Other What is your mind blowing answer to existence?

Haha America, south Texas, five miles from the border where it's literally like living in a slice of Mexico, I'm not sure if you know the stereotypes but Mexicans are fairly religious XD even Rock a Templar cross necklace  @Larry

Can't beat the Templars eh? Deus vult my friend, ever see any Crusader memes and things like that? They're great! :)
alright. We´ll agree to disagree then. I believe you are wrong at a fundamental basis, but I can´t be arguing it now. Have a good day :)  

As I believe you are wrong at an equal level.  But, that is the nature of philosophical discussions.  Have an equally pleasant day :)  
I'm a spiritualist non-theist, so I think there is a possibility of intelligent design. As for what the meaning of life is, I think its what you put into it. If you live life like a louse and are breaking people down all the time, then that is the type of life you craft for yourself. Life is just the journey, the path of every day decisions that ultimately define who you are. 
Well, I never really got into a particluar religion growing up, and I kind of believe that human conciousness is based on interactions with biological mechanisms, which is what I want to study in college, but then I started getting these feelings of Deja Vu, because a lot of what I was doing was coincidentally similar to thoughts I'd had before.

Like, for example, while listening to music in a hospital parking lot, I'd think to myself, and then maybe a year or so later, there'd be a song with those lyrics, with the same cadence, that I'd only hear for the first time while being back in that same parking lot, while listening to the same radio station, that came on when the car was rolling through (within 5 ft) of where I was when I originally had those thoughts.

It reminds me of when I was a kid, and used to talk to (and share my imagination with) the radio and television (and for a while, the refrigerator) with both my thoughts and voice. I got used to having conversations with people inside my head before I ever tried to speak out loud. I even tried once using sign language to tell my Mother that I had a stomach ache because my voice still sounded like gibberish, which used to annoy me.

More recently, I've realized that I can hear a faint voice constantly talking about what I feel and do at any time. I've rationalized this as being a result of my mind taking distant noises and patching together particular frequencies into a few different voices. They are so quiet that I don't catch the entirety of what they say, unless I focus on them specifically.

I don't know what exactly to say about how this answers anyone else's reasons for existence, but having these things happen to me makes me feel like every thought I have makes an impact somehow, though I technically qualify for a few mental disorders listed in the 5th Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 
Well fuck I could write a book about all of this shit, as I believe so much and it's all based on observations that I've made about the world and how people work.

But I'm not going to bore you all, rather, I will simply answer what I believe the meaning of life is.

I personally believe that the meaning of life varies depending on the person, and that the most important task for each of us is to find what our meaning of life is. Each of us have lived through different experiences and all see the world in different ways. So how could there be just one meaning of life?

This is abridged to Hell and back though, so if you were expecting something very profound sorry that I can't type everything at the moment. ^^'
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The only reason that humanity is thriving (arguably) is the same answer to the meaning of life: scientifically speaking, procreation. 

Or 42. 

Whichever you choose.

BUT this is a vague question that had been studied to exhaustion. Really, my answer is the meaning of life and our existence as a species is what you make of it.
Playing devil's advocate you don't have to agree that something came from nothing.

If science is correct then energy can neither be created or destroyed, only changed. In the absence of any better explanation I believe the big bang theory, and you can debate what came before time as we know it came to exist but one theory is that our universe will end in a big crunch which may create the conditions for the big bang of the next one, in a potentially endless cycle.

Even if this is true I don't believe there is any celestial reason this universe or this planet is anything special. I choose not to believe that any outside agency gave or gives existence meaning. We can and should do that ourselves.

There are these things called Quarks, elementary particles. They are fascinating bro, look into them. Quickest way to put it is, they produce an energy when you try to pull them apart that spontaneously creates 2 new matching quarks, to form 2 new sets of quarks. It's subatomic, but it's energy creating matter. I have a theory on The Big Bang. But even when you reason it like this, which I sort of do too, the old chicken vs egg question comes up. At the end of that line, something had to have come from "nothing" at least our understanding of it.

The universe is crazy. Physics is crazy. Physicists will tel you this. :P  They love it. It's important to start there when entering this territory. Scientists have hypothesized what's referred to as Dark Energy because it cannot really be studied. For the longest time we thought how can the universe be expanding? Everything we know about gravity tells us it would slowly pulls itself back inward, collapsing into complete destruction... but it hasn't. It's still expanding and tests have proven this. Dark Energy is the energy they believe is holding the fabric of space together, and expanding it outward. There is also Dark Matter, lol.

So I have a theory on The Big Bang. It's hard to believe the entire universe, past present, and future, once occupied the space of a single atom or smaller.... it's just.... For 1 it sort of defies our laws of physics, lol. I just can't get my head around that, except for one way. We know about Black Holes. We know when a star dies, it's gravity collapses and forms a void of gravity so strong not even light can't escape. Inside is something called a singularity. I believe that singularity is a Big Bag and the origin point of a new universe. A Black Hole can continue to suck in energy and matter, particularly light.

What if a black hole turns dark matter into baryonic (normal) matter?

But there's still the question what came first? How did the first event start? What caused it? Energy just spontaneously occurred with such violent and powerful force that it created and entire universe full of matter and energy inside a space smaller than the head of a pin, and then propelled it out into a body of nothing that technically shouldn't exist?

Don't get me wrong, I remain skeptical about anything until I have solid evidence. I have the mind of a scientist. I believe the death of a sun and a black hole could explain this far better than some kind of magical cosmic spark. But again, where did the first star come from?

For me it comes down to higher levels of existence. We as humans here use energy to power most of our complex creations too. I need to clarify. Not like, higher beings.. Energy. That 'higher level of existence' is energy. Energy is the thing we can't get around, that source of creation. I believe there is an energy that can create matter, it in part exists in all life forms.
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What if a black hole turns dark matter into baryonic (normal) matter?


Okay this actual might just sorta make sense (though I don't have the maths to prove it) because we know that MACHOs (if they exist at all) are typically formed from baryonic material, so the chances of dark matter particles converting to baryons might not be all that impossible. There's also the theory that DM comes from baryonic clumps, so black holes for instance. And if the singularity theory is right, then that would create the circumstances for dark matter to convert to baryonic matter. 

Of course, all of this could just be bullshit and we'd never know. Fucking science.
In all honesty, I don't think I have a purpose, but I like trying to help people find theirs and be happy.
i was gonna type out some smart-ass remark here as opposed to answering the real question but i have nothing that hasn't already been used.

i firmly believe that we live for our own pleasures. i believe we weren't meant to spend our lives groveling to an idol, whether it's some sort of deity or a person you hold in high regard. i believe we are all here to live our lives seperate from anothers'. we are all born into this world alone, even if you're a twin. there is nothing tangible about the true meaning behind our existence that we have physical evidence of, even the big bang theory is just a theory. i'm not sure i believe in evolution. i don't believe in creationism either. but at the end of it all, there most likely will never be (and has never been) proof of anything. just as morality is subjective and usually based around a holy book of some sort.

so that leads me to an impasse. there are no such things as forces of nature. everything that happens, well, it happens with no rhyme or reason. so have reckless sex. go cliff-diving by yourself in the deep, dark jungle. get wasted everynight and then cry yourself to sleep because you have problems, buddy, i know.

the true meaning of existence? stick to your guns. trust no one. do whatever the fuck you want, and never let what-ifs scare you away because in the end it isn't for us to say whether existence is pointless or not. if we're gonna jump head-first into the void at the end of it all, might as well do a couple backflips as well.
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So whatever religion you believe in, or whether your are an Atheist, the central idea for existence shares one similarity: Something came from nothing.

Now this is some mind blowing stuff, and I have spent years thinking about this. It can literally drive someone crazy. What is existence? Why are we here? 

Now like I said, whether you believe in God, you have to agree with the fact that whatever happens in your religion, something came from nothing. 

What is your theory on existence? 
(And please no arguments on religion, everyone has their own beliefs and it's not cool to trash on them.) 

"I have spent years thinking about this."

You are not the only one for sure. This question pop up randomly when i was a child... And it's still annoying me today !

My worst fear is, if nothing happen on the after life, everything we are doing right now.... Is basically useless, because we won't remember it and won't be here to watch the future. 

But... If the nothingness created something, that mean the nothingness doesn't exist.

The real answer is, we cannot know what await us. If i doesn't had the fear to die, i probably would have kill myself a long time ago to know the truth.

But here i'm, hoping i'm just in a simulation, or will be reborn in another universe. But when i see the number of all humans who were ever born on the Earth, that make me feel akward.
The meaning of existence? Hmm........Contradiction...That's all I'm really gonna say, as thinking anymore about this would probably cause me to have some sort of panic attack :3
Just to clarify for like 60% of you. The question isn't, "What's the Meaning of Life?" But rather, "How did existence come to be?"

"What is the universe?"

"Where did it come from?"

The answer to existence, not the meaning of it. Just to clear things up, because I really like hearing people's take on this. The only meaning to life, objectively and scientifically speaking, is procreation. Everything beyond that is a childish sentiment.
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We live to make others then die...Sounds like contradiction to me. I'd answer the actual question now that I'm aware of it. Buuuutttt I'm tired.
It's not really a contradiction, though. If we didn't reproduce, we'd cease to exist. By nature, there is no meaning to "Life" in the grand sense, no universal truth or goal. But the one thing every species has been doing whether willing or unwilling, aware or unaware for millions of years, is reproducing. Grow, experience, reproduce and pass on your DNA, in the hopes your offspring will be strong enough, smart enough to survive. And maybe make the next evolutionary breakthrough, instead of being the next gene pool to defect and die off.

It's rather impossible to get around, actually.
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It's not really a contradiction, though. If we didn't reproduce, we'd cease to exist. By nature, there is no meaning to "Life" in the grand sense, no universal truth or goal. But the one thing every species has been doing whether willing or unwilling, aware or unaware for millions of years, is reproducing. Grow, experience, reproduce and pass on your DNA, in the hopes your offspring will be strong enough, smart enough to survive. And maybe make the next evolutionary breakthrough, instead of being the next gene pool to defect and die off.

It's rather impossible to get around, actually.

True it's not really contradictory I suppose. More so pointless, I just tend to think of things that are never ending cycles and contradictory.

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