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What Are You Willing To Risk?

Princess Ktyria


She's fearless, daring, and brave. She'll climb up sides of houses just to sit on the roof and see the view and scale bridges over rivers and canyons just because she could. She'll talk to anyone and say anything that comes to mind. She doesn't have a fear of falling or heights. She's basically indestructible and up for anything. Or so you think. Truth was, she starting liking to do crazy things because her home life sucked. Her mom was an alcoholic and her dad was abusive, so it was nice to escape and feel free, and so her thought process was; 'if I killed herself in the midst of it, so what? It's not like anyone would really miss me.' You're completely unaware of this even though you'd been friends since you were young. She really doesn't let anyone in and isn't a big fan of feelings. You aren't anything like that. Sure, you like to have fun, but you can't jump out of a moving car or jump from roof top to roof top like a super hero, and you have a serious fear of heights. You're more logical and looking for something real and sincere. You never remember her not being crazy, but now that you two are on your own and in college, you're realizing when you're alone with her, how much you like her. Only problem is that she always talks about wanting someone just as crazy as her so she could be free and stupid with someone else. Are you willing to risk your life or a limb to go out with this girl? And if so, what if she doesn't even let her guard down?


Addalaid May Crawford walked beside her best friend, Miles. Her hands were hanging in the pockets of her blue jeans as she looked around the tall homes that surrounded the two. They were walking in silence for a rather long time, the only sound they heard was the steady breathing of the two and the occasional car driving by. The sun was drooping behind the buildings, casting a cold shadow against them, only making the winter air even cooler.

"So..." She started, looking over at him and popping her lip, "How's life?" She asked, smiling slightly at the question.

She was dragging her brown combat boots against the concrete, using weird leg motions to walk to amuse herself. She often did silly things whenever she doesn't know what to do or she's bored. In this case, Addy just had no clue what to do. She has known Miles for as long as she lived and there's nothing they can talk about that they've already gone over.

'That's a lie..' Addy told herself, thinking of the wide variety of topics she could bring up, suddenly spurting one of them out, "We should go to an amusment park." She knew it was one of her random ideas that may or may not end up badly.



Miles glanced down at his phone every now and again to see if he'd gotten any text messages. He'd been talking to this girl, Sophia, on and off for the past few weeks. They had a few classes together and she was really nice but he wasn't sure how he felt about her yet or if he even wanted to have feelings for her. He shoved his phone back in his pocket when he heard Addy speak up and looked in her direction with an amused expression.

Just dandy, Addy. How's your life?" He asked her, knowing she was just talking for sake of talking. He watched her as she walked and laughed a little bit, shaking his head. She was such a dork. He liked that though. She never failed to bring entertainment whenever they needed it. You'd think after nearly their entire lives they'd be sick of each other when in fact they hung out more than anyone else he knew. Even though they were completely different, he couldn't really see his life without her. Was that weird? Probably.

He cocked an eyebrow at the suggestion of going to the amusement park. She knew by now that heights weren't his thing so he wouldn't do roller coasters and he was scared of those sketchy ass swinging rides to just malfunction and throw someone. He took in a deep breath and then let it out audible. "
I guess," He agreed,"But only to get funnel cake... I love funnel cake."

"Amazing, wonderful... You know, the usual." She said, listening to his resopnse about the music park. Addy smiled and cheered, "Yes!" She knew he didn't like heights... or amusment parks... or anything other than what's in his home, but she needed the thrill in her life. "Let's go right now!" She insisted, linking arms with him and dragging him down the sidewalk in the direction of that boardwalk.

The amusement park sat over the ocean, being held up by thick wooden beams that hopefully wouldn't crack underneath the weight of any of the ride. To Addy, that concept excited her. Of course, she really needed someone who was excited and dangerous as she was. Miles didn't like to go and ride trains or jump off of buildings like she did. He didn't find it as fun as she did. She understood why he didn't, with his fear of heights and all, but he could at least try to get over it.


Miles grinned a little bit, listening to her answer. He almost envied how Addy always seemed to be in a good mood. It wasn't that he wasn't in a good mood but he definitely let things bother him way easier than Addy did. She was basically perfect. Other than the fact that everything she did was exactly what your parents told you not to do when you were younger. "Alright, now is good!" He agreed with a little laugh as he took off with her towards the boardwalk.

The boardwalk is so sketchy," He thought out loud. Don't get him wrong, the ocean was cool and all, but the fact that a few wood beams were holding up hundreds of thousands of pounds... His mind just didn't accept it. He didn't see how it had lasted for this long which made him think that it would give out at any minute. He wished that he could just not worry like Addy did but he couldn't. He guessed that he was too busy worrying about her safety that he didn't need to think about his own too.

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