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Witch Trials

Living Owl

The Wise One.

Welcome to Ebora!

@RaraHaruko and @Living Owl Only!


A place where Witches will have the say and Humans will be their pets.

"She is the Darkness to your Light,

The Hatred to your Love."


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Ding! Dong!

Ding! Dong!

The morning church bells chimed the village to liveliness, as civilians strolled toward the massive town's church, chatting with neighbors and friends about their morning so far. Mornings tend to be one of Adelaide's favorite time of day due to how happy these humans appear to be behind their unholiness. She scoffed at their false religion and how fake their praises to god appear to be.

"If these people truly worship the Kingdom of God, my accusation plans would instantly fail with the lack of riots,"

she thought while gazing at each face that passed by. Several neighbors near her fairly large, wooden home grinned her way or passed her with a greeting. She returned the favors despite such vengeful blood coursing through her veins and hatred dancing in the pit of her stomach. She detests these putrid, unholy puritans. They took everything, including her heritage from her.

"Sister, dear," called her brother, Sylvester, who came running toward her from behind. His wavy, blonde hair fell onto his shoulders and bounced with each step he took. Blue eyes sparkled with anticipation, as he placed his hand on Adelaide's shoulder, panting. "Grandma and grandpa sense danger," his voice was hushed toward her ear.

"Danger? My, my, they must be dreaming." Adelaide resumed her stroll toward the church. Finding a seat wasn't her main concern, as her grandparents tend to save her and her brother seats in the back row.

"Do you honestly believe they speak with lies? You know of our grandparents senses. They have the finest predictions of all witches."

"Don't speak of the word so lightly in public! You want us killed," she hissed at her brother before averting her angry, sapphire eyes from Sylvester to the wooden, old church doors that seemed to creak whenever people push the poor wood. "Besides, we've been succeeding with our takeover. What danger could possibly endanger our well-being?"

Taking a seat with their grandparents, Grandma Beatrice and Grandpa Earl, and their father, Leonard, Adelaide nodded her greetings toward her family until everyone softened their chitchats when the town's priest took the stage and began his preachings.
"Please! Let us pray!" The booming voice of Father Comstalk echoed in the warm chapel, his grey beard rolling down his chest and past his jolly belly. All the church-goers stood from their benches, bowing their heads and closing their eyes as the older man continued.

"Dear Lord and Father,

Thank you that you promise us that where two or three are gathered you are there in the midst. Lord we welcome You amongst us today and celebrate the gift of life that you have lavished upon each of us. We ask that You would open our ears so that we may hear your voice.

Open our minds so that we may receive Your eternal wisdom. Open our spirits
--" The priest was cut off, the doors to the chapel swinging open fiercely and slamming against the wooden walls. The two planks rattled and shook, a black boot falling along the red carpet stationed between the oaken benches.

A man, or what seemed to be man, with onyx horns poking out from under a crop of firey-hair stepped forward. A staff, long and black, was held in his left hand. The sign that he was, indeed, a hunter of many things. Soft green eyes fell along the surprised faces, his presence dampening the mood. Some women shielded the eyes of their young, others gripped their golden crosses and began to pray silently to themselves.

Hunters, were often mistaken for the wicked, and to see one in a church was rare.

Everyone had expected him to burst into flames as he walked silently down the row of pews, eyes falling along the family of blonds before the priest opened his arms wide in greeting.

"Wren Redwood, my it has been ages!" His blue kind eyes sparkled as he shook the Hunter's right hand.

"I apologize for being late, Father." He breathed, his grin faint but genuine.

"Not at all my boy! You haven't aged a day!"

"Well the years have been good to me, Father Comstalk." He chuckled and embraced the old man in a tight hug before breaking off and standing along the side, propping himself along the arc that hovered several feet above the priest.

"Before I do," Comstalk began, lifting his hands up to signify he was speaking to the followers of Jesus christ. "Rumors of a Hunter moving close to our village, can be put to rest. Wren here, is available by my own request." His voice was low now, seriousness falling among his grey brows. "He is here to investigate the many cases of missing women and children." He bowed his head, almost in grieving.

"Is The Devil's Kiss the only Hunter you could provide for us?" A woman in the back yelled, clutching her child close to her legs, the poor girl clutching her skirts with fear.

"All your questions will be answered after worship. Please, understand he is only here to help."

With that, he bowed his head, and continued his prayer.

" Dear Lord and Father,

Thank you that you promise us that where two or three are gathered you are there in the midst. Lord we welcome You amongst us today and celebrate the gift of life that you have lavished upon each of us. We ask that You would open our ears so that we may hear your voice.

Open our minds so that we may receive Your eternal wisdom. Open our spirits so that we may know Your leading and guidance. And open our hearts so that we may receive Your wonderful love.

We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus.

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Almost in perfect unison, Adelaide's family stood at the command of the priest. Bowing their heads before the priest, Ada noticed at the corner of her eye that her grandmother appeared to tremble in anxiety. She furrowed her dirty blonde eyebrows in confusion, as she reached over and grasped the elderly, veiny hand. "What is it, grandmother? What is it you sense?" she asked in such a soft whisper that not even her brother heard.

"It-It's here," Beatrice hissed with wide, shocked eyes. It was as if god was standing upon her at this very moment.

Adelaide has never seen her grandmother in such a state. It almost frightened her to know what it is to come. "Wha-?!" However, her hushed words were cut short when the wooden, faint doors were pushed so roughly open. It made Beatrice wince and everyone else in the family shocked, but not Ada. She watched the tall, demonic man stroll down the isle as if mass had not started and glance through the frightened crowd. For a second, Adelaide thought this man was a witch from the looks of his horns. A mere human cannot possibly harbor such demonic abnormalities!

However, when the priest and creature began to speak as if long lost friends, Adelaide scowled in pure hatred when discovering this man, this creature was a hunter. She softly scoffed in disgust until the man began to walk toward the door and she finally locked eyes on him despite his gaze was toward her and her family. While her family acted like the crowd and appeared shocked, she could not hold back her anger.

"This man will ruin everything! He will destroy what I've worked years to accomplish!"

she thought, darkening her gaze. She's definitely going to have a long talk with Father Comstalk.

When the priest continued his prayer, Adelaide's head lowered once more, as she lost grasp of her grandmother's hand at last. "What do you suppose we do of him?" her grandmother silently asked into Ada's ear.

However, she did not respond, as her eyes remained on the man. The anger soon flushed from her body while a smirk stretched her pink, plumped lips. Beatrice did not utter another word, knowing that expression all too well and acknowledging that Adelaide knows what she will do.

Once the mass came to an end and every echoed their own "amen," Adelaide wasted no time in approaching Father Comstalk and grinned at him, but the smile never reached her eyes. "A word, Father, if you do not mind of course."

Her and the priest aren't very close, but they are friends and she isn't afraid to speak her mind to him when she feels he has committed a mistake. "Father, forgive my intrusion, but inviting this..... this creature into our holy lands..... it's.... it's.... I can't even begin to think of the word right now. I'm just utterly baffled you would pair with the devil to bring us this demon!" Adelaide made sure to reveal only concern for the village and not herself. "I thought we agreed my father would protect this village!"
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