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Will to Power


A Servant of King and Country
The Will to Power 

The Continent of Aras has, since time immemorial, been torn apart by civil and international conflict, but none of a greater scale than the Great Conflict (1912-1919) which gouged the continent with artillery fire and laid waste to a generation of young men on the battlefields of August. Now, thirty years after the Armistice, science and peace have progressed the land into a new age of possibilities, but with some familiar old specters. Strongmen and dictators have risen to power, brutish politicians have turned their guile against the people, and the great growth of Industry has left millions discarded as the refuse of society and bereft of the means of life. It is in these uncertain times that men of principle, seizing the Will to Power, must guide their nation from hegemonic power to Empire, or be relegated to the appendix of history and nevermore honored as a conqueror but disgraced as a defeated warrior. 

"The Will to Power" is a mostly freeform nation-building game set in a fictional continent that is a mimicry of Europe before the outbreak of World War Two. Thirty years prior to the events of the game, the continent was racked by a protracted war between the Gilded Powers and the Arkavian Pact. The war ended in an armistice with neither alliance gaining or losing any consequential amount of territory. 

Since then, nations have risen and fallen in actuality as well as repute. The great Arkavian Empire was cannibalized due to ethnic tensions and split into two separate countries. 

armistice headline.jpg

  • The Game System

    Nations are ranked on the Global Firepower Index every turn. The nations at the top of the GFI are, militarily, the strongest and more likely to win in a conflict. The GFI provides a concrete variable to the game that determines the relative power of factions and avoids power playing and god-moding. Your rank on the GFI is contingent on your nation's Strength.  Strength is made up of your scores from Population, Research, Industry, and Agriculture. These scores are subject to change throughout the game and these scores also affect other aspects of your nation. Any of these scores can be upgraded with Improvement Points. Improvement Points are acquired by random distribution and held by a player for an unlimited amount of turns. At the beginning of each turn, two points are randomly distributed amongst the nations and can be used that turn or henceforth. IPs can be bartered for or given as a tribute to other nations.  Your Population scores determine the number of people that live in your country. 1 point is awarded for every million people, so a country with a population score of 44 is home to 44 million people. Population naturally increases at a rate of 1 per 5 turns, but Population can also be destroyed in invasions by opposing armies. Improvement Points cannot be used on population.  Agriculture is how much food product your nation can produce. Here, a point represents food for 1 million people. Thus, a nation with a population of 23 million must necessarily have an Agriculture score of 23 at least. Thankfully, other nations can ship you surplus food. If no food can be imported, your nation will undergo starvation. It will immediately diminish your national Strength by a number equal to the difference between your Population and your Agricultural scores and prolonged starvation (10 turns) will cause the people to topple your government. Thankfully, spending Improvement Points here increases your score by 5. Agriculture can be targeted by the enemy.   Research is your nation's devotion to science. A nation with a higher Research score will have more advanced technology. Improvement Points spent here improve Research by 1. Cannot be destroyed.  Your Industry score is a measure of your nation's level of industrialization. Industry is used as a multiplier, which means your Industry score multiplies by your Population, Agriculture, and Research scores to give you your Strength score. For instance:  A nation with a Population of 20, an Agriculture score of 25, Research score of 10, and Industry score of 5 will have a Strength = (20+25+10)×5 Industry can be destroyed by the enemy. 


Individual battles will mostly be decided on the honor system, although an emergency die-roll can be called if the sides cannot agree on a winner. The object of the game is as much to build a complicated story as it is to actually conquer your opponents. Players are encouraged to be as detailed as they would like with their nations, creating maps, constitutions, and the like, but each nation must have at least: 

Nation Name: 
Form of Government: (de jure and de facto) 
Capital City: 
Former Member of: (Gilded/Arkavian Pact Powers) 
Score from Population: 
Score from Agriculture: 
Score from Research: 
Score from Industry: 
(Your starting scores cannot total more than 60, and your starting Industry cannot exceed 2) 

Nation Slots: The map below has several slots for player nations. Most slots give the players a tabula rasa to give their nation whatever history or character they would like, but there are exceptions for world building purposes. 

Slots E and F were once part of the Arkavian Empire, a large empire that collapsed due to ethnic tensions between the two dominant ethnic groups that now make up the separate countries. 

Will to Power.PNG
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I'm sorry the "System" tab is gobblydegook at the moment. There seems to be some formatting trouble. Bear with me though. 

Also, I'm here for questions. 
How does one start their nation?

Or to be more specific can we distribute these points, with the exception of Industry however we want to as long as we don't go over 60?
Yes. You can. But naturally you don't want to start off with your nation starving. 
(wip. Just locking down my stats and slot. Will work on names and lore later)

Nation Name: 
Form of Government: (de jure and de facto) 
Capital City: 
Former Member of: Gilded Powers 
Slot: A
Score from Population: 18
Score from Agriculture: 20
Score from Research: 20
Score from Industry: 2
(Your starting scores cannot total more than 60, and your starting Industry cannot exceed 2) 
If you want an example of what the very best you can do with your country, here's what I've written so far for mine. 

The Kingdom of Terevanyia 

Nation Name: The Federated Kingdom of Terevanyia 
Leader: Queen Constance of Themes 
Form of Government: Absolute Monarchy  
Capital City: Terevin 
Former Member of: Arkavian Pact 
Score from Population: 24
Score from Agriculture: 26
Score from Research: 8
Score from Industry: 2 
Slot: D




History Since 1912: Terevanyia at the outbreak of the Great Conflict was a small and unoffending nation tucked into the southern mountains of Aras and bordering the sea to the south. Being a close neighbor of the Arkavian Empire, Terevanyia signed the Arkavian Pact in 1910 to assure itself mutual protection from invasion by a stronger nation. When war broke out, Terevanyia was contractually obligated to fulfill its duties as part of the pact and thus was forced to make war against the Gilded Powers. 

During the war, Terevanyia became known for its small but competent fleet and marine forces. Mountains on the northern border and marsh to the south mostly insulated her from land invasion, so her captains of war were perpetually turned towards the sea and the Gulf of Maratz. 


The Armistice brought an end to Terevanyia's thirty year economic depression and equipped her to enter a new age, as the economy was transformed from a more or less agrarian one to a robust manufacturing economy. Consumerism, industrialization, and the rise of the automobile swelled Terevanyia's old, historic cities with new faces from impoverished parts of the country and immigrants from other parts of the continent, causing a veritable population boom. 


As the economy exploded in the 1920's, so too did nativist backlash against immigration and migrant labor. As millions of subsistence farmers were replaced by industrial farms, they poured into the cities only to compete viciously for jobs barely above the poverty wage against immigrants. As nativist and worker's rights sentiment ran high, King Charles Kaspurov instituted the Terevans First initiative in 1924. The initiative constituted a number of laws which were designed to force employers to not only pay a livable wage (3 Marks a day at the time), but to give Terevanyians preferential treatment over immigrants. Additionally, strict immigration quotas were instituted, and the immigration of women from certain spheres of the globe was banned. These policies saw a marked decline in the immigrant population from 7% of the total population in 1924 to just 3% in 1930. The institution of a minimum wage and safety regulations also quelled labor disputes and increased the quality of life in the developing nation. 


The fallout from the Terevans First Initiative was, also, the rise of scientific racism and eugenics. The crown created the Royal Institute for Racial Advancement in 1929, which has overtime expanded to become a major government agency. The RIRA is responsible for collecting data on the population and advising the government on actions that can be taken to "improve the racial health of our people." This has led to such policies as forced sterilization of the criminally or mentally ill, the disabled, and immigrants, creating a voucher program for couples of "the finest sort" willing to have more children, and an outright ban on interracial marriage. 


Simultaneously, a resurgence of nationalist sentiment and a belief in Terevanyia's role as a guardian of civilization has led to a massive military build-up under Queen Constance, who succeeded her husband Charles after his death in 1932. The building of a defensive fortification on the northern border called the Krecy Line and increased patrols on the southern border roads aim to make sure Terevanyia is not caught by surprise. 


Culture and Religion: Terevanyians are a highly pious people and honor humility, sacrifice, honesty, integrity, and hard work above all else. These values are considered when selecting partners for marriage, employees, and just generally picking one's friends. Terevans consider the above qualities to be genetically inherent in themselves and absent in other "lesser" ethnic groups. 


The powers of Church and State are closely intertwined in Terevanyia, and the monarch is seen as the leader, not only of the government but also of the spiritual establishments of the nation. Some monarchs have claimed to have prophetic powers, or special relationships with God that helped them to rule in some way. Generally, the religious component to Terevanyia's government has withstood the general acceptance of the Theory of Natural Selection, and has only strengthened since the rise of eugenics in the nation and the belief in the inherent good of their people.


One of the starkest differences between Terevanyian and other societies is the level of equity between Man and Woman, this due mainly to an idiosyncrasy of Terevanyian thought. Terevans believe, by and large, that erudition (while also capable of being fostered in Men) is a natural quality of Women. Thus, for this reason a great number of scientists and learned people within the nation are indeed women. As a matter of fact, most of the Officer Corps for the Terevanyian military is comprised of women, as they are seen as more natural leaders.


For recreation, Terevanyians enjoy many diversions such as fairly regular festivals and fairs, sporting matches, movies, concerts, operas, and the like. Free speech and art in Terevanyia, however, is heavily censored by the Royal Ministry for Moral Climates, which ensures that heretical or seditious works are thoroughly edited for the masses.
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1) What's the starting date?

2) Does all technology mirror that of WW1-WW2?
1) 1949 

2) Yes and no. The general outline of the starting tech is the Interwar Years, but things can be slightly more or less advanced in certain areas. For instance, we may not have jets but lets say perhaps one nation is very good at manufacturing armored dirigibles. 
Would there, eventually at least, there be technology not really existent in this world at the same year?
Sure. I gave the example of the armored dirigible. (as in, an airship that is impossible to shoot down with small arms fire)  but other examples I can think of off the top of my head might be rudimentary automatons or two-way television (basically a pre-digital version of Skype). 

Terevanyia, for example, has the armored dirigibles I mentioned and semi-automated defense turrets, but they also don't have talking movies, V8 cars, magnetic tape recording, and thinks of that ilk because they prioritized military advancement over domestic conveniences. 

Additionally, I'm being very liberal with realism here to make a more fanciful setting. I don't want WWII just with the names of the countries changed. 
I'll improve on this later. Might need your help when it comes to building this nation's history since it shares history with [Slot E].

Nation Name: Federal Republic of Aslein-ThurgLeaders: President Sven HergenrötherForm of Government: Federal RepublicCapital City: KallnesingFormer Member of: (what is this?)Slot: FScore from Population: 27Score from Agriculture: 30Score from Research: 1Score from Industry: 2(Your starting scores cannot total more than 60, and your starting Industry cannot exceed 2) 
"Former Member of" corresponds to what alliance your country was a part of in the war. Since your nation was once part of Arkavia, yours will naturally be the Arkavian Pact Nations. This is important because the former Pact nations were seen as overly imperialistic and enemies of freedom by the Gilded Powers. Conversely, the Pact nations saw the Gilded Powers as great exploiters of the poor, greedy, and driven by the whims of business. 



Since you three have showed some interest, I'll state tentatively that we have four players. I would like to have at least six before creating the thread. If anyone would like to link their friends that would be cool as well. 
Nation Name: Ohstutska (Oh-stut-ska)
Leader: Emperor Jots the Fifth

Form of Government: Technocracy 
Capital City: Yolhn. 
Major Cities: Sorosa, Durghem, Ukona, Nova, Jansenburg, East Grestin
Former Member of: Gilded Pact
Slot: J
Score from Population: 6
Score from Agriculture: 8
Score from Research: 44
Score from Industry: 2
(Your starting scores cannot total more than 60, and your starting Industry cannot exceed 2)

Additional Information:
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Nation Name: Ohstutska (Oh-stut-ska)
Leader: Emperor Jots the Fifth

View attachment 163803
Form of Government: Technocracy 
Capital City: Yolhn. 
Major Cities: Sorosa, Durghem, Ukona, Nova, Jansenburg, East Grestin
Former Member of: Gilded Pact
Slot: J
Score from Population: 6
Score from Agriculture: 8
Score from Research: 44
Score from Industry: 2
(Your starting scores cannot total more than 60, and your starting Industry cannot exceed 2)

Additional Information:

I just want to inform you that a high research score doesn't necessarily mean high-tech. It just means your scientists can invent new technologies fairly quickly and with a good level of precision. That being said, I should probably put a cap at like 15 or something because 44 seems a bit excessive. 

Not to talk down on you, of course. I realized a flaw in my own system. 
I know what research is. I was going to start with some sort of Russian/German/American type of fusion tech, in the specified time period, and then advance from there over the years and decades. 
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And I want to see the Ohstutskan flag on the moon. Or at least own this universe's version of Sputnik.
A research level of 15 would basically be Nazi scientists on meth. Which is probably what you were going for. 
A research level of 15 would basically be Nazi scientists on meth. Which is probably what you were going for. 

That gave me a good giggle. But the Germans actually forced their military, and even some science departments, to take drugs.
That gave me a good giggle. But the Germans actually forced their military, and even some science departments, to take drugs.

Excellent. I look forward to seeing the Technocracy in action. I'm picturing them basically like this canon's version of Hydra. 
Excellent. I look forward to seeing the Technocracy in action. I'm picturing them basically like this canon's version of Hydra. 

Oh this'll be great. But a question... It says the land we're playing on is a continent, I assume that means there are others...
Oh this'll be great. But a question... It says the land we're playing on is a continent, I assume that means there are others...

The rest of the planet that Aras is situated on is mostly a series of islands ranging in size from small cays to large island ranges like Indonesia. The largest of these are probably about the size of Madagascar. These islands were inhabited by a sort of subspecies of humans before the first Circumnavigation in the 1400's, but as the various nations have established settlements on these islands, the natives have mostly been killed off or died off from disease. Very few are left, mostly living in a savage state in the sequestered mountains of certain island and occasionally hunted by poachers to full the museums of the world with specimens of "island pygmies." The colonies that were formed on these islands are largely inconsequential and are home to very few people relatively. 

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