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Multiple Settings We're One and the Same

Dr Lissa Banks:
She looked at 5-049 and took a deep breath before whispering "I don't have a lot of time, but listen to me and listen closely" She didnt withdraw her hand from the sofa space but her face flushed, slightly intimidated. The next thing Lissa knew she was speaking at a speed she didn't know possible "I believe the work we do here should not exploit you but help you all rise to your potential and also help to rehabilitate you into society, those who can be without ridicule. However, Ahrendt has a different goal, maybe. I don't know for certain. He wants you for further testing after this. I don't know what he wants in the long run and I don't have access to all his files. If you need help I need you to communicate with me I will work out how to make this more possible and get it through as something plausible. He seems particularily interested in you and that's not something I like. You cannot I repeat cannot when I take you to him mention I have informed you of any of this or offered you an olive branch but I became a researcher to research, not torture. Treat me like you would treat anyone else and I can help you. If Ahrendt catches on even the slightest we are both done for." She then turned and smiled before making her voice louder. "When you're ready to move on from socialising please let me know so I can take you to see Ahrendt." Without another word she stood up and continued to walk round the room stopping every now and then to look at another subject and make a mental note. I just hope I haven't made a mistake.
5-049, Lilja
She inhaled, taking in everything the woman had to say. She clenched her fists. Two can play this game, Ahrendt. She began to plan a revolution in her mind. She wasn't going to make any of this easy for him, yet she didn't want to get the doctor in trouble. She would have to be Ahrendt's toy for a while..until she figures out what to do. Perhaps I should talk with the doctor more often. A gentle purr came from the back of her throat, and she would flick her tongue. Her mind would begin to operate at full speed once more, preparing herself to see Ahrendt. It wouldn't be easy, but she would have to give him her venom sample. Simply only to get him off of her back. Only until she knows how to deal with him.
3-693 Michael

Michael had turned away from the window to face into the crowd. He noticed that Lilja seemed upset or bothered by something. He normally wouldn't concern himself with others, but he knew that she, like all the other subjects, was likely suffering. It wasn't uncommon for tests to be something physical and painful, at least for him. He calmly approached Lilja, and politely asked whether he could sit beside her, and whether she was ok or not. "May I sit, also, you seem very upset, would you like to chat? If not, I understand." He spoke in such a way, as to not seem threatening, and also not arouse suspicions.
SUBJECT 1-799, Lady

Lady trotted down the halls, closely following the scientist leading her. She usually ran through the halls uninhibited; knowing the pain that would come with rebelling and using deadly force, she was slow to attack, unlike some other subjects, and those who were slow to attack were allowed free range of the facilities. She occasionally thumped the top of her head against his calf, energized and ready to play. He would glance at her indifferently, unaffected by her provocations. When the pair reached a door he began inputting a code to open it, ignoring Lady, who had the tail of his coat between her teeth, attempting to tug it to the floor. Finally, the door opened to reveal a room full of other subjects, all either talking amongst themselves or sitting, paying no attention to the other subject. Lady tensed immediately at this change of environment, lingering at the door before the frustrated scientist put a boot against her tail, gently pushing the rest of her into the room before shutting the door behind her. Nervous, but fascinated and excited, Lady paced at the door, observing and gauging the friendliness of all of the subjects, a few of which had turned to face her. A few of them she had met in the hallway, either playing with or avoiding, some she had seen behind glass walls and some she had never seen at all. Low to the floor, her head swiveled left and right, trying to calculate her next move. Carefully, she hopped to the top of a couch where only one test subject was seated, in the least populated area of the room. This was one of the subjects she recognized ( quesadilla quesadilla ) ; occasionally she would pass by her heavily guarded room, trying to engage the indifferent creature to play behind the thick glass window. When the freezing temperatures of the frigid Russian winters would seep through the walls, chilling the facility despite their best efforts, Lady would lean against her door and nap, basking in the heat that irradiated from her room. Slinking towards her on the couch, she kept her distance and glanced at her, trying to seem as submissive as possible; there was a sense of superiority that came with having such a heavily guarded room. It was the closest thing to status subjects got in such a sterile, human environment.
5-049, Lilja
She gazed at her sudden company, and nodded to the man ( Windjammer Windjammer ) she had bothered at the window. She also gestured for the other subject ( rakshasa rakshasa ) to join them, seeing as she was already here. She had only recognized this creature through the heat signatures through her door, which often appeared. "There's something else Ahrendt wants with us." She would keep her voice low, and avert her gaze often to look at the other subjects. Luckily, none of them had much interest in the isolated corner. Every now and again, her tongue would flick, gathering scents and heat signatures for when she didn't want to look suspicious. "I'm not sure what just yet. But I do know that I want out of here." She would pick up the scent of the doctor, yet it seemed to be across the room, out of range for eavesdropping. There was something about the man in military-fashion that made him seem trustworthy. She truly wasn't even sure if the other creature could understand her, so she settled with what she had. She truly didn't know why she went ahead and blurted out what she had been thinking of for the last ten or so minutes, but she simply hoped that he wouldn't inform anyone.
3-693 Michael

He sat near Lilja and listened to her carefully. He knew that she was suffering like the rest of them, and that they all needed out of this place. The fear and anger was clear in her voice, however quiet it was. Michael thought briefly before answering quetly. "We are only a means to an end in his eyes, im afraid. I fear what that end may be." There wasn't much that scared him, but the thoughts that they may be disposable in the eyes of at least some of the researchers made him fear for the others in the room, despite not knowing them at all on a personal level. "I agree, we need out of this place."
5-049, Lilja
She would nod. At least he understood. She knew most of the others wouldn't, yet her thoughts were cut short as three armed guards entered the room, donning the chained wrist and ankle cuffs. "Tomorrow during social hour. We will speak more." She was almost immediately taken up by the arms, and cuffed by two of the men. As one of the guards came up to her, he ordered her to open her mouth, likely to check for anything sharp she would have confiscated. She complied, the wounds on the corners of her mouths opening fully. She took this opportunity, though, to shoot venom into the mans eyes, cackling as she was dragged away roughly, and the man was immediately taken away for medical attention. The door would slam behind her, and the suddenly quiet room began to bustle once more. She knew she was going to be taken into the office of the head doctor, where she would be chained to the bed, and have blood samples taken from her. Maybe this time, she'll comply with the venom samples. She needed as much free time she could get, and it would be quite helpful to stay as far away from Ahrendt for as long as she could.
Subject 1-032
The young creature had been happily napping in it's room before being disturbed by a scientist entering. The edges of the rooms were lined with large rocks to be climbed on, there a few trees and a rock cave, Inside the cave were many pet toys. Things like balls, chew toys, mouses with bells. On top of the pile of toys was where he rested, only opening his eyes momentarily when he heard the door open.
"Hoot!" the scientist had called out, earning no response. The young owl griffin, Hoot, was to tired from playing with his toys all night. With a sigh the scientist crawled into the cave, dragging hoot out. Hoot offered no resistance as he was carried to the room where other experiments were already socializing.
Set down on the floor he shook his body watching the scientist leave him behind. Unsure of what to do he watched, tail wagging happily.

Subject 5-248
In order to bring subject 5-248 into the socializing room the scientists had to use a 5ft pole snare to pull Chatte from her fixed location. Her ghastly screeches could be heard as she was pulled through the halls. Before she had even reached the room the other experiments would have heard her approach.
"Please refrain from touching the spine's of 5-248, Chatte," The scientist told the other experiments before carefully removing the snare's loop from around Chatte.
Unable to move Chatte let out another ghastly cry. She eyed everyone around the room suspiciously. Ears pinned back and tail flicking in annoyance about this situation.
Being left closer to the table, near a bowl of water. Silently lapping up a bit of the water Chatte kept a watchful eye on everything happening around her.
Dr Lissa Banks:
Lissa had been watching for a while and was absent mindedly plaiting her hair when the guards burst in to take 5-049. She flinced as she watched the rough handedness and touched one of the guards on the arm. Before saying matter of factly "I'm sure Ahrendt will not be too happy if you damage his latest project for him" She watched as 5-049 was taken away and wondered if she would ever get that coat back. She gave another look at the subjects before sighing and placing some sweets near to 1-799 from the staff room and throwing a toy ball down to hoot hoot who she'd observed in the recordings. And then she turned on her heels and walked slowly to her office slumping in her chair and accessing the camera in the social room. It had no sound. That's why you had to go down to properly get any data but she ran her conversation with 5-049 through playback and deleted that and the surrounding 45 minutes. She began typing her notes up. "Subject 5-049: The subject remains limited in a social capacity however I saw a glimpse of curiosity in other subjects I had not seen before. Communication with staff is as however unchanged. Requesting more contact periods in order to attempt to monitor behavioural patterns more effectively." She flicked the camera over to the current and view in the socialisation and fell asleep on her desk, pen in hand poised and ready to write down notes before it falls to the ground with a clatter.
5-049, Lilja
Lilja was escorted back to her room, where the heat hit her immediately. Once she was unchained, she would drop the lab coat and enter her camouflage to make her way up towards the tree branch she always loved to lay down on. This was likely because it was under a heating light, but it was also one of the more comfortable spots due to the tree being...well..fake. She never felt safe in the room, despite it's heavily guarded appearance. A purr gently rose in her throat as she decided to nap the rest of the day away. She would figure the rest of her plan tomorrow, in 3-693's presence. Surely he would have some ideas.

Dr.Ahrendt, PhD
He would pick up the radio and switch it to Lissa's particular frequency. "Doct-"He would pause. "Lissa, do prevent yourself from giving the subjects your lab coat. For future reference." He would put the radio down and sigh. It was once again a day of failed testings. Especially 5-049. He would simply have to try the next day. Perhaps I will send in 5-049 in earlier than the others, and have her escorted before Dr. Banks arrives. It was a little risky, but he needed to know all he could about these creatures, and frankly, 5-049 was making that quite difficult.
Dr Lissa Banks:
Woken with a start she knocked her radio off and lazily grabbed it off the floor. She twisted in her hands an altered her entry for 5-049. Contact established with subject and conversation was exchanged. There She thought hitting upload and picking the receiver up lazily. If it looked like she made no progress with the subject her unprofessional behaviour wasn't going to get her anywhere. Also she wasn't sure if Ahrendt had established communication yet and felt a smug smile cross her lips as she pressed the radio and said "Sorry Ahrendt" she had changed from this morning and was her normal peppy if a little bit ditsy self "I completely forgot about your testing. However I was able to engage in conversation with the subject briefly so please consider it a win lose situation" she slid the radio to the side of the desk and grabbed a cup of coffee taking a sip and looking over the files for subject 1-799 one of the less dangerous to approach subjects she'd been interested in.
Dr. Ahrendt, PhD
He simply sighed. At least she's making some sort of communication. It wasn't going to be easy for him, but he had to let her do her thing, and hope that 5-049 would begin to cooperate. He would see at testing tomorrow and see if she will comply any differently. Once he could get the venom sample, he could attempt to make an anti-venom for 5-049. He would hope that the venom wasn't too deadly, as she put one of the security guards at risk of going blind earlier.
3-693 Michael

He had watched the whole thing unfold in front of him, from the time the security people showed, to the time the door closed behind Lilja. He didn't show any outward emotion as he watched helplessly from the couch. He stood up slowly and walked to the window and began watching out of it. He was completely silent as he watched out the window, pondering what they could do, and if they could do anything at all. His mind swiched from one scenario to the next, hoping he could find something useful. But the only thing he could really seem to do was think about how awful this place was. How it was keeping those who were only guilty of being different in chains. Outwardly Michael was calm and quiet. Inside, he was screaming.

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