• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Witchcraft & Wizardry [Closed]



-Banquet Hall

-Omar Hadid

-Omar Hadid

stellar.nova stellar.nova

Emerson Albrecht
Emerson nodded in agreement at his speculations. It seemed as though no one was to be trusted with that kind of logic. Her eyes fell to the drink he offered and she graciously took it from him, her fingers just barely brushing by his in an accidental touch. Her cheeks felt hot, though she hoped the heat had yet to visibly tint her face. In an attempt to deflect from her bashfulness, she found herself smirking.

"You know," she sighed. "Who's to say these drinks haven't already be tampered with?"

She lifted the drink to her mouth, placing the cold edge of the cup against her bottom lip.

"Hmm, should we be daring and risk it?"

Despite herself, she was feeling awfully bold.


- Amazed yet Overwhelmed

- Ravenclaw's Girl Dormitory

- Leandra
- Jupiter
- Tempest

- N/A

- PixieDust PixieDust
- Athens Athens
- stellar.nova stellar.nova

Dilara Canaan
Zoning in and out what was going on in her dorm room, Dilara was preoccupied with searching the interweb on her laptop. Somehow, she managed to get connection to the web - through a little hacking and some magic - and that was all that she cared about in that moment. She was currently in a bid for a camera that she desperately wanted and needed that was on sale for $300 not used. And boy, was she winning the bid so far. She just hope none of the other bidders upped her, if they did. . .well, let's just say that she isn't beneath sending little bots to attack the person's way of accessing the net. Call her a cheater or any other names, but she had been eyeing that beauty for months and to hell with letting other bloody greedy bastards take it from her.

However, Dilara was brought out of her concentration when Leandra pulled up a deep purple strapless dress for Jupiter to wear. Tilting her head to the side, Dilara eyed the gown with slight curiosity and admiration but she would never wear a dress. Soon, her attention was onto Tempest who seemed to be rattling and ranting on about her mother. Biting her lips, Dilara opened her lips to say something, only to close her mouth shut, not sure what to say. It wasn't the first time the young blue-eyed blonde girl retracted herself into her own little corner, not really speaking to anyone unless spoken to. It wasn't as if she was trying to be unapproachable, but rather moreso, she didn't want to snap at someone accidently. Her fath- no, step-father, afterall told her she always had a nasty bite.

But, pulled out of her musing once more, when Tempest called out to all of them, Dilara looked up from her computer, her mouth gaping open. The attire looked absolutely stunning on the young girl before her. It shaped her curves, frame, the whole nine yards! Dilara couldn't help but nod, gasping slightly in awe."It isn't. It's. . . perfect on you." She spilled out, almost in a whisper. However, quickly feeling a little embarrassed from her outburst, Dilara's attention was back on her screen only for her to get a notice that she had been outbidded. "Bok!" Shit She exclaimed out of irritation before shutting down her laptop.


- Flirtatious

- Great Hall

- Emerson

- n/a

- rainfall rainfall

Omar Hadid
Omar thought for a moment, in a playful sort of way, then grinned. "Shall we chance it? And risk embarrassing ourselves? Removing any ideas from our mind that there could ever be a second date because the other person is just not who we think they are?" He arched his brow and held his own cup to his mouth. "Shall we drink together on three then?" His light colored eyes danced as they looked at Emerson, taking in her expression and just how soft and beautiful she was. He soon found that his hand was aching to draw her. A queen upon a throne. "Exquisite." And unknowingly, he had said that aloud, his tone husky and deep.


- Flustered, But Gaining Composure

- Banquet Hall

- Theresa

- n/a

- deer deer

Niklaus Vogl
Klaus watched Theresa's excited reaction with a touch of intrigue. Typically, people weren't so excited to talk to him. He would smile...if he liked smiling. But he typically didn't like it so he didn't do it. He did, however, find enough sense to sraighten his posture and return to his default stoic appearance. "Yes, I am usually this polite. So I suppose that would mean I've been myself the whole time." As she asked what he was interested in, he felt his thick brow furrow in both hought and confusion. "I enjoy walking. And learning. And spending time with my sister." And muggle movies, but he wasn't about to let that cat out of the bag. That was a more personal fact that he would rather keep to himself for now.




-Banquet Hall

-Omar Hadid

-Omar Hadid

stellar.nova stellar.nova

Emerson Albrecht
Being a Muggle-born thrust into the Wizarding world was quite a struggle. At no other place did she have to consider that someone may have tainted a communal beverage with a potion that could turn you into a magpie or something of the sort. However, it was a better alternative than worrying about being roofied. She lifted the drink to her lips, her eyes flicking away from Omar's face, actively trying not to stare at him for too long. Smiling at his commentary, she took a sip from the cup as it seemed safe enough.

Hearing him utter the word "exquisite", she gasped mid-swallow. Her hand quickly moved to her throat as she released a small cough. She raised an eyebrow a her dark eyes fell to the drink in her hands. She thought it was tasted perfectly fine, but exquisite seemed a tad exaggerated. A smirk crept across her features.

"I guess it--" she started, only to realize that he had been staring at her. Perhaps, he had not meant the drink at all. Her cheeks beamed red with the possibility. "What?"


- Embarrassed and Concerned

- Great Hall

- Emerson

- n/a

- rainfall rainfall

Omar Hadid
Omar was just as shocked as Emerson when he involuntarily said the word. Luckily he hadn't taken a drink of his own punch or he would have met the same fate. He was incredibly concerned when she made the choking noise, and immediately set down both their cups so that he could be attentive of her. He was almost ready to do the heimlich maneuver when she began to speak. And if she could speak, that meant she could breath, so Omar relaxed.

But...wait...did she think he had been talking about the drink? Oh well, he was going to get off Scott-free....nope. She had caught on. Her 'what' said that loud and clear. "Exquisite. You are simply exquisite and I would quite like to draw you. Though I don't believe I could do you justice. It would be hard to put such magnificence on paper." He had recovered swimmingly, but the tips of his ear were feeling warm, and he just knew there would be no hiding his embarrassment. So, in order to distract himself, he picked up his punch. Or rather, went to pick it up, but only succeeded in knocking it over and onto the floor where it spilled. He got a few looks and snickers, but luckily things like that never bothered him. His attention was still on the lady in his presence.


-Banquet Hall

-Omar Hadid

-Omar Hadid

stellar.nova stellar.nova

Emerson Albrecht
The first thing that came to mind as he spoke was that one scene form the movie Titanic. "Draw me like one of your french girls," everyone seemed to quote. Though, there would be no nude drawings in this situation. She cracked a smile and shook her head, wondering if he had been kidding. She knew him to be a talented artist, but she never imagined he would want to draw her. But wow, did he have a way of speaking to her. You are simply exquisite.

It always seemed to result in catching Emerson off-guard.

"You want to draw me," she repeated shyly.

For now, all she could was smile and bashfully look away, tucking a lock of her behind her ear as she thought of how to respond. As she finally mustered the courage to turn around and face him, she'd caught him knock his drink over, the punch spilling onto the floor. Her eyes narrowed as she heard a few people laugh at the tiny mishap.

Without a moment's hesitation, she dropped her own cup of punch on the floor. "Whoops," she shrugged, smirking in his direction. Even if the attention of their peers didn't bother him, she always felt as though people should never experience embarrassment, however slight alone. A few people looked her way, confused by yet another spill, though Emerson didn't mind. She took her wand from her pocket and cleaned the mess the two of them had made with a simple flick of her wrist.

"If I'm being entirely honest, that's probably the most accurate representation of the effect you have on me," she laughed.


- Embarrassed and Amused

- Great Hall

- Emerson

- n/a

- rainfall rainfall

Omar Hadid
It seemed like Emerson was silent for an awful long time, and Omar held his breath for every second of it. But when her soft voice finally gave him a response, he let out a very relaxing exhale, and felt his shoulders fall. That is, before the whole punch spilling debacle. He watched in amusement as Emerson dropped her own punch to the ground, and then cleaned it up.

Omar let out a breathless sort of laugh and rubbed the back of his neck, keeping his eyes on Emerson. "Back to the subject at hand, yes I would like to draw you. A powerful queen dressed in the finest of silks, sitting on a throne made of chrome and damaged cars. Fierce. Beautiful. Perfect." He was slightly less embarrassed as he described the scene, finding it easier to just think of it as a piece of art rather than a representation of his feelings.

As he spoke, though, he had found himself staring into Emerson's eyes. So by now, he noticed, and swiftly broke eye contact and cleared his throat. "Should we...uh...get more punch? Or just risk it later?"



-Banquet Hall

-Omar Hadid

-Omar Hadid

stellar.nova stellar.nova

Emerson Albrecht
Emerson nodded her head as she listened to Omar describe his vision. She couldn't help, but smirk at the idea of her sitting on any sort of throne, but she liked the sound of it. It was also a comfort to watch him taken off-guard for a change. Her eyes followed his every movement, up until when he finally looked away from her.

"I think that sounds awesome," she admitted, taking a step towards him. She crossed her arms gently over her chest and bit her lip as she eyed the punch bowl, remembering that she had disposed of her own onto the floor just moments ago. She began to laugh and shook her head. "I don't know about you, but I think I'm all punched out."

She wrapped her hand around his wrist and grinned. "You wanna do go on a quick adventure with me?"


- Intrigued and Amused

- Great Hall

- Emerson

- n/a

- rainfall rainfall

Omar Hadid
Omar could feel his heart beat a touch faster as Emerson stepped closer to him. Why did she have this effect on him? He would feel ridiculous if he didn't like her so much. Woah. That was cheesy. He had to mentally rolls his eyes at himself for that one.

He returned his gaze to her when he felt her hand wrap around his wrist, and after he heard her question, he arched a brow. "An adventure? you aren't going to kidnap me are you?" He laughed, and silently decided that if that was her intent, it wouldn't be such a bad fate. "No, wait, don't tell me. I want it to be a surprise." His tone was teasing, but he wouldn't mind if she did leave it as a surprise. He was just happy to be in her company.

- Hungry

- Kitchen

- Marianne Pasternak

- Keith Samuels

- stellar.nova stellar.nova
- diwa diwa

Mordecai Helmeyer
Mordecai Helmeyer had developed a sudden hankering for brownies - specifically, those on the countertop of the Hogwarts Kitchen. Now, Mordecai was thoroughly aware that the brownies did not possess the power of sight. Surprisingly. However, the boy was convinced he could feel them staring at him, begging to be eaten. Unfortunately - Mordecai did have some common sense. If he did eat them, there was only a very slight chance that he would make it out of the Welcome Gala alive - which he figured wasn't so great.

'Oh my gosh this guy is taking forever! You'd think our map wasn't clear enough...'

Mordecai glanced up at Mari. She had positioned herself on the countertop beside the charmed brownies. Mordy, however, had opted for the floor. He listened as she spoke, idly rebounding a stray bouncy ball against a cupboard door. It was plausible that this Gryffindor boy, Keith, was useless when it came to decoding Mari and Mordy's map, regardless, he still held hope that he was not completely inept.

'Nah, he'll make it,' Mordecai sighed as he picked himself up from the floor. In spite of not being entirely convinced, he wanted to give this boy some credit. Although, he had taken his time. 'I mean, we'd probably be skeletons covered in cobwebs and shit by then, but we have to have some faith in humanity,' he shrugged nonchalantly and picked up one of the charmed brownies, inspecting it. It did look delicious.


jk i'll decide on his actual one eventually


- Distracted

- Edges of the Forbidden Forest -> Her Room -> Great Hall

- Isla

- Daghda
- Amelia
- Gareth

- PixieDust PixieDust

Adelaide Monette
One might be wondering just what a fifth year Hogwarts student would be doing on the edges of the forbidden forest at this time in the evening, wearing a very fancy floral dress no less. She looked like she ought to be at a party, but she was instead fully entranced by whatever was in the bushes, albeit a little nervous that a spider could crawl on her at any moment.

Adelaide Monette had lost her pet ferrets. She was devastated and very much wanted them back. Using a location spell, she saw that they were making their way to the forbidden forest and she was not about to let them have that sort of adventure. So, there she was. But she couldn't get to them fast enough and they had taken off into the brush. "Oh, hell. I guess they're gone. Stupid ferrets...." It was just a little while longer before she got the bright idea to use a spell. "Duh, Ady. You are a wizard after all." She rolled her eyes at herself, pulled out her wand, and mumbled, "Accio Cypress and Mimosa." She was pleased when she saw her very grumpy ferrets zooming through the air towards her, and she gathered them in her arms and took them back to her dorm.

- - - - - - - - -​

That fiasco over and done with, Ady found herself in the Great Hall, ready for the gala, albeit with a twig in the ends of her long curls that she happened to not see. Not that she really minded, honestly. She allowed her gaze to roam the hall, wondering where Daghda and Amelia were. She couldn't find Amelia, but she spotted Daghda flirting with the Hufflepuff boy Gareth. She decided not to bother her and instead went to grab a treat from the buffet table. That is until she saw a tiny paw sticking out from a purse. "Excuse me...did you know that there is an awfully cute paw sticking out from your handbag? Just what are you hiding in there?"



-Banquet Hall

-Omar Hadid

-Omar Hadid

stellar.nova stellar.nova

Emerson Albrecht
Emerson's grin only grew once he relented and she pulled him behind her as moved past the entryway of the Great Hall and into one of the many corridors of Hogwarts. "You got me, this is all part of my master plan," she joked, still securing her hand on his wrist. She pressed her index finger to her lips before proceeding towards a doorway that would ultimately lead to the outdoors.

"So, what we're about to do," she whispered. "Is definitely against the rules, but I'm pretty certain that we won't get caught. I wanna show you something pretty cool."

She bit her lip, suddenly anxious. She would never want to put him a position he wouldn't want to be in.

"I guess the question is: do you trust me?"


- Impatient and Daring

- Kitchens

- Mordecai

- Keith
- Midas
- Carmen

- diwa diwa
- mxlly mxlly
- PixieDust PixieDust

Marianne Pasternak
Marianne rolled her eyes at Mordecai's response. She had expected it, really. "You and your blind faith. You're probably giving him too much credit...I mean. He is a Gryffindor." Even thought she said it, she knew it meant nothing. There were plenty of intelligent people in Gryffindor. Carmen and Midas were the first two that came to mind. She was just annoyed, impatient, and honestly hungry. And it wasn't helping that Mordecai seemed just as tempted by the brownies as she did.

"I dare you to eat one." The words had left her mouth before she had even had time to think about them. But they had been said and she couldn't take them back now. Besides, it would certainly make the waiting more interesting, if Mordy kept piping off everything that came to his mind. She smirked then, making her act a little more believable. "I bet you won't."


- Intrigued and Amused

- Great Hall

- Emerson

- n/a

- rainfall rainfall

Omar Hadid
Omar obediently followed where Emerson led him, undeniably curious, and quite happy that she still hadn;t removed her grasp from his wrist. But when they made their way outside, he felt him smile grow. "I'm sorry...did you just quote Aladdin on me?" Dinsey was a secret love of his. he liked watching it with his neices and nephews. "If it means spending more time with you, and you showing me something cool, then I'm more than happy to risk losing a few house points if you are." His grin grew as he looked at her. He really did like this girl, and it was becoming more apparent that she liked him too.



-Banquet Hall

-Omar Hadid

-Omar Hadid

stellar.nova stellar.nova

Emerson Albrecht
Despite her attempts to be quiet, she couldn't help, but laugh."Ya know... I actually didn't mean to do that, but that kinda fits this scene perfectly." She didn't quite have a flying carpet, but she did have something similar in mind. His words only deepened the blush that seemed far too accustomed to appearing on her cheeks.

"You won't regret it," Emerson beamed.

The air was slightly chilly as she continued to guide him along the exterior of the Hogwarts castle up until the reached a corner of the stone walls. Where the two formation met, a large hill, green and glittery with dew from the light of the nearly twilight sky. She finally released her grip on Omar's wrist and reached for her wand, pointing it at the earthy growth.

"Aparecium," she called in a hushed tone. The small hill began to split and peel away to reveal a clearly well-cared for motorcycle, a muggle object by wizard standards. Truly, she was not permitted to keep such things on the school premises (which was why she concealed its existence with a concealing charm), but seeing as she had constructed from scratch, she technically wasn't going against the rules. Besides, crafting the thing was more of an educational experience than anything. How many students could say that they rigged a muggle mode of transportation to fly with wizarding artifact and muggle technology.

"Have you ever flown on a motorcycle before?"

Last edited:

- Awed

- School Grounds

- Emerson

- n/a

- rainfall rainfall

Omar Hadid
Admittedly, Omar hadn't been expecting this. But he was definitely qualifying it as a pleasant surprise. Of course, it wasn't long before he figured out that her showing off the splitting of the hill wasn't what her surprise was. In fact, it was even better! "Flown on a motorcycle? I can't say I have." He neared the beast of chrome and oil, and ran his fingers along the leather of the seat. "Beautifully crafted...how did you get this?"


- Controversial

- The Great Hall

- Gordon the Niffler, Adelaide stellar.nova stellar.nova



Isla Fey
Isla decided the best of plan of action after coming out of hiding would be to drift over to the most crowded part of the room in order to attract less attention. This happened to be the buffet table and so the young veela girl hovered by the chocolate eclairs trying to act as though there was not a greedy niffler in her purse.

'Excuse me...' Isla looked up far more abruptly than she usually would, flinching slightly and placing a hand on her purse. The girl addressing her was very pretty with fire red hair that fascinated Isla. She imagined that if the girl ever needed Pepper-up potion, she would look like her whole head was on fire. 'Did you know that there is an awfully cute paw sticking out of your handbag? Just what are you hiding in there?'

Isla looked down at her bag guiltily, hoping to make something up on the spot, but in her distraction, Gordon had managed to poke his head out and begin prying his way out of the bag. 'Oh!' she exclaimed looking embarrassed, 'that's n-nothing....'


- Amused

- Great Hall

- Isla

- n/a

- PixieDust PixieDust

Adelaide Monette
Adelaide smiled as the pretty blonde girl looked up at her, but followed the girl's gaze as she looked down at ther handbag. She couldn't help but let out a giggle as the last thing she expected - a niffler - poked his head out of her bag. "Oh? Nothing! Is that what you've named him then?" It was then that Adelaide returned her gaze to the girl's face, a smile still on her face. "I find it hard to beleive that you'd really name him 'nothing', so what is his name?"

It briefly crossed Ady's mind that the girl would think she was going to snitch on her, but she easily threw that idea to the wind. She wasn't likely to tell anyone about this. Especially since she thought the niffler was oh so cute!


- Distracted

- Hufflepuff Common Room

- Celeste

- n/a

- deer deer

Taye Montgomery
Taye would have loved to tell her that her ideas for his story were magnificent and that he would consider them strongly and that maybe he should grab a quill and some parchment to jot it down, but his mind was already too far gone from that topic. Now he was all too set on the gala, and the fact that he was supposed to be accompanying Celeste and that he had forgotten! He felt absolutely terrible for forgetting, having worked himself up to thinking that it was his responsibility alone to keep up with the time. And he had just let it get away from him. Just like that. It was terribly upsetting.

However, when he felt her arms wrap around him, he immediately felt that all was well, and any worried he previously had just melted away. He smiled down at her and nodded. "Do you think nargles really would take the food? That would be awfully unfortunate because then there would be people that would have to go without. Unless they charmed the food to never run out. That would be a smart idea. And then both people and nargles would be able to enjoy as much food as they wanted. And the people wouldn't have to worry about nargles and the nargles could just live in peace. I mean. Have you ever thought about the fact that we see nargles as an annoyance....but has anyone ever thought about the fact that maybe we annoy nargles? It's an interesting thought really..." As he spoke, he followed after Celeste. Sadly, he was on another one of his ramblings, so if he was going to stop, Celeste would have to step in and say something.


- Parties are about the experience!

- Dorms — Great Hall — Outside the Great Hall

- Galen (previously)

- Amelia

- stellar.nova stellar.nova PixieDust PixieDust

Stella O'Connell
"Oh, Stella! Where did you get that gorgeous dress?" With an exaggerated smile, Stella finished applying the last of her make-up and turned to face her imaginary admirers. "Well, my envious peers, it's not much of a story, but I was rifling through one of the old trunks in my family's attic a few days before school was set to start and found this lovely number in such a stunning condition that I couldn't not take it with me and show it off a bit. Can you believe that it belonged to my great great grandmother?" Stella made gasps and responses of disbelief before dropping the little act she had been performing.

To most, it would probably be a little off-putting to hear the girl talking to herself in such a way, but Stella's roommates were all long gone, and she'd never cared much about how people viewed her anyway. The whole point of her imaginary conversation was because she knew it was highly unlikely that someone would ask, or even care to hear about, how Stella got her dress (one that she was entirely enamoured with) so she decided to take matters into her own hands and tell the story to herself so that, at the end of the day, at least she got to hear it.

Stella hadn't known her great great grandmother very long before she passed, but she adored the woman. She was everything that Stella wanted to be, strong-willed and beautiful; exploring the world and acting in everything from local plays to bigscreen movies! To find this dress, and for her grandmother to let her have it, was a heart-stopping experience. Just holding the dress had made her feel closer to the departed woman and instilled this confidence in Stella that she would, and could, move mountains to make all her dreams come true.

When Stella arrived at the party, two things stood out to her. A pretty asian girl standing outside the hall playing a gameboy, and a guy inside the Great Hall who had very clearly been winked at by an attractive girl, and yet his arse was still sat a table with... was that schoolwork in front of him? Bloody hell... She took a moment, telling herself to not be too dramatic about what she had just seen, but it was a party for godssake! It was not the place for being antisocial or doing... schoolwork. Ugh. Her first move was heading over to the guy in the glasses, since she had already entered the hall, and patting him on the shoulder. "Y'know dude, typically when a girl winks at you that's an invitation to go over there an' start a conversation -although moreso flirt- with 'er. Don' leave a gal hangin'." She gave him a pointed look before heading back out to where the girl she saw was and peered shamelessly over her shoulder to see the device in her hands. "I know that there's this whole saying about making your own fun when you're at an event you don't really want to be at, but typically when making one's own fun it still involves said event... So whatcha got there, anyway?"


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- Bemused

- Great Hall

- Stella O.(Previously)
- Amelia (Currently)

- n/a

- PixieDust PixieDust
- Athens Athens

Galen Williams
It had taken him a moment to settle his thoughts from the beautiful Amelia Ravenhurst in order to focus on his studies, but he had succeeded. Unsurprising, he tended to succeed at almost everything he set his mind to. But he made no promises about whether or not he would be thinking about her later. There were worse distractions, honestly.

Just as he had sat his quill to paper, he found himself meeting, oddly enough, another distraction. A pat on the shoulder caused him to look up into the face of a seemingly boisterous red head. "May I help you, madam?" Honestly his words were pointless as she seemed intent to get her words out and go, so he listened well. After she was done giving her spiel, he couldn't help but laugh. This girl was quite amusing, and her accent certainly added to it. "Perhaps I'll give it a thought...when I'm done here." But the look she gave him suggested that if he were to wait one more second, then she would personally take matters into her own hands. So, with a defeated, but good-natured, sigh Galen pulled out his wand, whisked it over his books (which disappeared-- he would find them sitting on his night stand later), shoved it back in his pocket and made his way to Amelia. It wasn't too hard to find her, he merely walked in the direction that he saw her head off to, and found her soon enough.

"You seem to be a woman on a mission, Miss Ravenhurst. Anything I can do to help?" he paired his words with a signature charming grin. His gaze had yet to leave her face. He found that openly studying a girls body was disrepectful. Besides,appearance meant nothing if the brain was dead.

- Flustered

- Great Hall

- Stella O.

- n/a

- Athens Athens

Kiyoko Tachibana
Kiyoko had been just about to kick some major Yoshi ass when she heard a voice come from behind her. She sharply inhaled, having been completely unaware of her surroundings and now finding herself quite shocked, and abruptly lost the game. "Oh fuck. Well then. That's over with." She rolled her eyes, quite pissed off at herself for allowing herself to come close enough to losing in the first place.

It was then that she remembered that the whole reason all that happened was because someone had spoken to her. So she turned her face and looked straight into the eyes of-- fuCK! A really cute girl. Holy heck! A tint of red touched the tips of Kiyoko's ears and the skin of her cheeks. She stared at the girl for a second, pretty much trying to remember how to actually speak to a person. She could feel her face growing hotter by the millisecond and knew that any moment now the girl would see her embarrassment plain as day on her face. "Uh....what?" Fucking smooth Kiyoko. You should write a goddamn novel. She fought the urge to roll her eyes at herself, knowing full well that the girl would probably think Kiyoko was rolling her eyes at her.

To be fair though, she had actually forgotten what the girl had said to her. It took a couple more seconds of staring and hard thinking before she finally remembered the gist of it. "Yeah. Ya know? Parties aren't really my thing? Granted, this is the first one I've been to..." God could you sound any lamer? This chick is totally going to think you're wack.

To make matters worse, she waved her 3DS in the air, as if to prove a point. "I much prefer the company of my technology. It won't think you're weird after it gets to know you." Idiot. You're pretty much digging your own grave of shame right now. Well, at least she could pass it off with an awkward laugh. Maybe. So, she gave off a small awkward laugh. "This? This is a 3DS. A kind of muggle technology that allows you to play these really cool games. The one I'm playing right now has characters like Mario, Sonic, Waluigi, Link, Zelda, and a bunch of other pop culture references that you probably don't know, I'm afraid. But basically, you make them kick each other's asses. It's pretty fun...and super addicting."



- hopeful and positive

- on the way to the banquet

- Preston


- stellar.nova stellar.nova

Aria DelaCour
"Pft. Of course someone will spike the punch." Aria said, though she wasn't even sure if that'll happen. She too was doubting but one way or the other, drunken or not, she'll need to talk to him. Even just a simple hi would do, Aria decided. "I mean it's like a tradition, or something like that. To be honest, i'll be disappointed if no one would try it." Aria added with a shrug. The girl then thought about the troublemakers and other potential suspects, she immediately felt at ease and at the same time, suddenly doubtful that they would spike the punch with alcohol. Definitely scary since there are other potential things that they could mix in that liquid just cause it's fun. "Anyways, I assure you there'll be plenty of girls. Cute girls for that matter." Aria smiled at her reassuringly, lacing her fingers with hers. Somehow, Preston's presence was calming and she was grateful. "You'll be fine. You'll meet someone, alright." Preston's plan was encouraging and it gave her an idea. It was somehow a help for the both of them. "How about this.... We'll use this party to talk to everyone. Get to know them a little. No staying in the corners and ignoring people. Since you said that you want to put yourself out there, then you'll have to talk to the first girl you'll fancy. If you don't like her or feel anything at all, come find me and say i'm your date then move on to the next girl." Aria said confidently, swaying their hands as they walk. "If they won't let you go, don't worry. I know a mean jinx or two." The girl looked at her sideways and grinned wickedly before continuing. "Now, if you chicken out. Hmm..." She mumbled, pausing a little while thinking of some sort of a punishment. "Ha!" Aria said finally, snapping her fingers at the same time. "you'll owe me a month, nay a year supply of Sugar quill and Chocolate frogs. Have we got a deal?"


-Well behaved PJ

- Great Hall



- mxlly mxlly deer deer

PJ MacFayle
PJ wasn't exactly what you would call a well behaved teen. He did his course work, sure, but he had a nasty habit of always doing that thing that he wasn't supposed to do.
Students weren't supposed to go in the Forbidden Forest? PJ was there at randoms times of the day inspecting the behaviour of different magical plants. Students are not to be out after curfew? PJ was in an abandoned classroom making experimental potions with said plants along with other unusual things he had gathered. Spell creation is a dangerous use of magic that the majority are warned against, and that many have lost their lives to, and yet PJ couldn't give it up.

His behaviour was never will ill intent or to be troublesome, but because he was a spirit driven by curiousity. His mind would propose a questioning ask "why" or "what if" and he would find himself having to put the focus of his curiosities to the test. No multitude of trips to the hospital wing would deter him. Sadly, on this night, he would have to restrain himself from doing his tests (at the very least, the obvious ones) or face the wrath of Seraphine Favager. The girl was an uncommon level gorgeous, and that was what PJ read as a warning sign to not test her.

PJ left the dorm room with his suit jacket hung over his arm, much like a butler with a towel. He wasn't very fond of suit jackets. They always made him get hot so fast, and they just felt like too much for PJ. He was much more a button-up shirt and dress pants kind of guys; leaving the jacket out of the equation entirely, but his parents always bought him suits and he always felt obligatged to wear them. Although, the jacket never touched his person anywhere except for his arm.

PJ entered the Great Hall, and without much thought, found himself stopping at the first table he fell eyes one. "Is there an opening for one more at this trio?" He asked with a charming smile, slinging his jacket over a seat at the table. "I'm PJ, a self-proclaimed mad scientist from the Ravenclaw household." He glanced around the Great Hall for a moment, his eyes zeroing on the heavy black curtains. I wonder...
He mentally scolded himself. It's well behaved PJ tonight. No experiments. Tearing his eyes away from the curtains PJ returned his attention back to the group.
"No experiments." He repeated quietly to himself.



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