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Multiple Settings We're One and the Same



Junior Member
Here's the main thread for the roleplay. Any OOC can go to the OOC thread, and you can post all character sheets in the character sheet thread.
5-049, Lilja
A researcher would run from the bioactive room, terrified. The room's UV light would disappear behind the large metal door as it shut and locked automatically, leaving only the slivers of light between the bars. Lilja would lay out on a small branch on the very obviously fake tree in her 'terrarium', allowing herself to be gently misted. The researchers at the facility had made her room feel much like her home, despite the poor location choice. She was displayed similarly like an animal at the zoo, with a large one-way glass on one end of the room. She was being constantly observed, and she knew it. Frankly, she was quite comfortable being treated like a queen, like if there was one simple mistake, she'd kill everything. Her tongue would flick, as she would wait for the armed man to walk through the door, food in hand.

Her life here was very, predictable, to say the least. She had heard of others being in the facility, but was only going to find out as soon as the man in charge implemented social enrichment, where she and the other 'members' of the facility would finally be able to congregate with one another. She would hear the door unlock, and quickly camouflage herself, dropping to the floor to wait. She greatly considered taking out the guard, but then she'd have many others to deal with. She knew that if she were to do anything, she'd have to wait until she could communicate with others first. Her tongue flicked as the man came through the door, though it wasn't an armed man this time. This man was, very alert, very scared. The man would call her name a few times, waiting minutes after each call, but soon enough he got the idea, and simply left. She didn't come out to eat. She didn't like being watched.

Dr. Ahrendt, PhD
The man would sigh as the subject fail to appear for the meal. He knew she would have to come out sooner or later, it's been a week since her last meal. "She's smart, but she can't outsmart me." The scientist would scratch his beard. He needed her venom for tests, to see how dangerous she truly was. If she wasn't as dangerous as they initially thought, she could be moved to a threat-level room. Despite her terrarium already being set up, everything can be moved. He would wipe the beads of sweat off of his forehead. It was awfully warm even being near the room, not to mention humid. Determining from the DNA results, she'd thrive the most in this habitat, so they went with it. Even being near the room felt like a rainforest, despite the weather outside being frigid.

The doctor would sigh in irritation and leave the viewing area, heading down the hall towards his office. He had other matters to attend to, other subjects to test. He needed more time to get the venom from 5-049. It was simply his top priority, as he specialized in toxinology, he could run the tests to get her LD50, and move her to an appropriate holding room. He had found traces of Inland Taipan in her DNA, and hoped it wasn't in the venom glands.
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3-693 Michael

The researchers often came by to talk to him, but it wasn't always easy. He was rarely in the mood. If he was in the mood, he was often asked to do the same things over and over. Often times it was small things such as bending a spoon without touching it, or retrieving an object without getting up and actually getting it. He could do these things to objects on the other side of windows, often causing pens to fly out of a researcher's hand to scare them or watch them have to go get it. Michael found it very entertaining to watch the researchers stumble over each other while chasing pens.

Michael had a very strict routine he liked to stick to, and he did not like for it to be interrupted. He would be up at 5:00 am sharp. He would then get cleaned up and brush his teeth. After that, he would put on his uniform, making sure everything was exact. He would then appear to inspect soldiers that weren't there, going through a whole process. After that, he would stare out of a window, as if watching soldiers train, often watching for hours on end. In the evening, he would do another roll call, before going to bed at 9 pm sharp.
5-049, Lilja
Lilja would finally reveal herself to eat, not sensing the heat from the scientists through the glass. She had always considered herself an apex predator, judging herself on her abilities. She never enjoyed being watched while she ate, it made her feel vulnerable due to her painfully slow digestion. She would flicker her forked tongue, following the scent of the food under the shrubs in her room, using her natural camouflage. Finding it near the door, she would begin eating. Enjoying her non-human meals to be in smaller bits, she would use her claws to shred the meat.

It didn't take her long after finish her food to yawn, and what looked like wounds curving from the corners of her lips would open, revealing her large, snake-like mouth. The scientists, which were examining her through a series of cameras, would take notes. She had human-like teeth, aside from missing her top canines, which were replaced by large, hollow fangs, which she used to expel venom into her prey. Lilja would stretch, her body being very nimble, and flexible. She was hoping the social room would be finished soon, she wanted to be able to walk around like the safer members, but if she ever asked for anything the scientists would simply ignore her. She had picked up on English very quickly, as she considered the ability to communicate with the researchers to be vital. Clearly, it was wasted time.

Dr. Ahrendt, PhD
Ahrendt would work silently in his office for a long while before heading down the hall back towards subject 5-049. He would suddenly stop in the middle of the hallway, before turning and heading in the opposite direction. Ahrendt would wander to the room belonging to Subject 3-693. He would often run experiments with the subject, but now he thought he needed to put up a poll, to see if he should open the social room today, seeing as it would be the best way to study all of the subject's social behaviors, at once. He would scan his keycard, and the door would unlock, opening cautiously. "Sir?." He called out politely before entering the room. He wanted to make his presence known so he wouldn't startle the subject.
3-693 Michael

Michael had been watching out of a window when he heard Dr. Ahrendt speak. He often watched from his room for long periods of time, with his expression changing little. He didn't move or turn when he replied, he continued watching. "Doctor, I wasn't expecting you. What brings you here?" He spoke calmly, his voice warped like some creature. He felt it odd that the doctor was there when he was. Never the less, Michael continued to watch out the window.
Dr. Ahrendt, PhD
He would move into the room and shut the door before clearing his throat. "Sir, I require your opinion." His staff was split between the decision, and he needed a tie breaker. "Would it be wise to open the social room today?." Other than his voice, 3-693 made him feel as if he were talking to a regular person, which he supposed was some of the dangers of these creatures, the ability to blend in with others in society. He would stare at the silhouette of the subject as the rays of light were barely kept from his eyes, requiring him to keep his head down slightly. After this he would head to 5-049 to have his daily routine of playing cat and mouse with her, trying to get the venom. He would shudder; he was never the cat.
3-693 Michael

"Hmm." Michael pondered the question briefly. He wasn't the most social individual, but he did enjoy the occasional change of scenery. "I do feel the occasional interaction does the mind good." He never turned from the window as he spoke. "Even my soldiers get time to interact freely." Michael wasn't likely to completely break his routine, however, as he would probably still watch out of a window. He was more about the chaange of scenery, than making friends. He had been at the facility for some time, and any change of scenery was welcome.
Dr. Ahrendt, PhD
He would nod. "It's settled then. I do appreciate the input, sir." He would turn, and leave the subject to his own. He would slowly make his way down the hall to his office, where he had always kept his radio. Giving the order, security would come to the holding rooms of all subjects, to escort them to the large room. He hoped this was the right call, but it's not like they would do anything, they were to be constantly monitored. He would hope that the subjects would interact with one another, seeing as the higher powers in the corporation he worked under wanted more information, specifically the social skills of each subject. He would leave his office, and fast-walk his way to the room's viewing areas, with were a one-way glass, they always were. Naturally, the first subjects to reach the room would be the safe subjects, followed by the threats, then finally the dangerous subjects. He eased his mind with the location of the facility, none of the creatures would survive on their own out there. Well, that's what he believed anyway.

5-049, Lilja
She was intrigued when three armed men came into her room. Maybe today was the day she was finally disposed of?. She watched as the men all got into formation. "Subject 5-049, It's time for your social interaction." She tilted her head, A social call, hmm?. She would come out, and was immediately told to put her hand where the men could see them, before they chained her hands and feet together, two men grabbing her by the arms, while one man remained ready to shoot her. She was thriving off the attention, which simply told her she needed more of it more often. She would eventually be taken to a room with double doors, where the security remained at the ready to take her in. She was waiting for the gentle click that the locks always gave off.
SUBJECT 1-799, Lady

Grunting in frustration, Lady turned away from the door facing her bed. Her brief nap had been interrupted as footsteps echoed from down the hall leading to her room. Sun shining in the midday sky, her eyes burned as she blinked away her exhaustion. Hiding beneath the small, thin sheet protecting her from the inevitably freeing cold room, inspecting her surroundings. She wasn't yet being intruded on (though she could sense something was about to come through the door), her toys were in their places, and her water bottle had been refilled by the powers that be. The Queen of the small kingdom stretched her back, stiff from sleep, and slinked out of bed, staying low to the ground. Holding her breath, she could hear the chatter of security guards, walking up and down the hall. She was startled as further away, an inhuman shriek echoed throughout the floor. Scurrying up the wall and onto the ceiling, she braced herself for whoever was about to unlock her door, a low growl building in her throat. That was the call of a creature about to be tested, and she wasn't going to do anything of that nature today, not willingly.
Dr. Ahrendt, PhD
He would give the orders for the retrieval of each subject through his radio, ensuring that everything was controlled. He would call for the final threat-level creature(3-693, Windjammer Windjammer ), and move onto the safe creatures. Calling in for the retrieval of Subject 1-799( rakshasa rakshasa ), hoping that there would be no resistances. There was only one researcher that showed up in the room of 1-799. "Lady, it's time for your social interactions." He would hold out a fresh fruit, hoping she would turn up. The researcher didn't want to make this any harder than it had to be. He had no chains, and no restraints due to her threat level. He just hoped she would come willingly.

5-049, Lilja
Her tongue would flicker as the sensed heat through the doors. She was quite intrigued, she didn't even know there was other members of the facility until a few days ago. The only thing that she knew, is that she was nothing like the researchers. They all varied in sizes, and abilities, much like her. She would pull on the chains around her wrists, and a researcher would come and unlock the door. The researcher turned, and looked her in her amber-red eyes, which she didn't like so much. She would bare her large fangs, growling with a hissing undertone. He would simply turn, and open the door while the security guards unlocked the shackles around her wrists and ankles. She knew she was going to be in here for a while. It's a different approach to studying and testing us, I just won't do anything out of the ordinary. She would be pushed through the door, be immediately shocked by how cold it was in there. She would hold herself, as to attempt to maintain her warmth. She blamed the amount of windows around the room, as they would take the cold from the outside and radiate it into the room. At least there's natural sunlight coming through. She hadn't seen or felt this much sunlight since before she was admitted oh so long ago.
3-693 Michael

Michael stepped out of the room as per the instructions. He then turned to face down the hall in a military fashion. He then began to march toward the social room. He never looked to the side, or said a word as he went. He continued down the hall until he reached the door where he stopped and asked if one of the guards was going to open the door to let him in or not. "Well, are you going to let me in or not?" He spoke with his usual twisted voice.
Dr. Ahrendt, PhD
The doctor would come up beside the security guards and subjects waiting to be let in. "Apologies, gentleman. Just had to make sure that the dangerous creatures were settled before we could continue." He would swipe his keycard, and the doors would unlock. Opening on their own, revealing the brightly-lit room, with many of the creature comforts that would usually only be found outside of the facility. Couches, tables with board games, and not to mention delicacies on a coffee table near the right corner of the room. There were already a few warm bodies in the room, yet they definitely weren't socializing. The only creature acting strangely was a small, blonde haired woman with wounds near the corners of her mouth. She was balled up on a couch, the room seeming too cold for her. This didn't bother the doctor. He wanted to see if she would eventually give in and give him the venom samples he oh so desired.

5-049, LIlja
Lilja's attention would be grabbed by the unlocking of one set of double doors. She would stop staring at herself in the reflection of the one way glass, and avert her attention to the heat signatures she was receiving. She would watch as bodies piled in, all silent. So much for a social room. Her tongue flicked. The members of the facility weren't dissimilar to her, but they certainly weren't the same. There were a few humanoids, but none interacted with one another. She looked to the doctor as he stood by the door, and made eye contact. His cold eyes pierced her, and for once she looked away. He's doing this on purpose. He wants me to suffer. She would continuously think to herself, and as she got colder she began to react to things slower. She could feel her heartbeat slowing, her thoughts no longer raced. In a gentle panic, she would hold herself tighter, and curl up into the corner of the couch more. She would growl, staring at the doctor, who was no longer paying attention to her.
SUBJECT 1-799, Lady

While the white coat clad man stood in the doorway, glancing around her room cluelessly, Lady had flattened her belly into the ceiling, hiding herself as much as possible. Fine. If he wanted to intrude, then maybe they could play together. She readied her aim while staring down at the tasty-looking fruit he held out in front of him. She was still as she could be, until suddenly dropping down to the man's feet, nearly bringing him to his knees. Before he could process Lady's presence, the fruit was between her teeth and the room had been hastily vacated. She took off in a dead sprint, bounding towards the end of the hallway. Her dull claws skittered as she approached the door she knew was locked, slowing herself with caution; as she looked back, she gave a passing glance to the man to confirm she didn't scare him enough to get her in trouble. The fruit had been swallowed at this point. She trotted back towards the disoriented man, pacing around him, bumping her forehead against his steadying shins. Her body language seemed to spell 'play? play? play? play?' as she circled him, nose busy trying to sniff out more treats.
The man would only then begin to catch his breath, and stand. He had an idea out of this, and decided to lead Lady to the social room, where she could play with the many other subjects. There was also a surplus of food in there, as they had specifically her taken into account.

5-049, Lilja
She would watch as the many different creatures filed into the room. Coming to realize she was the only one having problems with the cold, she simply kept to herself. She felt vulnerable, and weak. Frankly at this point, she just wanted to head back to her room. I got enough sunlight from those UV rays. She shivered, and kept her head down as others began to socialize. Even the other dangerous creatures would socialize, but she'd stay to herself. She didn't like feeling vulnerable, and she felt cornered. She would slowly be driven to panic, yet she maintained her composure. She wouldn't make it out of here if she were to attack one of them. She shuffled to the other side of the couch, which was hidden from the observation room due to a group of creatures socializing.
3-693 Michael

Michael entered the room with his usual cold, unfeeling expression. He slowly made his way to a window and started watching out of it. He had no intentions of really talking to anyone, as he felt like he had duties to attend to no matter what was going on. He stood with his arms behind his back as he watched out the window. The brightness of the light didn't bother him at all, nor did the chill in the room. Michael was tough from what he claimed were decades of service in and leadership of a military that apparently only he could see.
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5-049, Lilja
She raised her head, and of course her attention was immediately grabbed by the one subject not socializing. She tilted her head as he simply watched out the window in military fashion. He looks bored out of his mind. She chuckled to herself, and her mind immediately came to the conclusion that he wanted out of here as much as she did. She decided to stand, which took some effort, and go look out the window to see what he was doing. As she got closer to the window, she immediately got colder, but she ignored it. "What'cha doing?." Her voice was sweet, calm, yet with an obvious hissing undertone. Her accent was on the stranger side, yet it was obviously not the most prominent feature about her voice. Her tongue flickered, but received no heat signatures. It was likely due to the cold air around her. She averted her gaze to him, awaiting a response.

Dr. Ahrendt, PhD
He came to realize that 5-049 and 3-693 were communicating, but he believed that 3-693 wouldn't socialize with her. At first he was worried about her attempting to influence others, yet so far every other subject has avoided her.Good news for me. He decided that he would change his schedule and attempt to test 5-049 while she was still cold, likely immediately after the socializing. She wouldn't be as efficient in her camouflage due to her tensed muscles. He chuckled as he left the now locked social room. Why haven't I thought of this before? This was the simple solution!. He made a quick pace back to his office. He must prepare all the tests for when the hour's up.
Dr Lissa Banks:
Meandering through the facility with her notes in hand she rubbed her head and let out a sigh. Take behavioural sciences they said, it will be easy they said. But with the complexity of the subjects she was monitoring she found each pattern of behaviour an overgrowing puzzle. She passed by Dr Ahrendt's office and gave a small knock before just sticking her head in without of any thought of the potential of interrupting "Any strange behaviour to report or any subject to keep a closer eye on?" She leant against the door frame her sleeves on her lab coat rolled up.
Dr. Ahrendt, PhD
He would raise his head as the woman entered his office. "Ah, Dr. Banks!." He seemed to be in a better mood than usual. After hearing her question, he would answer quickly. "Only 5-049. Take her to testing immediately after social hour. She'll be more compliant than usual." He would chuckle. He was going to drag out her return to her holding room. The colder she remained, the easier she'll comply.

The subject had been giving him a hard time, so he might as well make her pay for it. Perhaps then she would learn to have a little more respect for him. Or worse, maybe she'll learn to adapt to the cold.. The doctor shook the thought away. He averted his gaze to the woman still standing in his door frame. "You will find her in the social room. Do record her behavior while she is in this...simpler state." A half smile crossed his face before he would return to his work. It was mostly government paperwork, but underneath he had the calculations for the subject's LD50. Once he had the samples, he could begin the rat test.
Dr. Lissa Banks
"Ah, Dr. Banks!" She flinched slightly and gave him an exasperated look, he was in a good mood for once except today she appeared to not share the high spirits, weeks of dead ends had deflated her. "How many times, I prefer Lissa. Formalities are lost on me." She was a lot shorter than usual and the mention of 5-049 made her more tense then normal as the subject had been confusing her since her arrival. However, the idea of a socialisation test happening was definitely the relief she needed from the paperwork. She also openly grimaced at the mention of a simpler state. Lissa didn't believe for a second there was a simpler state to any of the subjects and this was where she feared her head researcher may under estimate them, but she daren't mention it because underneath she slightly feared the man. "I will file a report afterwards, however please can I ask when you are done... poking and prodding the subjects if you could forward me copies of their behaviour in reaction to whatever it is you do to them so that I can analyse how our actions are also affecting them. I would be most... grateful." Normally cheery today she seemed a little irritable, some of the notes on subject 5-049 she'd recently received felt incomplete and this worried her intensely into the wellbeing of her subject. Yes she wanted to understand them more but not at the expense of their health.

She turned on her heels and shut the door before walking down the halls and stopping outside the socialisation room, she peered through the window and then decided to open up the door and lean on the frame making sure to pull the door to behind her and giving a small wave, as usual to the subjects in an attempt to show them she isn't a threat, she showed no fear but she also never touched a subject unless invited to, she'd been known to slip in something extra like a chocolate from time to time if she was feeling overally empathetic. Some understood this however, not all were warm to her just yet. She hoped to change that.
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3-693 Michael

Michael hadn't heard the voice of anyone who wasn't experimenting on him in a long time. Although Lilja was pretty casual with her greeting, she was a civilian in his eyes and therefore not too bothered by it. his response was simple, and direct. "I'm watching my soldiers." Michael wasn't hallucinating, wasn't making it up to be silly, he really had some sort of soldiers under his command. They were entities that were as supernatural as himself, and they would only reveal themselves if ordered to do so. Theoretically, he could order them to get him out, however, he would be putting them through unnecessary suffering, suffering that could only occur in a place like this. Michael had suffered enough on his own here, and he couldn't imagine putting soldiers through that, at least not without help.
5-049, Lilja
She would look over from the window to the doctor. All other subjects had ceased their socializing to take a look at the doctor. They would stare for a few moments, but then slowly begin to return to their games. Lilja would simply nod to the man, and go sit back down on her corner of the couch. Her slitted amber-red eyes carefully watching the doctor. She silently hoped she was there for another subject, but she knew Ahrendt's obsession with her. She would simply sigh, holding herself tighter.

She began to shiver quite regularly, and decided to let her hair down to attempt to cover her neck and face to maintain warmth. She would move her jaw about, and move her fingers in repetition. She figured the hour was going to be up soon, but didn't get her hopes up. She forced herself deeper into the cloth couch, hoping it would warm her. Her tongue would flicker, but the most heat she could identify was from the doctor. Panic began to creep into her mind faster and faster. She longed to return to her room, where she could hide away from the individuals in the room with her, and where she wouldn't be scared for her life.
Dr Lissa Banks:
Lissas eyes skirted over to 5-049 and tried to give her a sympathetic smile but her face must of betrayed something. Her expression didn't feel right. Without saying a word she looked 5-049 in the eye and realised she was shivering. She lowered herself to the floor, slid her lab coat off, which she knew would contain the residual heat from her body and carefully held it out to 5-049 before placing it on the floor as far as she could gently throw and then returning to standing, backing as far from possible before nodding at it encouragingly. Completely forgetting she was meant to be keeping the subject cold for Ahrendt. She then mouthed, "I'm here if you need to talk" to 5-049 before turning to 3-693 and saying "How are you this morning? Any complaints?" She then only glanced at 5-049. Her hopes were that if Ahrendt was doing something shady 5-049 would find a way to trust her, the likelyhood she felt was slim, but she didn't think even Ahrendt would confess how deep his obsession was. Although Lissa looked completely at ease sat on the floor of the socialisation room as she normally did, she was always alert and speedier than most of the security guards when needed to be. She'd been lucky so far.
5-049, Lilja
Lilja stared at the coat that had been thrown to her for a couple of moments, but didn't complain. She grabbed it and threw it over herself, the heat practically making her drowsy. She would shut her eyes, a light purr in the back of her throat. After a moment, her eyes would shoot open again, and she would avert her gaze to the doctor, who was now seated on the floor. She hadn't come into much contact with this doctor. Probably the most humane. She exhaled. Her tongue would flicker once more, yet she was still unable to pick up most heat signatures due to the room's frigid air.

Her shivering began to lessen, and she could feel her muscles begin to relax. Her fight or flight response would begin to dissipate, and she would begin to calm down. Her claws would gently scratch at the couch as a nervous tic, and she would make a small incision in the cushion as she made eye contact with the doctor. She was kind enough to throw her the lab coat, she figured could at least return a favor and see what she wanted. She would gesture for the doctor to come join the girl that was curled up deep in the couch.
Dr Lissa Banks:
5-049 motioned her over and all of a sudden she felt her heart race slightly. She stood and opened her hands outwards in order to show there was nothing on her. There never was apart from a panic button which was a standard issue and connected to the security office in case of an incident. She slowly approached aware that she had not had alot of time with 5-049 and wasn't sure what to expect apart from what she'd read of other researchers notes. Before she reached the sofa though she stopped and took a deep breath before laughing under her breath, "firstly I come in peace. Secondly, kill me and I will haunt you for the rest of my afterlife, got it?" Lissa slowly lowered herself onto the couch but kept a small distance between them out of respect but placed her hand palm down on the sofa next to her, now was the hard part. Lissa opened her mouth and then closed it several times before saying, "Do you want to talk?"
5-049, Lilja
She would laugh on the inside at the doctor's demeanor. At least she was still considered dangerous, even while pathetically cold. "Firstly, I want to know what Ahrendt wants with me." Her voice was full of accent, with a hissing undertone. As she spoke, the wounds that extended from the corners of her mouth to her cheekbones would open in the slightest. It was very apparent that she was missing her top canines, though they could be replaced by something much more sinister. She made full eye contact with the doctor, in an attempt to be more threatening than she was at the moment. It was a safety thing for her, as she felt very vulnerable in this frigid state. She would keep an eye on the hand the doctor placed on the couch in between them. "Secondly, If you touch me I'll make sure someone gets a venom sample." She growled softly. It seemed that most vocal queues she made had the same hissing undertone.

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