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Will to Power

The rest of the planet that Aras is situated on is mostly a series of islands ranging in size from small cays to large island ranges like Indonesia. The largest of these are probably about the size of Madagascar. These islands were inhabited by a sort of subspecies of humans before the first Circumnavigation in the 1400's, but as the various nations have established settlements on these islands, the natives have mostly been killed off or died off from disease. Very few are left, mostly living in a savage state in the sequestered mountains of certain island and occasionally hunted by poachers to full the museums of the world with specimens of "island pygmies." The colonies that were formed on these islands are largely inconsequential and are home to very few people relatively. 

That's sorta lame. Why not pull a Dishonored and have extremely dangerous life/supernatural stuff on the other areas, and actually have them be continents? Later on, in the sixties or eighties, we would start being powerful enough to actually colonize the other continents successfully to a degree, and, with this colonization, invasive species, plagues, or ancient evils could arise and be brought back home to the main continent.

We could have the ocean's outskirts around our main continent be pretty dangerous too, only the most well-armed/massive fleets being able to explore. That way we could add extra continents, possibly some extra players, in time in the rest of the world. I'm just saying, only having one continent is cutting down potential plots/lore and limiting our maximum amounts of players. Like really, we could make colonization on the other continents be more difficult than putting men on the moon.
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Oh, and will there be nuclear weapons? Because while fun, I would think that would ruin the atmosphere of the roleplay, despite existing roughly in this time period.
I think you may have a point with the colonization shtick. I'll try to come up with something. 

As for nukes, they are banned. Pretty much any form of superweapon is banned. I'm defining superweapon as any weapon capable of destroying most of a city or a disproportionately large portion of an army. So your limits are, say, the blockbuster bomb and poison gas.  Wonder-weapons, on the other hand, are fair game. A wonder-weapon would be something like a ray gun, a tesla coil turret, a handheld flak cannon, etc. 
With how low my nation's research is I am opting for greek fire - let me just type lel.
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Okay. I sat down and came up with a rough outline of the world outside Aras. It involves dead civilizations, advanced technology, and lots of fucked up evolution. 
Would you like me to tell you what I have so far or do you want me to surprise you? 
So basically there is another landmass located on the far side of the planet from Aras. This second continent is shrouded in a mysterious region of ocean known for tempestous storms and wicked currents, covered in a perpetual fog called the Shroud. 

In 1418, an Arkavian explorer theorized that the world was a sphere and set out to prove it by circumnavigating the globe. He set sail with five ships, but after entering the Shroud they lost all but the flagship to storms, cruel waves, and, as the Captain wrote in his journal,  a wicked leviathan. 

The flagship landed on a series of islands inhabited by a pygmy people who lived in constant fear of attack and devourment by a race of Cyclopean giants. Traveling further in from these islands after losing a sizable portion of his crew in the den of the cyclops, he landed on a continent that he described in phantasmagorical detail. He described great deserts, dead cities, terrible locusts that devour people, and all the place haunted by "men of steel" that picked among the rubble slaughtering any animal they come across. 

The explorer escaped the hellish continent and returned in 1428, where he penned Field Guide to the Dread Continent .  He was taken for a madman, the success of his voyage denied, and he rotted away his final days in an insane asylum. 

Since then, no explorers have ventured there and returned alive. 
Something to look forward to for the future with everyone.
So basically there is another landmass located on the far side of the planet from Aras. This second continent is shrouded in a mysterious region of ocean known for tempestous storms and wicked currents, covered in a perpetual fog called the Shroud. 

In 1418, an Arkavian explorer theorized that the world was a sphere and set out to prove it by circumnavigating the globe. He set sail with five ships, but after entering the Shroud they lost all but the flagship to storms, cruel waves, and, as the Captain wrote in his journal,  a wicked leviathan. 

The flagship landed on a series of islands inhabited by a pygmy people who lived in constant fear of attack and devourment by a race of Cyclopean giants. Traveling further in from these islands after losing a sizable portion of his crew in the den of the cyclops, he landed on a continent that he described in phantasmagorical detail. He described great deserts, dead cities, terrible locusts that devour people, and all the place haunted by "men of steel" that picked among the rubble slaughtering any animal they come across. 

The explorer escaped the hellish continent and returned in 1428, where he penned Field Guide to the Dread Continent .  He was taken for a madman, the success of his voyage denied, and he rotted away his final days in an insane asylum. 

Since then, no explorers have ventured there and returned alive. 

Holy shit, you actually pulled off a full Dishonored.
But basically, the space race and colonization of this planet can be things we do when we aren't really killing each other. Or while we're killing each other even. Then, in this new continent, we can then be able to possibly recruit new players.

Speaking of space, is it pretty much like our's?
But basically, the space race and colonization of this planet can be things we do when we aren't really killing each other. Or while we're killing each other even. Then, in this new continent, we can then be able to possibly recruit new players.

Speaking of space, is it pretty much like our's?

Yep. Got a moon, got some planets. (I'll make up a solar system when we cross that bridge.) 

What did you mean by pulling a full Dishonored? I know it's a video game but I don't know anything about the setting. 
Does our fictional moon also have ufos and fucked up structures on it aswell?
Yep. Got a moon, got some planets. (I'll make up a solar system when we cross that bridge.) 

What did you mean by pulling a full Dishonored? I know it's a video game but I don't know anything about the setting. 

It's when, outside of the main area, this first continent you made, everything is more or less unexplored and hellish. 
Basically Dishonored has the continent that's like 10x larger than the islands the games will probably forever take place on, but has a lot of supernatural stuff and crazy deadly monsters. There's some plagues and savages too.
Oh I see. And maybe the moon has aliens. You'll have to do the Apollo program to find out. 
okay but thats looking far ahead, thanks.

I'll post when I have more questions. 
Oh I see. And maybe the moon has aliens. You'll have to do the Apollo program to find out. 

Dammit. That means there's definitely aliens. I'll have to start my space marine recruitment program earlier then. I swear though, if those aliens turn out to be an entire empire and not just like a few scout ships... I'll do things. Terrible things.


*a decade or two later*

"Alright boys! We came here to drink Ohstutskan Lager and kick some ass, and you know what? Those aliens DRANK IT ALL! Now who is ready to kick some ass?"

Nation Name: Unified Contigan People's Confederacy (UCPC)

Leader: Executive Lance Estrada

Confederate Flag:


Form of Government: Socialist Confederacy

Capital City: Each member nation has a separate capital city (5 total). Barbusa, Taleen, Yult, New Carcaras, and Lofota.

Former Member of: Arkavian Pact Powers

Slot: C

Score from Population: 25
Score from Agriculture: 23
Score from Research: 10
Score from Industry: 2

Modern History: Formerly the de jure region known as Contigo, the UCPC was formed after the total devastation of the separate merchant republics within Contigo following the dissolution of the Arkavian empire during and after the Great War. Traditionally, Contigo was a region known for its excellent sea-based commerce and effective mixing of cultures due to the plethora of trading partners from around the world, both private and national. Because of their constant exposure to people from other cultures, Contigo was a place of social acceptance and tolerance. Generally, people were not discriminated against based on their race, nationality, or religion. This humanistic approach to social issues and international relations made Contigo a popular immigration site. During the years before the war, Contigo was said to have the largest immigrant population due to their open doors policy and ease of immigration process.

During the Great War Contigan nations found themselves greatly outgunned, often only contributing to the war effort with sheer size of force and nothing else. There were no great Contigan Generals, but there were a great many Contigan war heroes. Because of their cultural and physical closeness, every Contigan nation came to an agreement and joined the Arkavian Pact. Their relative disorganization and poor military planning lead to great loss and destruction on the lands of Contigo. The only place they seemed to ever find success was on the high seas, where again they would win solely from numeric advantage and sailing experience. Most of their country had a coastline, and most of their fleet were re-purposed trading ships. After the armistice, the terror of War was not over for Contigo, as the implosion of the Arkavian empire turned brother against brother, and ally against ally. The result was a crowd of failing states within Contigo, all suffering from poor centralization, poverty, lack of industry, lack of developed resources, and a devastated populace.

As could be said of many failed states, unrest was at critical mass in the years following the Great War. Nay-sayers and radical nationalist groups formed in the early years and initially were dismissed as crack pots and reactionists. For two years the nations of Contigo limped along according to their former lifestyle, trading, fishing, and coexisting was their way, but their way had sailed Contigo into desperate waters. Before long, those radical groups gained popularity, those charismatic, intimidating personalities in the dark were coming out into the light, behind them stood masses of followers.

The next 6 years were known as the Half-Dozen Horror (1914-1920) to those that lived through it. Countless start-up rebel groups and larger anti-government organizations took up arms against the capitalist merchant republics. They were ruthless, accusatory, dangerous, and fanatical. Unsurprisingly, the governments of the time were undermanned and under funded, they lost their civil wars in a matter of months. The following anarchy was essentially an internal genocide. Political groups with power used it to eliminate their rivals. People were separated and organized based on their political beliefs, those that were in the wrong territory were killed, those that were not particularly strong willed were coerced into one organization or another. It is estimated that anywhere from 100-300,000 people were killed during this time period, while another 10-15,000 died from lack of resources.

By 1920 there were 5 main political organizations that had set their roots in Contigo, each was equally as strong as the next in total overall power and influence, though minor details about them varied. Utterly tired of war, death, and scarcity of resources, the leaders of the 5 organizations met in the ruins of the previous largest city in Contigo, Carcaras. Over the next several months, the leaders vowed to use diplomacy and compromise to construct the constitution of a unified Contigo, something the region never had. The leaders soon discovered that compromise was nearly impossible due to the differing beliefs, general unwillingness to negotiate, and the fact that all 5 organizations essentially already had the framework of a sovereign nation. The leaders instead agreed upon the formation of a Unified Confederacy of Contigo, which later became known at the Unified People's Confederacy of Contigo. The Confederacy was comprised of 5 member nations that agreed to create a Council that would decide certain Executive functions of the confederacy. The council was comprised of the leaders of each nation, as well as an elected Executive. The Executive was to act as a strong arm when the council did not agree on a course of action. Each country nominated a Candidate for the Executive position and once they were determined through popular vote in each nation, the council would hold a vote on which member to elect.

The years from 1920 to present were filled with political, cultural, and economical change. In order to provide better security and to prevent the events of the Half-Dozen Horror from ever happening again, the countries in the UCPC decided unanimously to adopt socialist policies in an effort to eliminate the greed-driven economic class system of their previous capitalism. Ironically, the newfound government formed from anarchy controlled the nation's major media outlets and used them to spread conformist propaganda. Political dissenters were few and far between, those with real influence that actively spoke out against the new government were either imprisoned, or they mysteriously disappeared. The new UCPC was contradistinct from its past self in nearly every way. All citizens were required to serve in the military for one year upon reaching the enlistment age of 17, new universities and high school were dotting the new Contigan landscape, all of which were government funded and controlled. Taxes were phenomenally high compared to previous years, but it was the price to pay for, "Social progress", so the Executive Council claimed.

The political changes within the UCPC seemed to restore the lost immigration due to the civil war, it once again regained the mantle of a country where every man and woman were treated equally. Though now, the expression was much more literal as the government controlled the healthcare, most of the economy, the media, the legislative system, the courts, and basically everything else institutional in nature. In the present year, the massive reforms initiated by the UCPC are well established and widely accepted by its citizens.

Foreign Relations: Though the foreign relations of the UCPC now have six opinions weighing in on the subject as opposed to one, the majority of the Arkavian Pact nations remain friendly with the UCPC. The recent rise in government mandated racism in nearby Terevanyia has caused concern among those member countries that border the former Pact ally. The decision to cut ties with Terevaniya due to these policies is a hot button issue in modern Contigo.

Culture and Religion: Though the individual nations within Contigo have slightly different cultures and policies, in general these are there traits. The new breed of Contigans are an industrious and enthusiastic group. They see the political regime change as a fresh start for the confederacy and embrace the Council eagerly. Because of the immense scale of restructuring Contigo has gone through over the past twenty years, religion and racism have been forgotten, as "No Contigan who works for the progress of his country has time to spend on his knees," and, "Every Contigan who is able to lift the hammer and does so is a worthy countryman," are popular UCPC sayings. Contigans practically worship the working class and believe that it is the workers of the world who hold the real power, they just fail to organize and use it. It is because of their determination to improve and their tireless, sometimes dangerously so, work ethic that the UCPC has been able to operate so efficiently, even with 5 separate member nations making decisions.

Geography: Contigo has a warm, humid climate. The massive coastline of the country allows for nearly unlimited trading opportunities for the member nations by the sea. Contigo's mainland is divided up by dozens of rivers flowing out to the ocean. This dense network of rivers allows for internal river travel and trade. With the addition of dams and river lock systems, this has been made even more effective and streamlined. The Northeastern border of Terevaniya is a massive wetlands that is very sparsely inhabited by humans. The low altitude and saturated soil make it very difficult to build reliable structures for housing. Coniferous forests dot the land on the rest of the northern border and sporadically between arable earth. The UCPC uses reforestation to preserve the confederacy's lumber source, which is the most important factor in providing sustainable housing for the nation's ever-growing population.

Military: What the military of the UCPC lacks in historical prestige or strategic effectiveness, it makes up for in organizational structure and logistical capability. While being one of the largest armies of Aras, it also has the capability to be mobilized at impressive speeds for a force so large. The new military reform is responsible for the enlistment requirement of 17 year olds, which often time leads to teenagers becoming career military personnel, as factory jobs may not seem so appealing to some. the UCPC also has a terrifying fleet responsible for guarding the nation's behemoth coastline. Falling in line with the ground forces, UCPC ships may not be the most powerful or the quickest, but they can be manufactured so quickly and in so great a number that they ensure there is always, "one more ship", coming for the enemy.
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Wow. Looks like the Arkavian Pact is filled with tons of people but little research ability. Meanwhile the Gilded Pact is all about dat science and have fewer people.

And yes, I know we're not still in those two groups.
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In UCPC, if you don't work, you don't eat. This is how we solve food shortage. Liberal media say, "But Executive Lance, we not have enough jobs for everyone to work!?" Executive Lance say, "It sounds like they are too lazy to find job, so they don't eat."
Eh. WWI basically picked teams for WWII. Why is this any different? 

While you fight aliens, meanwhile in Terevanyia. 

Eugenics posterr.PNG
Eh. WWI basically picked teams for WWII. Why is this any different? 

While you fight aliens, meanwhile in Terevanyia. 

View attachment 164139

In that case, we need one more Gilded power at least.

But seriously, if I have to fight aliens, just have them be like the Zetans from Fallout, or if you don't get that reference, like the 1950 aliens with big green/grey heads, big fingers, and were shorter than humans. In somewhat reasonable numbers. And absolutely don't mess with the "one small step for man," moment. I don't want some alien coming out of nowhere and stabbing my guys with the flag they just planted.

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