Other Why did you pick your name?

I think Reverie is such a pretty word for daydream. Since it was taken, I opted for the next best iteration of it.
Someone in an online game had the username Xiosa and since I was looking for a new username as I wasnt happy with the current one I had, I just took theirs and changed the first letter as I kinda liked it
Elci is short for Elciled, which is a name I took by putting my grandmas' names together ^^' I liked it at the time cause it sounded like a pistolero name lol, I use it for my artistic name/signing things. I'm debating changing it but Idk, kinda stuck with this for now.
it's an allusion to one of my fondest D&D memories. my character had earned the nickname "disenchanter" after she very accidentally destroyed a fairly important magical item during a campaign! for the rest of that campaign, there were references to it like "oh, don't let her get her hands on it, she might disenchant it like last time" or "careful with that! we all know you're very talented at disenchantment." i would never forget that campaign and it's become a reference in nearly all of my usernames!
I've used it for oh, so many years after making it as a play on the character Gnarl from the game Overlord and the general philosophy that it's way better to be the over minion than over lord.
my first ever oc was named cassius and cass has always been a name that was nice to me, so i decided to go by it while in online spaces with people i'm not acquainted with well! cassiopeia is a constellation whose story resonated with me deeply for personal reasons, sooo...
Because I love the esoteric. And I've used it for so long now that it just flows naturally and I can respond to it as quickly as I can to my real name.
i had a phase where i had been obsessed with gorou from genshin impact and one of his attacks are called "ripping fang fletching" so i took the words "fang fletching" and put them together! i thought it sounded nice and it kind of just stuck after that honestly
The French word for strawberry, but ... verb-ified?
Inspired by playing a ton of Transformice (a France-based game that uses strawberries as a premium currency) as well as my main OC having a half-ironic association with strawberries. I wanted to give myself a new alias years ago and somehow this just kinda became "the one".
I love pancakes, just don't eat them too often
FangS31 is short for FangSniper31. Fang the Sniper being my favourite sonic character, and 31 being a number
There's just something beautiful and pure about light and it coming in a liquid form makes it tangible, making it seem somehow easier to connect with. I see liquid light as an energy that flows through everything, giving life, feeding creativity and imagination, and easing negativity. To me it's all positive. Its related to the sun, the stars, and the elimination of darkness, or more so the scary unknown. It's peace and happiness. When I see my username it inspires me to write and be innovative. So, that's why I chose it.
Well to be blunt, It's a play on jasper (the stone) adding the IE gives it some originality. And It's been my online persona for a good year or so, keep things matching.

(also, "raucous" kinda rhymes with my real life name, lmao.)


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I had a old oc that was part fix and part phoenix (yes it was cringe, but cringe culture is dead) and 4 is my favorite number for some unknown reason. The oc has since been redone but the username stuck

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