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(I still need some good mothership images.)

If it sounds too good to be true…

That is how the old saying goes. First Contact. The Elda - Elves, as humans called them - said they came in peace. And they did - in their beautiful ships. They brought an end to the Four Horsemen (Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death). In the case of death, even the Elves can’t stop natural death (or say they can’t). But they can prolong human lifespans (or claim they can). And War isn’t going to stop overnight.

List of largest cities - Wikipedia
Their motherships took stationary positions in the skies over major cities all over Earth, 81 cities in all, each with a population of at least 5 million. Noone fired on the interstellar visitors - largely because noone wanted to be the first to start an interstellar war. The motherships set their altitude at precisely 9461 meters or 1 trillionth of a light year. They did nothing for a whole week (as near as anyone can tell). Then a single elven shuttle launched from the Mothership over New York City and landed in front of the UN building. For the first time they responded to the various friendship messages being sent out. They said,

“We come in peace. Take us to your leaders.”

Now if anyone thinks the governments of the world were thrilled at an event of this magnitude they couldn’t be more wrong. The lessons of history about what happens to less technologically advanced societies when a more advanced civilization discovers them were not lost. But they chose to step carefully.

Among the fringe groups on Earth conspiracy theorists began to broadcast their warnings. Some were not so obvious in their suspicions.

So the question is, human, what do YOU believe?

This RP will focus on New York City, largely because that is where the UN is. Group members will be humans. Where on Earth your character is from is an altogether different matter.

Blank CS

The more people would notice your absence, the less likely you will die, but the more likely that you will be carefully watched.

Translation: Come from whatever walk of life you like. But remember the old proverb, "As you sow, so shall ye reap." Being a hero will not save you. Being a despicable villain will not save you. Walking down the middle of the road is a good way to get run over.

Other translation: You might consider more than one character. Just because you want to run some gang banger or ex convict doesn't mean other characters will want to have anything to do with you. And vice versa.

And another translation: You can't trust anyone - not even your closest friends.

Epilogue: I can think of a dozen tags that would fit here eventually.
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