn't deserve that. He is just a weak little boy. Grey Bat... he's so much more than him. Elliot looks at his arm and swallows hard. All he can think is, why did you come back for me? And why would you voluntarily touch me? He looks up at Grey Bat with watery eyes and nods. He doesn't deserve to speak to someone as amazing and intelligent as Grey Bat.
Bat went to some of the drawers to find IV needles. He extracted some of his own blood then poured it into a vial. He then frantically searched through cabinets to find various chemicals, in which he poured very specific amounts into the vial. He then shook the vial vigorously He poured the vial into another needle and injected it straight into Elliot's heart, then pulled it out. "Don't worry, I'm O positive."
Elliot looks up at him with distanced eyes. What is he doing? Elliot flinches a bit when the needle pierces his skin and sighs when it comes out. He tries to speak, but all that comes out is a small groan that resembles then name Grey.

(by depressant I meant it enhances his depression)
"Every bit of shit they've put into you will be neutralized soon. I'll leave the door unlocked, I'm off to seek to Alyla. Do not leave the facility until I tell you too. There's no more scientists after they saw the fake Sanders died and Mrs. Sanders' escape. You'll be fine." Bat rushed back to Alyla.

He checked her heart rate and asked if she was doing alright.

(Oh. A depressant is a drug which decreases the nervous system's activity xD )
Elliot watches him go and looks around him. So many bad memories, so much pain... his eye catches on a syringe on the floor within reach. He grabs it and stares at his arm. He could do it. And he should do it. But maybe... not yet. Maybe he'll just wait for a minute. But one more minute is a minute of suffering. something dies in him when he thinks that and he digs the syringe into the underside of his forearm.

(i know, i kinda forgot. They injected him with liquid to enhance his depression, not a depressant)
Alyla slowly nodded. "I think so. Everything but my eyes feel okay." She responded. Without realizing what she had done, she blinked twice and the tiny information disappeared. Only this time, everything was a light grey color. Something like of an old black and white tv show. "Grey... I think whatever they had put in me made me color blindness." She whispers with a slight of fear and sacredness mixed in her voice.
Color Blindness? What reason would they have for doing that? It can't be the only thing they could've done. "I'll analyze your blood back at the cave. If everything except that is alright, let's go meet Elliot outside and go there."
Blinking twice again, everything from before came back. "Yeah, everything else is fine." Sliding off the table, Alyla followed Grey down the long dark hallway. That's when she realized what they had done to her eyes. But she figured she would tell Grey when they got back to the cave.
Elliot pulls the syringe up his arm, groaning a bit in pain. He reaches the crook of his elbow and goes back to his wrist, cutting horizontally across his wrist. He remembers all the horrible tests and the even worse pain-filled aftermaths of the tests. He wants the memories gone. He wants himself gone. Everyone would be better without him dragging them down. He's the youngest and the stupidest. He shouldn't be allowed near them at all. But they seem set on taking his useless ass wherever they go, so he has to help them out and get rid of himself. His stupid, weak, useless, isolated, self needs to disappear forever.
"Elliot?" Bat questioned the lack of his depressed comrade's presence. He yelled the boy's name louder to see if he got a response.
Elliot stands shakily and walks over to the injection chair. He sits down, belts himself in, and leaves his bleeding arm on the table infront of him. His first memory is from here. His last memory might as well be also.
Bat ran into the room he found him in worriedly, only to find Elliot within the chair. Wait a minute. It all makes sense. The fact my methods of manipulations couldn't cure his depression. His injections. His self-harm. "Elliot, you have biological depression. If you realize this within yourself and don't want it, you shall realize why I am intent on keeping you alive. I'm actually scared of you."
Elliot is beyond reason. A single tear slips down his face as his body starts to shake uncontrollably. His breathing starts to deregulate. Every second was a struggle. "I'm... sorry." He manages with a strained voice.

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