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Fantasy Welcome to Vanguard! Home of Pirates

Eunad disinfected the wound of Fenton.

"I hope it does not get too painful, comrade." Said Eunad in a worried tone solid.

He put away the cloth and took the 'Tools' out (A painkiller, needle and thread).

He injected a painkiller and sewed the wound.

"Yet bandages and .... done." Said Eunad "I advise the contact of water at the site of the wound to avoid. Otherwise, it could indicate an infection. Too, too much movement in the week could reopen the wound ... so do not do it."
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(Hey, after my post, we should probably wait for the Captain to post before we continue, alright Fraxinus?)

Sandra heard the Captain groaning through the wall. But he could have been screaming, with how good the room was insulated. And then it stopped. She heard Eunad's quiet voice, talking.

I hope Fenton is okay. Maybe I should check... She stood and opened the door slowly.

Sunlight streamed into the open doorway, reveiling the Captain laying on the wooden table, which was now covered in blood. Eunad had taken off the Captain's shirt, cleaned and stitched the wound closed, and wrapped a bandage around his mid-section. He was pale from all the blood he'd lost. And Sandra felt sick, but not because of the blood.

No, this is all my fault. If I would have just stayed on the ship, this wouldn't have happened.

She walked over to him and spoke to Eunad.

"Let's help him into his bed." And they did.

Sandra pulled up a tri-legged stool and sat next to the bed. Turning to Eunad, she said,

"Thanks for helping him, Eunad. I'm gonna sit here for a while with him, so you can do whatever you have to do."
Fenton slept soundly after the surgery for a few minutes... He started mumbling in his sleep. Almost cute, considering what was going on
(Eunad/Fraxinus, in going to write this like you left the room, only because I can't think of a reason for you to want to stay. But I had you leave the medical stuff for me, so I can clean myself up, okay? If it's not okay, please tell me alright?)

She realised the Captain seemed to be asleep. Then remembered her shoulder had been grazed by a bullet, and her eye punched by an idiotic Navyman. She took cotton balls, gauze, and a few small band-aids from the First Aid kit and a bottle of rum from a tiny wooden table, over to a mirror hanging on the wall. She was kind of shocked at what she saw in the shiny glass. Her eyebrow had split a little and bled down the side of her cheek, it was already turning bluish-black. She dunked a cotton ball in rum and dabbed gently at the cut and the blood. She hissed, swearing under her breath, stuck one of the band-aids on the scrape. She couldn't see the graze on her shoulder until she pulled her shirt strap down onto her arm.

It's not as bad as I thought. Not as deep either. She looked over her shoulder at the Captain. Still asleep. Dunked another cotton ball, touched the cut with it quickly, like that would make it hurt less. It didn't, and she almost screamed. She couldn't help taking a swig of the rum just to take the edge off a little. She finished by wrapping a strip of gauze around her arm and taping it off. She dumped the stuff back on the table before sitting on the stool again, watching the Captain sleep.

I can't believe this happened. Not only that he got stabbed, but that it was my fault. If I'd just listened to him and stayed on the ship where I was supposed to be--

She felt a tear on her cheek, and let that one tear, only one, fall.
Fenton was half awake, rising to hear her cry. "What's wrong?" He said to her, his voice still drowsy. His injuries were quite the opposite from his crew-mate, having only a few cuts besides, you know.... The recently closed stab wound. He tried to get up, but it hurt to do so.
"What's wrong?" She hadn't even noticed the Captain wake up. She wiped the tear away, but she still couldn't speak for a minute.

"This is my fault..." Sandra whispered, gesturing to his side. "That this happened to you. All I had to do is stay on the ship and this wouldn't have happened."
"It's fine..." He sighed. "I underestimated my crewmates passion... I should have let you come in the first place..." He smiled. "I'll keep you on ground from now on..."
"You'd better," she said, but smiled too. She leaned her elbows on the edge of Fenton's bed.

"Hey...why did you do that? Why did you put yourself in harms way for me? I never asked you to..."
"Oh come on, not again? Just say it, what ever it is," she said quietly, moving into his range of vision. "I swear, I won't tell anyone, if that's what it is..."
"I..." He smiled a bit, still blushing red. "I...like you..." He waited a minute to see her opinion on the matter, but his mouth wouldn't close. "I've just liked you, you know? 'Cause we've, -well all of us- have been through so many travels, you know what I mean, and I-" he kept rambling on and on, trying to get his words straight.
She couldn't stop herself from smiling, or her face from burning.

"I...uh..I like you, too. A lot. I have since the day I first got on this ship..." She rubbed the back of her neck, not looking at him. She couldn't. She hadn't told him, she'd kept it secret for so long, and she was worried how he would react...

(Hey, I think I'm going to log off now, but I might be back in 45 minutes or half an hour, if you wanted to stick around?)
(Hey, Captain? You around?♥ You gonna post?)
He blushed for a second. "So..." He didn't know what to say... "You want to,.. Hang out on a vacation island after this?"
"After you get better? Sure." And she was sure her face turned redder. She stood up from the stool.

"Um, I should probably go clean my weapons. I'll bring you some dinner later..."

Sandra reached for the door handle, and paused. She couldn't help it. She walked back to the bed, leaned over, and kissed him on the lips.
She pulled back a little, then straightened up.

"I'll see you later." Sandra closed the door behind her after grabbing her gun and sword belt, and headed to her bunk down below. She passed Eunad on the way, and she hoped he didn't notice her flushed face.
She shut the door behind her and layed her weapons gently on her bunk. She sat down at her desk, the only other space besides the bunk to sit. Looking in the mirror, she saw that her eye was fully black now, and puffy, but she ignored it and pulled her personal log from the small shelf up above. Grabbing a pen, she started writing:

Log for entry 67 in this book~

There was a surprise attack by those bastard Navymen this morning. The Captain immediately ran off, telling us--myself, Eunad and Nyanta--to stay on the ship. I completely disregarded this request, and jumped over the side and began fighting, also looking for the Captain so I could tell him off. But I didn't really have a chance. He'd vanished. And later, when he came back to port...something...unexpected happened. I had accidentally attracted the attention of a fairly large group of soldiers, and as they were coming at me, the Captain, out of nowhere, jumped from some high place, landing on a few of the men, and hurting his leg. I'd knelt down to make sure he was all right, when suddenly he pushed me out of the way, and was instantly stabbed in the side. I helped him back to the ship, and Eunad stitched up the wound. The Captain slept for a little while after that, and I cleaned up my torn eyebrow and my bullet-grazed shoulder. I had stayed in the Captain's room after Eunad left.

After sitting there a bit, I started feeling guilty, and that it was my fault that the Captain was now bed-ridden for the next week. And I cried, just loud enough to wake the Captain up.

And that was when it happened. Something I'd been hoping for since the day I got on the ship: He admitted that he likes me. And then after telling him the same thing, I...kissed him.

He's asked me to go to a vacation island with him after his side heals, and I've said yes.

~End of log entry 67~

She snapped the book closed, put it away and began cleaning her cutlass.
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Eunad (who had now discovered that he loved romances) pressed his ear against the door and listened. He thought it was really warm (Sniff) all the things they told it and cried (manly) tears. When he heard that was finished talking and Sandra walked toward the door, he quickly moved away from the door. Sandra dashed over next to him while he was gazing after her, grinning.

He walked the same path to his cabin and lay down to sleep.

Well ... he thought this could become interesting.

(I'm just going to assume we are on a small ship, so that Eunad, I and a godmodded Nyanta can manage the ship. If you guys have a problem with that, let me know.)

Sandra finished cleaning her second pistol and put it away in it's holster, and hanging the belt on the hook on the side of her desk. It was about 11:00 pm now, and she climbed into her bunk, only to find that she was exausted, but not sleepy.

We should really get out to sea. It's pointless to stay in port, we have everything we need to leave. I wonder if Eunad and Nyanta are asleep yet. Ah, who cares?! I'm gonna wake'em and get this vessle moving.

So the jumped out of bed threw on her boots, ran down the hall and banged on Eunad's door.

"Hey Eunad, pal! Get up, we're setting sail! *bangs a few more times* You'd better be up by the time I get back! I'm going to wake Nyanta." She clunked down the hall and kicked the First Mate's door.

"Nyanta!...oh, you're awake already, good! Did you hear what I said to Eunad?"

The blue catman scratched his ear, looked tired.

"Yes, but--"

"Well good! Let's head up top then," Sandra interrupted gladly, and gave him a shove toward the stairs, then backtracked to Eunad's door. He opened it just as she reached it, and he didn't look happy.

"Oh come on. Just help me get out to open water and I'll manage the ship by myself for a while and let you guys sleep, okay? You can hate me in the morning, just don't do it now."

All it took was a little work, and the sails were full of wind, and they were headed for open sea. The guys went back to sleep, and Sandra stuck around the ship's wheel, pulling up a stool and steering with her now bootless feet.

(Captain, feel free to post when you get some time♥)
The captain woke up, looking around. He smiled. It still hurt to get up. He felt the boat move. "Hello? Who's moving the ship?"
Sandra thought she heard noise coming from the Captain's cabin, so she looped a rope around the mast and onto the wheel to hold the course.

Crap, I forgot to bring him some food earlier. That might be what he wants. But I'll see.

She banged on the door twice. "Hey, you decent in there? I'm coming in." Pushing open the door, she saw that the Captain was awake.

"Hi. Did you call me?" He nodded and asked his question again.

"I was. I kicked Nyanta and Eunad out of bed, made them help me get her out to open water, then I let them go back to sleep. Oh, I forgot to bring you dinner earlier. Do you want some now?"
"No," he smiled. "It's fine..." He had gotten a bit of his color back during the battle. It still hit a bit to rise up from his bed, but he tried.
Sandra hurried over to him and pushed him back down by the shoulders.

"Don't sit up, you'll pull your stitches! Eunad will be pissed. He took a long time on those...plus I'd have to wake him up again, and once is enough for one night." She dragged the short stool over again and sat down.
"Okay. What do you want--that's available on this ship from the storeroom?" Sandra asked. "Wait, now that I think about it, I think we have some left over stew from yesterday. I'll go get us some of that."

She walked down below to the kitchen and filled two bowls with stew, and took them back to the Captain.

"Be careful, the bowl's hot. Hold it by the edges," she said handing it to him. She sat down on the bed next to him and ate a spoonful. "Mmmm...still good. I still can't believe I cooked this...this is the best I've ever cooked..." Sandra shoved another bite in her mouth.
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