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Fantasy Welcome to Vanguard! Home of Pirates

"Thanks," she blushed, but just a little. "So, got any ideas on which heading we should take? Where you want to go?" 
(Wow. Did everybody quit now? No Eunad/Fraxinus, no Captain. It's pretty empty here.....)
"Well, I would head for a vacation island, but what would Eunad and Nyanta do?" I smiled.
"One would assume the same thing." He said, chuckling, the couching, chocking on spit. He looked at her. How beautiful...
"With who? There are no other women on this ship...why are you looking at me like that?" I smiled.
He smiled. "You, silly..." He chuckled. "Wonder if Nyanta and the others will find someone as beautiful as you
"Pshh...They'll find girls a lot prettier than me, especially on those islands," I blushed, looking into my bowl.
"Um...hey, don't get up. If you pull your stitches I'll make you sow them back in yourself!" I pressed my hand against his chest to keep him from sitting up.
"You know you're the first person to tell me that?" I leaned in close to his mouth and kissed him.
I pulled back a little. "I'm gonna go point the ship toward a vacation island," I whispered, "it will take us two weeks to get there. You'll be better by then if you don't yank your stitches out." I sat up straight.
I shook my head and stood. "You should go to sleep. Everyone else already is, and I will in a while after I change course." I smiled but it turned into a yawn. "Sweet dreams."
I shut the door quietly behind me. After untying the rope from the ship's wheel, I checked the map and I spun the wheel until we were on course to a vacation island. I tied the rope in place again and kicked my feet up on a crate.

(I think I'll time lapse to morning on my next post, or you can do it.)
I noticed a warm feeling on my face, and cracked an eye open. Sunlight? But it's nigh--oh, I fell asleep. I wonder if everyone else is up yet?
Eunad woke up. He sighed and stood up.

"Well, you can not sleep forever," he said and went to the deck.

He enjoyed the breeze and gave a satisfied sigh.
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Eand turned to Sandra.

"Good morning Sandra. Yes I Slept very well, thank you." Said Eunad and stretched "And? Have you already picked where we want to go?"

Eunad crossed smugly his army. "Or you do not know where to go and I have to help you out?" He said questioningly.
"I know exactly where I'm going," I said smirking, "and I don't need your help." I stood up and yawned again. "We're headed for a vacation island called Relaxon. But, anyway, if you want to do something, you could steer the ship while I make us all some breakfast in the galley?" I suggested. "But don't wake the Captain up until breakfast is done. He should sleep as much as possible until he's healed."

(Hey, if it takes me a few minutes to post after you do, it's because I'm streaming anime in between posts, okay♥)
"Of course, of course. I'll do it," said Eunad and blushed as his stomach growled "Uh, what it looks like your help urgently needed than ever."

He chuckled and went to the steering wheel.

(and I thought it would be because of the time zones or so. xD But okay, I love by myself animes about everything.)

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