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Multiple Settings π°πž 𝐚𝐫𝐞 πšπ›π«πšπ‘πšπ¦'𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩π₯𝐞: 𝘒 𝘀𝘢𝘭𝘡 𝘳𝘱

𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 πšπ›π«πšπ‘πšπ¦'𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩π₯𝐞: 𝘒 𝘀𝘢𝘭𝘡 𝘳𝘱
Created at
Index progress

This is just your average, ordinary cult roleplay.

In our story, it circles around the lives of our six main characters who are matched up to be wed. As The Son is being wed, he is now able to find out all the secrets of Abraham’s people; and he does not like what he finds out. Gathering his best friends (The Hidden and The Tricked) and their new wives, he announces to them that he plans on escaping the town and beyond the mountains. The best friends make a pact that they will escape together (with their wives coming along because the top rule of Abraham’s People is for women to submit to their husbands). However, escaping this community isn’t as easy as they first thought it would be.
𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 πšπ›π«πšπ‘πšπ¦'𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩π₯𝐞: 𝘒 𝘀𝘢𝘭𝘡 𝘳𝘱


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

we are abraham's people

the backstory.

In 1910, Moon Ji-U stood before his Presbyterian Church and declared with great vigour that we were all sons and daughters of Abraham. The room roared, exploding into songs of worship and praise. This was his crystallizing moment where he saw his future before him. Brothers and sisters, coming side by side of each other and living out the promises that their Lord had planned out for each one of them. But there was something in the way: society.

Japan had just effectively annexed Korea with the Japan-Korea Treaty, and the Japanese were starting to take the arable land. Ji-U could sense that something bigger was going to come; something much worse. So, as he stood there making his declarations, he put through his plan. They were all to sell all their belongings; sell every piece of material possession they had of this world. And that they would move into the land. They would build their own houses, hunt, grow their food, and start their own community; live the way that God had intended for them to live.

This was the beginning of Abraham’s People Community.

Over the span of one hundred years, four generations of families lived within Abraham’s People Community. No electricity, no running water, no cars, and absolutely no contact with the outside world. Those who lived in the outside world were corrupt, evil, and were not humans. Abraham’s People were the only humans left on this Earth and were replaced with the Enemy in accordance with Moon Ji-U’s teachings. That was the reason why they stayed in this town they have created for themselves.

The boys of the town spend their day at school and their free time learning how to hunt with the older men and discovering the land that they grow their crops on. The girls, however, spend their days learning how to be housewives, being educated on how to clean the house top to bottom, cook mouth-watering feasts, and how to please their future husbands. A woman’s role in the world was to bear children and to submit to her husband. The man’s role was to provide for the family and protect. This is why it was so important to whom your spouse was to be.

Every Daeboreum (The first full moon of the year; Day 15 of the Month 1), Moon Chin-Mae – the leader of Abraham’s People, which was passed down to him from his father – pairs up the selected singles within the town to be married. If you were between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-four, you were eligible. Chin-Mae has the final say in whom is matched with whom, whether people like it or not. After all, he was the chosen messenger from God. This year Daeboreum is quite special, for Chin-Mae’s only son – the future leader of Abraham’s People – was to be wed to a special someone. And once he was wedded, he would then be told all of the family secrets; to become the next leader of the people.

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Β© weldherwings.
𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐭𝐑𝐞 π›πžπ π’π§π§π’π§π  𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝

chapter one.

the beginning of the end.

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Β© weldherwings.


the wedding.

On the first full moon of the lunar year, the Leader announces those who are wed. He calls them to rise in from their seats during the sermon, declaring that these are the lucky few who will be blessed to enter marriage. For the next week, they will blessed by their families, community, and by Mother Supreme and the Leader; all the while wondering just who their life long partner will be.

Day one. We head down to the lakes, bless our children, and baptize them. Day two. Their flowing locks are trimmed for the very first time by the man of the house, and we are consumed with pride and joy for them. Day three. They stand before the dress makers in their family, being fitted with their dresses and suits and crafted into the perfect spouse. Day four. Hands are diligently at work as they create woodwork pieces and collect wildflowers for celebrations. Day five. The men go out into the forest for two days and learn what it means to be the man of the house. The women decorate the village, inviting in the Holy Spirit to dwell on their special week. Day six. The men learn the secrets of becoming a father, while the women spend their day preparing for the feast yet to come.

And finally, day seven. Wedding day.

The community gathers in the halls of the church. There is excitement buzzing in the air; crying mothers as they embrace their daughters, and fathers giving their sons their last bit of advice they can give before they become men. The Leader takes the stage, his voice booming, echoing through out the wooden corridor.

β€œDaughters and sons,” he declares with velvet warmth, catching sight of those in their wedding clothes β€œPlease make your way to the chamber. We will see your families again in just a few moments”

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Β© weldherwings.


the son.


moon do-yun.

lets get this over and done with please.

hand crafted black wedding suit + flower tie

in the chamber



moon do-yun.

The buzzing of the corridors echoed off the wooden structure. Families come to hand over their children to be wed to someone completely random. Of course, the Leader and Mother Supreme took their time to sit down and examine each candidate from afar. They took notes at any given moment of time. One wrong move and you were put to the bottom of the pile, doomed to marry someone who clearly came from a family full of sin. The chickens who refused to lay and their sheep who kept on escaping would be a clear testimony to these sinful households. And while he knew that his parents would be going out of their way to pick someone suited to him – to his demeanor, personality and every single aspect that morphed and molded him into who he was today – there was still an intense fear that he was going to end up with someone he either didn’t know, or didn’t want to know.

Brown doe eyes travelled the room in search for familiar faces, especially those dressed head to toe in wedding garments. The first to catch his attention was Nam Mina whose eyes sparkled with joy, her flowing locks pooling over her shoulders and tracing down her spine. There is was… her hair. She wasn’t to be wed. She would have to spend her days praying to God for her time to come. Her toothily, playful smile outshined any star in the constellations. It was the brightest in the corridor as she congratulated her younger sister in being selected by the Leader. Such a shame, honestly. He could feel a frown creeping to his face the more he thought about it. Mina was twenty-three – next year would be her last chance to become a wife. And from what he had gathered from the many years of staring out his bedroom window, watching her gather the chickens to place them back into their coop at the end of the night, she would’ve made a wonderful wife. He had asked his father to reconsider the list; to add Mina and to consider wedding them together. But his father simply responded β€œDo not fight destiny, for your path has already been determined by God, for God.”

β€œAre you excited?” a chirpy Gyeong asked her grumpy brother who stood with his arms crossed in front of himself. Was he excited? What an odd question to ask. His eyes tore away from quite possibly the most beautiful thing in his life and to the tired, burnt out face of his sister. How could be excited about marriage after he had seen what a state his older sister was in? Gyeong was only twenty nine and had managed to whip out five children already. Was that really all they were to do with their life? To keep on populating it?

β€œHow is this meant to be exciting?” He grumbled, his eyes removing it’s gaze towards the corridor once more, inspecting those who continued to file into the hallway. β€œI’m about to spend the rest of my life with someone I don’t know. Is that meant to be fun or something?”

β€œDoyun!” His sister gasped, bouncing her new born baby in her arms as it began to swirl in a combination of restlessness and hunger. β€œIt’s an honour to be selected.”

He scoffed at his sister’s message. Marriage had made her more brainwashed than ever.

β€œSons and daughters,” His father’s voice echoed above their heads as he stood by the chamber doors. He didn’t need to announce himself again; the moment his voice reached the ears of the many, all their heads turned like obedient little puppies. Their tales silently wagging with anticipation was deafening to his ears. β€œPlease make your way to the chamber. We will see your families again in just a few moments”

This was it. It was the beginning of the end, wasn’t it?

Gyeong wrapped an arm around her taller, younger brother, pulling him into an embrace that he was certain none of them wanted to participate in. β€œYou’ve got this, Do-Yun” she whispered into his ear, giving him a hearty pat on the back in the progress. I tell you what, having five kids had given her biceps of steel. Pulling back from the hug, he nodded at her; not that he agreed with anything she had to say in any of her prep talks this morning. Without a moment of hesitation, he turned at the heel and made his way to the front of the corridor. The first in line to enter the chambers; he knew if he hadn’t been the first that his parents would have something to say.

The Leader smiled warmly at his son, placing a hand upon his upper arm as he moved inwards into the chamber. Normally, this place was strictly out of bounds. It was where his father had his extremely important meetings. The only chair available in the whole room was the one that sat behind an wooden oak table. Obviously, it was the Leader’s. One of his father’s assistants maneuvered before him, using both hands to direct him to a side of the room.

β€œSons, on the right. Daughters, on the left of the room” the assistant said with a scrunched up gleeful nose. He began to turn to the others that entered, repeating his rehearsed sentence repeatedly. Doing as he was told, Do-Yun made his way to the side of the room and stood; his hands clasped behind his back and standing tall with confidence. Just the way his parents had taught him all these years.

β€œPlease, thank you – son’s on the right side, thank you. And daughters, yes – thank you, daughters. Onto the left”

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Β© weldherwings.


/* ------ right side ------ */

/* ------ image 1 ------ */
mood | nervous anticipation

location | the chamber

/* ------ image 2 ------ */
outfit | here

/* ------ image 3 ------ */

/* ------ left side ------ */

choi nari

/* ------ main textbox ------ */
Nari's heart was beating in her ears and electricity buzzed throughout her body. Today was the day. She had quite literally spent her entire life preparing for this moment. Her parents had set their sights high, wanting Nari to be the one chosen to marry the great Leader's son and they put all of their energy into molding her to be the perfect candidate. And for the most part, they were hopeful. Nari had, after all, followed every instruction and completed every task they had set out for her. This was the moment of truth.

Honestly, it was unclear who was more anxious about the pairing. Nari, the one who was actually the one getting married, or her parents (specifically her mother).

"Nari, stay!"

Yu-Mi, the youngest, clung to Nari's leg, unwilling to give up her oldest sister. She was quite attached to Nari. After all, Nari probably spent more time taking care of her than their own mother did. Crouching down, she brought herself down to the five-year-old's eye level and smoothed the hair from her forehead away from her face, and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm not going far, I promise. You'll still see me all the time, little dove. This is the time to show everyone what a big girl you are."

That seemed to do the trick, for now. Yu-Mi was still clinging to Nari's leg, though she seemed to understand that she would need to let go.

She continued to run her hands through Yu-Mi's hair while the rest of the girls fussed over her dress and hair. As if anything they did at this point would swing the outcome in her favor. Nari even had to dodge her mother trying to pinch her cheeks. 'It'll give you a healthy glow!' Nari finally relented after realizing that her mother wouldn't stop until her cheeks were sweet and rosy. She could understand all of the fuss. She was the first of the seven girls to be getting married and she had the chance to be a part of the most favorable match of the generation. Any other mother in her position would be doing the same.

She reached to nervously twist the ends of her hair around her fingers, forgetting that it was not where it used to be. Falling between her shoulder blades, it was still objectively long. However, it was very short in comparison to how it had been the week before. Nari quite liked it, actually, and was honestly considering keeping it at this length, but it was still quite an adjustment.

Nari's heart skipped a beat and jumped into her throat when their Leader's voice cut through the din of the families chattering. Her mother squeezed her hands before pulling a crying Yu-Mi from Nari's legs. It seemed like the understanding they had moments ago had gone away. With one last glance at her baby sister, Nari moved into the chamber. She was the third one in on the left side of the table (she would have been first if it was not for Yu-Mi). After smoothing the front of her dress, she clasped her hands in front of her to prevent herself from fidgeting and she looked towards the front of the room, where the Leader's chair was placed at the head of the table.

Nari desperately hoped she'd be paired with Do-Yun. Of course, she had never even spoken to him, so she had no idea if she even liked him. Instead, she wanted to be sure all of her hard work paid off. Marrying the leader's son would not only mean security for herself but for her family as well. Surely, most girls wanted the same thing. The Leader would only pick the best for his son and there was no telling who it could be. She'd been trying her hardest not to look at him, not wanting to seem as desperate as she was and not wanting to do anything to ruin her chances.

In a moment of curiosity, a moment of weakness, Nari surveyed the others in the room. She was the tallest of the girls and taller than a few of the boys, which despite being something she was normally used to, was unnerving at that moment. Her attempt to skip over Do-Yun failed. Her gaze landed on him, albeit briefly before she turned once more to the front of the room. She had just enough time to send the smallest of smiles in his direction.

Nari did her best to stay calm, taking in slow, deep breaths. The anticipation was still killing her. All she needed right now was a yes or a no. She'd be okay either way, she was sure, though she did not want to think of the possibility of being paired with anyone else in the room.

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Β© weldherwings.

Anxiously optimistic... Mostly just anxious.

The chamber


your best friend in the world

choi si-u

The shink of the cutting blade still rung in Si-U's ears as it had days ago when his hair was first lopped away. The way Dong-Geun beamed with pride after cutting off the last wisps of hair that he deemed fit for cutting. And why wouldn't he beam? His son was to be married, something a lot of people never thought possible. After all those years of struggle and hardship, he would finally be married. It almost seemed unreal. He'd survived it all.

Si-U saw someone unrecognizable in the mirror before he left. A man with his face, and much shorter hair. An itching crept up the back of his neck, like something could go wrong at any moment. The Devil's Fire always liked to cause him trouble at the most inopportune moments, and now would be the most inopportune of moments. His calves and lower back had been aching like nobody's business, though he rubbed himself down desperately with ginger powder, he knew there was little to be done in the face of infernal harm. Perhaps this was his ultimate test. Maybe if he did this right, it would just go away.

He hissed when he stood, his spine twinged like needles were being shoved through it.

"You look like a prize, my boy." Dong-Geun had a grin across his face, the kind he'd get when he hatched a prized chicken, or when his wife said something worth smiling about. Neither of them stated the obvious -- if only Bong-Cha were here. After eight awful miscarriages, one after the other, Si-U had been her only son. She never had another, and she died, and now Dong-Geun was far too old to remarry.

"Don't get lonely without me."

"When have I ever been lonely, Syuu?" Dong-Geun had some sort of accent (or perhaps, a speech impediment) that always made him slur his own son's name into one slick syllable. Syuu, like the whistling of a winter wind. The leader always said both parts so strongly. Si-U. Si. U. Like an English good-bye.

See You.

Not a language Si-U was particularly familiar with, but he'd heard that one, for sure. Such a brief colloquialism it only came about due to the handful of people who were fluent in the language, coming back from over the mountains after their journeys to spread the word.

The joints in his back cracked as he stretched. Dong-Geun laughed.

"That was a good one." He paused. "Now it's time you go on ahead."

The chamber was a place Si-U had only ever heard of. There could've been anything behind that door, things beyond his imagination, but there wasn't really much. He and the other sons went to one side, while the daughters went to the other, and he held back any twitches that might make himself seem ostentatious. Looking over the selection of women, they all seemed about equally lovely -- he'd be happy with anyone who could accept him.

He'd just learned recently what he had to do to make a child, and that only made him more nervous. The possibility of his body giving out during the holy deed was enough to really put the fear into him. And the high likelihood that he'd pass The Fire to his kin was enough to make him sleep in a different room.

But he had to. For the good of the community. He'd have to take a wife who might not accept him. He'd have to push through coitus, and he might even have to continue a family line inflicted heavily by the stinging whip of Beelzebub himself. Or else he'd be, God forbid, just like his father. A nice man, but more or less a failure. A man nearly thrown out into Devil's land entirely due to his relative incompetence.

His eyes floated towards Do-Yun, who was close, but not too close. Looking around, most of the men were taller than him, but Do-Yun always seemed the most powerful and impressive. Something about him that just screamed future leader. As it was God's will for Choi Dong-Geun to have a crummy little kid with muscles like tissue, so was it his will for Moon Chin-Mae to birth a true messiah. And so he would have a splendid wife...

And Si-U, with his terrible luck, would have all of his nightmares become reality.

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Β© weldherwings.








Very very overwhelmed, would very much like to stim but the leader is right there >.<

The Chamber

Pwetty wedding dress c:

No one... yet c:<

trigger warning

scroll for post

Song Yumin

Since the announcement that Yumin was to be married this year, her life had become hell. Anyone else's mother would be over the moon that she had been chosen, they would be doing their hair the morning before, fixing her dress, making sure every aspect of their wedding would be perfect. However, Yumin's mother sought to destroy her special day.

Morally, her mother simply couldn't let Yumin be released onto the compound. Almost since Yumin was born, her mother had protected the compound from her. They had no idea what Yumin was, what she was capable of... but if Yumin was married, she could no longer be responsible for her. She had tried so hard to suppress the evil that lay within her "daughter." She spent her childhood being beaten and punished in hopes the demon in her would be weakened. Maybe they would give up and return her true daughter to her if she made it clear that she knew they weren't human and wouldn't stop until they were eliminated.

The time between the announcement and the wedding day itself were the worst her mother had ever been. She was running out of time, she had but days to expell the demon from her home before it was released onto the compound. What if she reproduces? Then their entire compound will be infected by changelings, and God forbid she was married to the leader's son!

Yumin sat on the side of her bed, staring down at her feet. This wedding dress was beautiful... but she didn't feel beautiful in it. She fidgeted with her fingers, clutching at her dress, waving her hands, anything she could do to silence her mind. She could hear her mother yelling from the other room, begging her husband to stop this marriage at once. Yumin will be the end of the compound, it will die if she is allowed to live! But her husband continued to decline, and the two argued.

She flinched as there was a knock at her bedroom door, her eldest brother poking his head around the corner. He gave her a sympathetic smile.
"Are you ready? You'll be late if we don't leave soon,"
Yumin hesitated before nodding in response.
"Is mother coming?"
"No... Chan-Hyuk will be staying with her, to make sure she's okay."
Yumin let out a soft sigh. She had hoped everyone would be there, but now her mother and one of her older brothers wasn't coming.

She had to shake this off, she couldn't let anyone see her upset. This was a good day! As her father came to the door, she got to her feet, her normal, sweet smile returning. Her bruised body ached, but she was ready.
"Are you ready, Yuyu?" Her father grinned, to which she nodded in response.

As they entered the church, their leader was already calling for the sons and daughters to enter the chamber. She was running late! Her father gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.
"I'm proud of you, Yuyu," He told her, though it was bittersweet for Yumin... She loved him, but... how she could love someone who let her get hurt, she would never understand.

She rushed to the line leading into the chamber, inserting herself at the back in hopes no one would notice she was late. She took one last look over her shoulder, giggling as her dad waved eagerly at her from the crowd in the church.

She turned her attention back to the chamber, taking a deep breath. This was it! The start of her new life. After this, she could finally be free... Her stomach turned. This was exciting, but scary, but exciting! Her mind was running at a hundred miles per hour as she shook her hands to try and calm herself. No, she couldn't fidget, what if her new husband thought she was weird? She was getting overwhelmed, her back was body was sore, she was in a new place, about to be in a completely new situation...

She fidgeted with her skirt as she lined up against the wall, her eyes scanning the line of men across from her... She would be marrying one of these men! She wanted to squeal with excitement, but she was in the presence of the leader and his son, she had to be calm, respectful and normal.

God, she hoped she wouldn't have to marry Do-Yun. No offense to Do-Yun, of course! But the idea of being the wife of the leaders son was... scary, she would have to be normal ALL the time, and the pressure of being on her best behaviour was daunting. Do-Yun was the only man she recognised in the lineup before her. She would have to hope the other men were nice... well, none of them looked as scary as Do-Yun.

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Β© weldherwings.


perturbed, coming to fruition, lost.

the chamber.

wedding ceremony attire.


i could have been a better son


Mama straightened the lapel of their suit. The sprigs of some blossoms tickled their throat, and she kept fixing them to the proper, itchy position following any of Yuuki’s attempts to dislodge it. Hana trailed behind them, and they peaked back to look past her beady gaze and down at Seo-Hyun. She was dressed in her proper, average pinafore, though she was playing with a flower that Yuuki had picked for her earlier. It was nothing but a weed, and she had told the youngest sister to toss it to the wayside in the event that someone spotted it.

Hae-eun, Yuuki’s mother, had already took note and scowled at it. β€œYuuki,” she’d exasperated over the oak dining table. β€œYou can’t give her foolish things like that.”

β€œMama,” she interrupted, fumbling with the buttons on their front. Their mouth formed the words and their brain spat them out before reviewing its work. β€œIt’s a celebratory day. You’ll be rid of my Devilish influences soon enough—”

β€œStop it,” she whispered feverishly, smacking them on the shoulder before straightening the wrinkles she’d formed. Hae-eun committed to a similar motion on her forehead, saying, β€œYour father.”

It was enough explanation. Bold, too, considering the day and who Hae-eun had carefully crafted herself to be. Even to her children, she was devout. She adored her husband. Yuuki couldn’t discern how true or false that was, as it appeared her mother had a cap to her love. There was only so much to portion out, like most things amidst the compound, adn she gave love discriminately. She taketh away, too, much like God.

Yuuki bit their cheek’s innards. β€œMama,” they started again.

β€œYes, 星?” Her tone yielded laughter, and for a pause in continuity, Yuuki melted under the hot butterknife of her mother’s love.

β€œI—” They stumbled. β€œSorry,” they recuperated. β€œYou haven’t used that nickname since—”

β€œNo use dwelling on the past,” she remarked, just as cold as she had been moments before. A wash of chilly air entered, and the eyes of the room, either reverently or begrudgingly, gave way to tundra.

Haruki, poise and threaded with silken muscle, scratched at his beard as he entered. The crusted lava of his eyes pooled into Yuuki’s, and they couldn’t decide if Father was burning them or warming them. His eyes swallowed Yuuki, and for a moment, they feared the worst, and their eyes widened in horror. Then, a bear-mitt paw reached out and grasped their shoulder.

β€œMy son!” Excitedly, Haruki rammed Yuuki into his arms. A brief hug, as any hug between them was a decade expired.

When they reached their hands up to hold him in response, it was a call home. A saving grace that reminded Yuuki of the tale of Resurrection and the cleansing of sin. Was she finally being forgiven?

Instead, Haruki pushed the child back, straightening them to their full height like a marionette. The affection ceased, barring another adjustment of the flowers at their neck. β€œYou’ve managed to make our family proud,” Yuuki’s father finally said. The tone was stern, simple, but it melted Yuuki further. Tears welled around the eyes.

β€œNow stop crying. You look like a sissy.” It was a snap change, with the first sentence being teasing and the second ringing true.

Yuuki pretended to yawn. β€œSorry, Father. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

A smile returned to Haruki’s face. β€œToo excited to see your wife?”

Through a stretched smile, Yuuki nodded.

Now, as they walked towards the Church, Haruki twitched a brow at Seo’s trinket. Plucking it from her fingers, he offered a small smile of the same lava from before. Then, unknowing of its origins, he placed the bud behind his jewel’s ears.

When Yuuki and their father’s eyes met once more, Haruki looked as though he had been caught with his hand in a jar or on his wife’s cheek. It was being caught in immorality by Judas.

They smiled, and their father’s face flushed. Turning back to face the Church, Yuuki had to remind themself that boys don’t cry.


The door to the Chamber beckoned, with Yuuki being one of the last to enter. Not necessarily late, but purposefully falling behind to allow others to shine. No one cared about Yuuki’s match except out of concern for whose daughter proved most unworthy. Rumors still circulated that the exorcism had not cleaned Yuuki, and with varying degrees of crimes on their rap sheet over the course of their youth, there was no denying the inductive validity of these rumors.

So, Yuuki took her time to enter. When they approached the doorway, the stood for a breath, faced with the illusion of choice. It was like facing the field where she hid her contraband: run along the path towards the fields or traipse into the underbrush? The chiffon of the women’s wear looked preferable to the normal bushes they encountered in the wild. Except, of course, this was an illusion.

Even if they had the opportunity to stand alongside the girls, they would look ridiculous. A man dressed in a skirt, Father liked to quip. Their hand brushed along the fluffy shards of hair that now clouded around their skull. Mourning struck them, as it had the past few days whenever they recalled what they looked like. Avoiding the mirror since then, it was like remembering when you used to have a puppy. Before joining the last of the boys, however, they allowed themself the moment to grieve the lost puppy. It demanded to be felt, as the true breadth could not be. He had lost a puppy, but he was about to lose an arm. A part of themself was going to be forgotten, as much as they would try to hold on.

It wasn’t possible to, they realized, as with anything grieved, it demands to be felt and put away. So, they grieved the puppy first because adjusting to losing an arm was going to sting more and they had to pretend that they weren’t an amputee.

Fixing their flowers one last time, Yuuki sighed and stepped in next to the other boys, deciding to conform to the illusion of choice.

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Β© weldherwings.

curse of
the only


Before her family entered the church, Mi-ok had been reminded of an incident years ago, long before she was of marrying age. She was 15 years old, walking back home after collecting water from the well, taking in the smell of the Earth before rain and the calming, distant boom of thunder before she would have to seek shelter from the storm. On most days, she would be taking her time, but today was different; she felt static sticking to her clothes, and unprompted anxiety weighed down on her chest. As soon as she had gotten within proximity of her home, her mother grabbed her by the collar and pulled her into the house, throwing her water jugs to the ground. Seconds later, the deafening clap of thunder drowned out her hearing and left her ears ringing. Lightning had struck where she was standing not moments ago. Her mother told her afterwards that her hair had begun to stand on end before she reached the house, the sign of an impending lightning strike.

If her hair was standing on end now, it’d be to everyone’s shock but Mi-oks.

On this most holy of days, the church almost seemed alive, the walls echoing with the sounds of joyful parents and mournful siblings, pouring over their marrying child before they would pair off and finally move away. Like during most holy places, Mi-ok felt out of place. While the congregation bubbled with the voices of others, mothers crying and doting over their daughters before they were finally out of their grasp, fathers with their voices full of pride lecturing their sons for the very last time, they sounded distant. Any farther away, and they would have been drowned out by the sound of blood rushing past Mi-ok’s ears.

Her family had a designated place in the church; they stood furthest from the leader and his family, near the doors to the outside, beside the iconography of holy figures. It was a good distance from any other member of the congregation, and it was the only place Mi-ok ever remembered sitting.

Her mother surrounded her, fussing with her hair and dress, the one she had spent all week hemming in a hurried panic. She felt her pluck a loose thread from the hem of her collar then curse herself for not trimming it earlier. Even when she had made sure the frock was free from imperfections, she still swiped down her daughter’s front and sides in an attempt to smooth out any wrinkles that had accumulated between the house and church. Mi-ok felt her father’s presence at her side, as still and steadfast as ever, but didn’t hear him make a sound. There was little to say. In all honesty, the three were still in shock.

Even in teenhood, a time when the developing mind swells with ideas of love and romance, Mi-ok had never once considered the possibility of marriage, at least not with the sincerity of other girls. She was everything unfit to be a wife, cursed, crippled and ugly. This idea further cemented itself in her head when her 21st birthday came and went without her being selected for marriage, and her 22nd and 23rd followed in the same manner. As she aged, she pictured herself old and frail, living on the edge of town alone in her little cottage, having gone through her entire life without a companion. She had made peace with the idea of being alone years ago, which is why the discovery that she wouldn’t be had came as such a shock.

Mi-ok had only once ever considered laughing at the Leader’s word, and that was when she was told she would become a bride. Of course, the comedy of the situation quickly faded into dread as she came to terms with the responsibility that awaited her. She had never once considered life as a housewife- she could cook and clean of course, but not nearly with the efficiency and speed of her mother. That’s not taking into account the massive responsibility of bearing and rearing children; if you had told her a month ago this would soon be her reality, she would have asked you what you’d bumped your head on.

The week that followed the announcement had passed by in a haze. She could recall little of the baptizing at the lake or the decoration of the town. Not everything that had occurred had fully processed yet; she still felt a shock everytime she moved her head, expecting nearly four feet of hair to move with it. She passed through those seven days with hesitation, waiting on edge for her current reality to come crashing down around her. Somehow, someway in his infinite wisdom, the Leader would soon realize he had made a mistake. But the moment never came, and she felt incredibly ill-prepared now that matrimony was closer than ever. That was to say nothing of how her parents had reacted to the information. Her father had hardly reacted to the news, and her mother had said little to her daughter since the baptism.

Mi-ok had seldom felt hurt by her parents and it was even rarer she had felt betrayed, but she couldn’t help but feel bitter sadness the longer the silence between them went on. It was the most important event of her life, and her parents gave her nothing. No words of advice or exclamations of pride, little other than worry over what her future husband and his family would feel, what they had done to deserve association with the outcasts of the community. Despite their close proximity now, never had Mi-ok felt so distant from her family.

She had entered through the threshold of the church with a sick burning in her stomach, and that feeling had evolved into a thorough nausea that trembled her hands and left her head spinning with vertigo. She rocked back and forth ever so slightly, threatening to tumble over before the feeling of her mother pulling on her buttons or tucking a lock of hair behind her ear forced her to steady her feet and straighten her posture. Her jaw was clenched shut; she felt static coursing through her body, like at any second lightning would rain down upon her. When the bell-like voice of the leader rang out, bringing a hush to the crowd, she considered running out through the doors behind her. There was no chance for escape now, however. A bleak finality settled over her as her mother took her hand to bring her to the edge of the church to wait to enter the chamber.

She felt the air sap from her lungs as a heavy hand fell on her shoulder, a gesture she recognized as her father’s.
β€œBe a good girl,” he rasped, voice mingled with worry and pride, a rare expression from such a quiet and distant man. Mi-ok instantly felt a cramp bite her throat, threatening to summon tears. For as long as the moment lasted, she relished in the warmth from his grasp, reaching up to rest her hand on his before her mother tugged her arm and pulled her away. Hand in hand, her mother led her to the line of women that had begun to form against the wall. Her head was fixed downwards as she entered the line, reluctant to impede on the space of the woman in front of her. Her mother squeezed her daughter’s hand once more before she would have to return to her seat, drawing her hand up to her face to plant a small kiss on her middle finger.
β€œNo matter who he is, be good.” With that, she felt her mother release her hand and her presence left her side.

Mi-ok’s heart pounded in her ears. Whoever she would marry, it would be who the leader decided was worthy of marrying into her family. It would be her punishment for her mother and father’s sin, or punishment for her soon-to-be husband. Part of her held out hope that someone had made a mistake.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)


the tricked



mixed feelings


wedding suit


The Chamber





β€œI, Ha Ji-Ho, promise to marry thee, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, from sunrise to nightfall-"


"Ow! What was that for?" a boyish voice asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"Don't screw this up for us, Ji-Ho!" an older woman scolded, "your father and I worked very hard for you to be considered for marriage."

But this isn't about you. He wanted to say. He was the one who poured his life into choir. He was the one who received high marks in school. He was the one who received a message from God.

But was it not also his parents who brought him here? Was it not them who taught him how to tend to the farm? To be a good future husband? Who was he to be ungrateful to them?

Frowning, he brushed his hair back with his fingers while his father fixed his flower tie.

"I was just trying to have some fun..."

"Ji-Ho you are a man now," his father sighed, "you must be a provider for your family. Fun is a luxury you cannot afford."

That seemed to be enough for the boy-well man- to wind down and shove the note in his pocket. He followed after the rest of his family to the Church where the processions were moving smoothly. Families from all over town surrounded the area while the brides and grooms to be were lining up to enter the Chamber. Most of the boys were silent while the girls were allowed to be more effusive. Ji-Ho fell on the pensive side, reflecting the expression his father often had when it came to matters of the future. While he didn't care who his future partner was, curiosity abounded over everything he learned the night prior.

It wasn't as though he never wondered about such things (particularly after a dream he had as a child of his parents leaving their bedroom unlocked). He shuddered at the thought of his parents doing anything close to impure, but envisioning himself with...

Ji-Ho's eyes lived to the brides' side of the room before he dug his nails into his palm. He couldn't do that to his future wife. Instead he turned to the men's side, stopping ever so briefly on Yuuki.

They could have been skipping rocks or singing songs, or even nothing. He would have loved nothing more than doing nothing. Sloth may have been a sin, but lust was worse. He would be flogged if his curiosities came to light. Per his elders, these acts of lust were only meant for procreation. Anything else and he would be giving in to temptation.

He unclenched his fists and faced the brides before feigning a smile. Whoever his partner would be, he would mask his thoughts, at least until after the wedding.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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uncharacteristically terrified
ryuk hae
Of all the community's traditions, Daeboreum had always been the one Hae looked forward to. The whole community buzzing with excitement and nervous anticipation made it so her restlessness didn't feel so out of place. Aside from the communal baptism, even the celebrations leading up to the final ceremony were usually enjoyable.

Despite her appreciation for Daeboreum, she'd also worked incredibly hard to ensure that she was undesirable as a wife; that her name wouldn't be called until she was 24, if at all. She thought she'd have more time. She'd spent the past week thinking about what had become of her older sisters since their weddings. Hauen was only in her first year of marriage and already on her second pregnancy; Dae was entering year four and had three little ones. Both of them spoke only in brief and generic sentences when asked about their husbands. Marriage and family seemed almost like another chore, another obligation, another choice she wouldn't get to make.

Hae had been catatonically still since shuffling into the Church with her family. Her family. That felt like a joke now. She hadn't missed her mother's look of shocked relief when her name had been called.

She caught herself wondering if her mom was thinking about Hyo, too. She would've loved making herself a flower crown; probably would've made one for her brothers. Hyo's rebellion had been quieter and softer in nature than Hae's. Who would the Leader have selected for her if he hadn't chosen to pair her with death?

"You look weird."

Korain's voice interjected her thoughts. Blinking a few times in an effort to clear her mind at least a little, she looked over at her oldest younger brother, who was looking right back at her with an eyebrow cocked. "Don't be rude to your elders," Hae shot back, hoping some banter would bring her back down. This was happening whether she wanted it to or not - she might as well get with the program for now.

She was certain Korain saw right through her, but was beyond grateful when he quipped back: "I offer my sincerest apologies, nuna." Giving her a mock bow, he'd managed to get a grin out of her and she leaned over to give him a one-armed hug. She debated whether or not to bring up everything that had been on her mind, but decided instead to revel in these last moments of relative normalcy with her family.

Not a whole minute into Hae's brief reprieve from her spiral-to-be, the Leader's voice echoed throughout the Church, and she froze again. This was it. Korain had to physically shake her off his shoulders for her to react properly. She looked toward her mother, hoping for something she couldn't put into words. She hadn't been expecting a heartwarming parting exchange with her parents, but now that it was actually happening? She felt like she did when she was a young child waking up from a nightmare, except this time her twin wasn't there to try to calm her down and her only potential source of comfort was thrilled about said nightmare.

With a sharp exhale, Mishil grabbed her daughter's shoulders and pulled her into a hug. "Try to be good, please."

And Hae was gently shoved in the direction of the chamber, where all the other spouses-to-be were corralling. Her movements were slow, landing her a spot at the end of the line. She'd never been one to make herself smaller, especially not in front of the community's leadership. This shouldn't be mistaken for respect; it's entirely pride-based. Regardless, she wanted nothing more than to shrink into disappearance right now.

Every face in the room was familiar, but at this moment, she realized she knew nothing about them. In fact, none of them knew anything about themselves. Their lives were about to be signed away to men they barely knew, and most of the other girls looked excited. What usually would've been anger was nothing but fear. Who knew how much easier it was to be indignant about things that hadn't happened to you yet?
  • outfit

coded by reveriee.

the son.


moon do-yun.

hahahahahahahahaha im going to die from this arent i hahahaha.

hand crafted black wedding suit + flower tie

in the chamber

Choi Nari, Choi Si-U, Ryuk Hae, Wan Mi-Ok, Ueno Yuuki, Song Yu-Min and Ha Ji-Ho

junegloom junegloom TheVoidQueen TheVoidQueen Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Miaow Miaow demonology demonology rakshasa rakshasa Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy

moon do-yun.

One by one, sons and daughters began to fill the silent room.

The tension within the chamber was thick, and each breath became painfully noticeable. The men moved to one side of the room and the females to the other. When Choi Si-u entered the room, taking a spot close by, Do-Yun had to push away the forming smirk that was itching to creep upon his face. It was nice to know that he wasn’t going through this situation alone; that his friends were also about to meet the same fate as he. At least it meant he had someone he could actually properly talk to once this was over and done with; for things have remained forbidden for so long, he was eager to get his tongue moving to express his concerns and worries to those he held close to him.

Once all those who were to be wed were within the chambers, two assistants came and closed the double doors. The chattering that filled the foyer was now dimmed into a murmur, slowly becoming softer as the families were instructed to come into the chapel to find their seats. And finally, there was silence once more. The Leader stood with a wide grin on his face, flattening down his robes as he readjusted his posture, strolling down the middle of the room. β€œMy Sons and Daughters,” he began, twirling ever so slightly to see all those within the room. β€œWhat a glorious day the Lord has blessed upon us. He is smiling with glee, and he is proud of each one of you. You are going to become real men and women of God. Men, you will provide for your household and women, you will nurture our next generation.” A wild toothy grin spread across his face at the mention of the next generation, his eyes twinkling with delight. β€œBefore I head off into the chapel to meet with Mother Supreme, I’d like to say a prayer over you all.”

Eyes closed, head bowed, hands clasped. The room didn’t hesitate to follow suit.

β€œDear Heavenly Father. We honour and glorify you. Thank you for blessing us with children, and thank you for the wonderful opportunity into holy matrimony” The Leader’s voice was bold and confident, echoing in the room with authority β€œWe pray for your blessings upon each son and daughter here. We pray for the men to rise up as strong warriors of Christ. We pray for the women to explore the riches of love through sacrificial movements. And we pray a blessing upon our women’s wombs, that we will see many children flourish and Abraham’s family may continue to grow. Just as you had with Sarah and Abraham, you pointed to the stars and declared it was the number of children they would have; that they will build a nation from their offspring. Lord, we pray for you to bless us with those promises. Amen”

β€œAmen” The sheep responded to their Shepard.

All eyes were back on the Leader and his glorious white and golden robes that dragged along the pinewood floor. β€œI shall see you in the Chapel. Marcus will be taking over now” The Leader announced, firmly gesturing towards the β€˜Sons, on the right. Daughters, on the left of the room’ man who stood there with too much excitement bottled up. Without another word, the Leader ventured towards the back door, followed by an assistant, and left the room.

β€œSons and daughters,” Marcus announced, grabbing hold of an open book and lying it flat upon his palms. β€œThe Leader and Mother Supreme have worked long and hard to select your spouse. When we announce your names, please meet in the middle, take the other's hand, and walk into the foyer.” At the mention of the β€˜foyer’, the assistants were back once more to open up the double doors. β€œOkay, then –” He dramatically cleared his throat, before looking down at the book in his hands. β€œKim Hyun-Woo and Alexandra Mofflin” The first names were announced. Like they had been trained to do so, Hyun-Woo and Alexandra took shy strikes towards the middle of the room before Marcus. Their hands met, entwining to create a bond before they turned to the vacant foyer and made their way. Just like that; they were to be wed. Marcus continued on with the list; Jason Kempt and Rebekkah Howard. Lee Sung-Ho and Song Eun Ae. Paul Greene and Min Kyung-Soon. Chwe Minho and Isabella Scott.

It continued on until there were the remaining eight in the room. Moon Do-Yun, Choi Nari, Choi Si-U, Ryuk Hae, Wan Mi-Ok, Ueno Yuuki, Song Yu-Min and Ha Ji-Ho. As his hands remained in front of him, Do-Yun couldn’t help but trace the fine lines of his palms with his small pinky finger. This was it; his destiny was right before his very eyes. And it was spoken into existence as he heard Marcus announce the final names.

β€œMoon Doyun and Choi Nari”

Ba-dam. His heart gave a firm thump.

That was him. It was him. Do-Yun gulped, reminding himself to maintain the composure his parents had drilled into him all these years. Licking his dry lips lightly, he made his way towards the middle of the room to meet his wife. His legs felt like jelly, wiggling and waving with every step closer he got. Once before his bride-to-be, he offered his hand for her to hold. Dear Lord, he thought to himself I pray my hands aren’t sweaty. Because, obviously, it wouldn’t make for a good first impression, right?

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Β© weldherwings.


/* ------ right side ------ */

/* ------ image 1 ------ */
mood | nervous anticipation

location | the chamber

/* ------ image 2 ------ */
outfit | here

/* ------ image 3 ------ */

/* ------ left side ------ */

choi nari

/* ------ main textbox ------ */
Nari bowed her head and closed her eyes when the Leader began his prayer. However, her stomach began to turn when he started going on about the women producing children. The very thought was terrifying to her. She secretly hoped she wouldn't end up pregnant soon. Now that she was about to be married, she was sure it was only a matter of time. Hopefully, it was not any time soon.

Nari would never forget just how terrifying it was when Yu-Mi was born. Her mother was wailing in pain, all the blood that apparently wasn't supposed to be there, the doctor was terrified himself. All she could do was stand there and hold her mother's hand while the people with experience rushed around trying to stabilize things. She never wanted to be in her mother's position. It took weeks longer for her to recover.

Before she knew it, the prayer was over and she stammered out a hurried (but half sincere) 'Amen'.

The Leader then disappeared to the Chapel and now it was the moment of truth. Nari would be finding out who she would be spending the rest of her life with. And she'd be finding out if all of her hard work paid off.

She could barely hear Marcus over the nervous heartbeat that flooded her ears. Nari watched him carefully to make sure she did not miss when he called her name, especially now that they were nearing the end. The anticipation was killing her as each couple met in the middle and filed out of the room. So far, she was glad she wasn't paired with any of those men, but the waiting was brutal.

"Moon Doyun and Choi Nari"

It took a moment to register but then she had a wave of relief wash over her. She did it. She was marrying the Leader's son. A weight disappeared from her shoulders as she let out a shaky breath. Nari smoothed out the front of her dress as she willed heavy legs to carry her to the center of the room to meet Moon Doyun. Her parents were going to be so proud. Proud of her. This was their plan from day one and she had succeeded. Years of nonstop work had finally given her an answer. The result she, and probably most other girls in that room, was hoping for. Nari had been given the opportunity for an easy life for herself and her family with this position.

Looking up at him, Nari gave him a shy smile. Not knowing if she was supposed to greet him or say anything at all, not knowing if she could even manage to form words at that moment, Nari stayed quiet. Her mother didn't need to pinch her cheeks earlier, she could feel them burning on their own. She took his hand and her stomach flipped. This was the first time she'd ever had physical contact with a man that was not her father. She had to contain her grin, forcing it to stay a content smile.

Now it was time to get married.

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Β© weldherwings.


the tricked



don't feel so good


wedding suit


The Chamber


Wan Mi-Ok


The air seemed to thicken once the double doors closed and the Leader walked to the front of the room. For all of the joy that emanated from the older man, Ji-Ho's uneasiness only swelled as he bowed his head for prayer. He could feel his hands not so much joining as pushing against each other as he sought relief in God, the only figure with more authority than the Leader of the community. God, grant me the resolve to assuage my mind and steel my body against the doubt in my heart.


The latter half of the Daeboreum continued as the Leader passed the reins to Marcus, the announcer. Aside from instructing the marriage candidates on how to continue the ceremony, he began reciting the couples one by one. First Kim Hyn-Woo and Alexandra Mofflin. Then Jason Kempt and Rebekkah Howard. Then Lee Sung-Ho and Song Eun Ae (neither of whom Ji-Ho particularly liked). The couples continued, each in sync with Marcus's announcement until the list landed on him.

"Ha Ji-Ho and Wan Mi-ok."

Ah his family wouldn't be very happy about that (but whose would be?).

There was an awkward pause as he slowly approached her, his voice caught in his throat. Was he supposed to let her know he was coming? Would that be considered speaking out of turn? Nobody else was talking. Then again, nobody else was blind. But he didn't want to grab her hand either if she was as blind as the rumors say. This would be easier if she wasn't blind, he wanted to think, but it was cruel to resent her for something out of her control. She was already missing out on a world of color. It would be remiss of him to deprive her of sound or touch.

"Hey, take my hand," he whispered, holding his right hand in front of her left.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Nervous, in a little bit of pain.

The chamber

Yu-min, Do-Yun, Nari, Mi-Ok, Ji-Ho, Yuuki, Ryuk-Hae


your best friend in the world

choi si-u

The air was heavy with something akin to stress. It hung in the clouds of oxygen that filled the room as everyone stared at one another. All that remained were the stragglers, the freaks, and Do-Yun -- as well as the perfect wife he was hastily paired off with. Si-U looked over his options and realized he didn't know any of them that well. He recognized Mi-Ok, at least, as the girl that his father told him to avoid at all costs. She's cursed! You go near her, and she'll kill our crops!

Si-U tried to remember if that was before or after he started feeling pain. He didn't really think she was cursed -- she was just like him. Someone with some important job to do on earth who was hindered by Satan as soon as her birth. He assumed she'd be paired off with Yuuki, a person of similarly poor standing in the community, but found she was instead handed off to Ji-Ho.

Godspeed, brother.

"Choi Si-U and Song Yu-Min."

Si-U's skin burst forth in goosebumps as he stepped forward. Yu-Min, Yu-Min. Which one... His eyes fell on the shortest of the remainders -- even shorter than him, which he appreciated. He didn't really know any of the girls very well, but he had heard whispers of how she was the miracle child that came in place of a fallen babe. Whispers always carry. He had no doubt there were whispers of his own father being a no-good layabout.

Miracle baby or not, she looked nice. She had a kind face. He let out a small hiss as pain eked its way through his vertebrae, digging its nails in the slabs of cartilage. He hid his flinching with a princely bow.

"I'm glad to, to have you as my wife."

Wife. She had a kind face, yes, but was that really enough to get married off of? He wouldn't dare question the leader's choices, he just wished they had more time to know each other. But certainly his best interests were on their great leader's mind, as he didn't get paired up with the two renowned problem daughters in the area. Not like he had any issue with them, surely Mi-Ok wasn't truly cursed, and Ryuk-Hae could most likely be fixed, but if he did get married to them, it would show that Moon Chin-Mae had a woefully low opinion of him.

This meant he was still in favor. This meant he was... wanted. Important. Good. Hard-working.

A true person of Abraham.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

Β© weldherwings.


curse of
the only


The feeling of anxious anticipation weighed heavily in the chamber air, slowing Mi-ok to a crawl as she passed through the threshold. She felt ten times as heavy in this room, pulling her unwilling body forward until the sound of footsteps stopped and she stopped with them.

The leader’s honeyed tones sent a wave of guilt crashing over her. Her sheer proximity to him at this moment felt taboo, as if her presence in this room could sully his perfect holiness. Even so, she stood motionless as he gave his sacred blessing, giving a near-silent β€˜amen’ as prompted. She sighed a breath of relief as he exited, no longer close enough to suffer her curse, but the feeling soon disappeared as his assistant took his place and began his address to the crowd.

She stared blankly forward as the man called out names one by one, feeling the presence of the other women beside her slowly fade as the room emptied out. Her heart no longer pounded in her ears, and the nausea that had twisted her stomach had settled into a fog of malaise. Silently, unquestioning, she waited for her fate with stoic acceptance in her heart. She may have feared fate in her life, put off its arrival and waited for it with dread, but she never dared to challenge it. The leader’s word was as righteous as God’s, and she had never once questioned the life He had set out for her.

She flinched as she heard her name, following that of her new spouse. Ha Ji-Ho? She didn’t recognize him. Then again, she only really knew the names of her parents, neighbors and the leader’s family. She would be marrying a stranger, not that it came as a shock.

Hesitantly, she took slow, calculated steps across the wooden floor in case anything stood in her way.

At the center of the chamber, she nearly collided with the boy before his voice stopped her dead in her tracks. A soft, beckoning voice, letting her know where he was then offering to hold her hand. She heard no undercurrent of fear or revulsion in his words, only concern. For her. Did he mean to approach her with such tenderness? Did he know as little of her as she did of him? He knew he would be spending the rest of his life with her, did he not? And knowing this, he had decided to show regard for her while she struggled. He had said so little, yet her mind fell behind, stuck trying to process this new information. Any words of thanks became caught in her throat before they could leave her mouth. Maybe he was so scared or furious he had forgotten how to express those emotions? That didn’t make any sense. Her usual method of self-deprecation to bring herself back down to Earth wasn’t working. What had happened to her stoicism?

After a moment collecting herself, she overcame her temporary paralysis and waved through the air until she met his hand. She wrapped her fingers around his palm, holding onto him ever so gently, just in case he wished to pull away. She turned her shoulders to face the chamber doors; even if she couldn’t see his face, she was eager not to make too much eye contact, something her mother often chastised as being disrespectful. Whatever her face was showing, she hoped she didn’t look as odd as she felt.

This was it. The rest of her life was off to a strange start.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Last edited:







Manners are boring, want to HUG

The Chamber

Pwetty wedding dress c:

Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy

Song Yumin

Yumin's heart entered her throat as the leader spoke up, quickly lowering her head. Her mother said she wasn't worthy to look him in the eye, though she wasn't sure if that was a real rule or something her mother had tailored just for her. She held her hands politely in front of her stomach, though she couldn't really focus on what he was saying. She could see his feet from her field of vision as he strolled past her and it made her nervous. He was a holy man, could he tell there was something off about her? No, he'd picked her to be married, he couldn't think that badly of her...

As he began the prayer, she clasped her hands together, keeping her head low. It always felt good to be prayed for, especially by the leader himself, though the blessing of her womb made her feel uneasy. She felt butterflies in her stomach, was that what having your womb blessed felt like? She wasn't even sure where her womb was, but pregnant women always had big tummies, so it was probably in there somewhere.

"Amen," She chirped as the prayer came to it's completion, tentatively lifting her head to observe the men across from her once more. She wondered what the rest of her life would be like... would her future husband even like her? She wasn't tall and pretty like Hae, she wasn't perfect like Nari. She was short, baby-faced and, well, probably a changeling.

She listened to the names be called, feeling the long line of girls beside her slowly disipate. Soon, there were only eight people left, 4 pairs remaining. She scanned the men once more, trying to figure out the pairs in her head. Nari would probably get Doyun and she was sure either she or Mi-Ok would be paired with Yuuki. They certainly stood out and she was sure she had heard her brothers talk about her. She assumed this was how it worked, the men in good standing were paired with women in good standing, until only those with blemishes remained. Was she in good standing? She wasn't sure, her mother didn't think so.

As her name was called, she froze, watching as Si-U stepped forward. She didn't recognise him, but... that was probably a good thing. It meant he didn't have a reputation.

She stepped forward, joining him in the centre of the room. She had practice the soft smile she had seen the pretty people do, it didn't make their face crease as much as a genuine smile would... but as he told her how happy he was to have her as his wife, she beamed, giggling softly. She tried not to be too loud, afraid of angering their leader for interrupting him, but she was over the moon. The man standing in front of her was her ticket to freedom, and he was a gentleman, too! His hair looked soft but neat, like he'd put extra effort in for today. He sort of had... sad eyes, but not in a bad way. It just made her want to hug him, but she would want to hug her husband no matter how he looked.

"I'm happy to be your wife," She bowed her head to him in a polite greeting, using every ounce of her self control. Couldn't she just bear hug him instead?
"Uhm... should we hold hands?" She asked. She wasn't really meant to initiate these kinds of things, wasn't that the man's job? But the leader had asked they join hands, so it wasn't like she was really initiating it, right? Maybe if they held hands, she wouldn't be so tempted to fidget.

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Β© weldherwings.

maybe not the end of the world, not sure yet
ryuk hae
She was coming back into herself, slowly. Watching the giddy, nervous expressions on the faces of nearly everyone else corralled into the room was feeding the fire. Her back was straight as a rod and her head high before the Leader had made his way to the center of the room and begun the spiel she could only assume he'd given all the previous to-be-weds. "You are all going to become real men and women of God," oh yeah? And what exactly had they been before? Imaginary figures bending over backwards to keep this community running?

She held onto that spark for dear life, not wanting to let this process get to her before it'd really even begun. Maybe she could convince whoever got stuck with her not to have kids. She doubted the Lord had much to be proud of when it came to her, anyways. What's a little more disappointment?

Her head was so loud she would've missed the cue to pray had it not been for everyone else in the room falling into step. Hae forced herself to listen to the prayer, to the words coming out of the dearly beloved Leader's mouth, to the blessings being bestowed upon them all. He sounded so sure of himself when he said "We pray for the men to rise up as strong warriors of Christ. We pray for the women to explore the riches of love through sacrificial movements." As if telling the men to use their women as step ladders was perfectly fine. Women only existed to serve the family and give up everything for others' sake.

Hae had always been disgustingly selfish.

Relief washed over her when the Leader exited the room, though it didn't last long. Now it was actually it. The beginning of the end or whatever. It really felt more like the end of the beginning and the start of ruination.

As Marcus ran through the list of soon-to-be spouses, twitches of anxiety kept coming back to her. Realization that Moon Doyun, the Leader's son and heir to the throne, was one of the remaining potential partners almost sent her into a fit of giggles. She knew, of course, it wouldn't be her but entertaining the idea provided enough entertainment to distract her.

"Ueno Yuuki and Ryuk Hae."

Oh. This had the potential to be interesting.

She took confident, bouncy steps towards the middle of the room and extended her hand, looking her future husband straight in the eyes with a wicked grin.
  • outfit

coded by reveriee.

lost in thought, terribly awkward.

the chamber.

wedding ceremony attire.

hae β€” TheVoidQueen TheVoidQueen

i could have been a better son


Sacrificial movements? Yuuki's mind sputtered, choking ever further with mention of procreation. It struck them the reality at hand, that there were expectations to be had. They prayed, not to the God that blessed Abraham but to whichever one gave Yuuki the luck that let them survive this far. They looked devout to a wandering eye, as though they hung onto every word spoke by the Leader. Instead, they were wishing, hoping, baying to and fro to the God inside their mind. Let them be kind, let them be understanding, let them be just as sinful as me. Maybe we can evade and find solace, find homes in each other's battered bodies.

"Amen," they murmured.

The scene before them was drenched in humble paint. White and black with a through-line of creme and coffee, from the walls to the door. Antique renderings, but Yuuki had only one memory of such painting. It was as fuzzy as their imagining of the proceedings, and quickly, they stopped trying to will it to be. He watched the pairs unfold, noting that they all looked the same. There would be no point in capturing photos of each pair. They looked down to their suit's sleeves, pulling an indiscriminate black-hair off.

Suddenly, they heard, "Ueno Yuuki and Ryuk Hae." Their head snapped up, expecting to feel their hair fluff back with the effort. Quietly, a pang resounded from their chest outward.

Then, Yuuki's eyes were on their match, realizing fully what was happening. They had expected this, but not Hae. Not necessarily. Wide gaze, they moved closer to her, offering a small smile. A girl arguably more infamous than they. There was mischief that dances at the edges of her presence, and Yuuki still could not decipher, despite the years of shared living on the compound, if it was an aura he also shared or one he'd come to admire. They have to, they knew. Grotesquely, they thought, At least we will be sinners together. A prayer answered, but they realized how selfish an ask it had been.

Stepping within earshot, they said, "Well. This is a surprise." A chuckle escaped their lips, loud enough that they edged a glance to Marcus, their overseer.

Without any deft, Yuuki took her hand. A beat of awkward silence took root before they spoke again, patting Hae's hand slightly with their other one. "Apologies. I don't exactly know what to say, other than you look darling in your ceremony dress and I'm happy it is with you I will share a life."

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Β© weldherwings.


the wedding.

Hand in hand, all those to be wed stood anxiously in the foyer. For most, it was the first time holding hands with someone of the opposite sex. The nervous tension filled the atmosphere. Each son and daughter patiently waiting with a ball of nerves in the pits of their stomachs for their time to finally come. Once the last couple was announced, Marcus moved along to the front of the line. β€œIt’s time” he said cheerfully, looking upon the young adults with a warm smile. β€œGood luck… and congratulations”

Two large wooden barn doors swung open. The Chapel, built on sturdy foundations and blueprints of an old barn, was filled with the community. Mothers, Fathers, brothers and sisters all turned their heads towards the opening doors and rose to their feet. The ceiling was covered and entangled with vines and dried wildflowers; not something that you would see every day in the Chapel, but only for special occasions like these. The women had spent their spring collecting the wildflowers and dried them out for this very moment. The wind whistled through the cracks of the wooden panels, cheering on each couple as they began to walk down the aisle.

The couples were encouraged to move to the front of the altar where the Leader and Mother Supreme sat on wooden carved thrones. They watched carefully as the couples walked hand in hand towards the front, a warm smile upon their faces. Filling up the front of the altar, the couples knew to stand in file. Three rows of ten couples, standing hand in hand and waiting patiently for the Leader to speak. The congregation stood patiently, fearing to make any movement or sound before being told to do so. Silence filled the room once the sound of feet shuffling had come to a cease. The Leader pushed himself from his throne and stood before his people. His eyes danced along with the couples, flickering to and from each person.

β€œSons and daughters,” his velvet voice rang β€œWe are gathered here today for something truly remarkable. Like Abraham was called to be a Father of many, we are also blessed to live life as his offspring. We have been called to go forth and create nations, rejoicing in the goodness of our God.” His speech continued on for another ten minutes, declaring the mighty name of Jehovah, and praising Him for all his riches in the world. No one dared to make a sound as he spoke; even the newborn children were still as stones. Finally, after ten minutes passed, he began to talk to the couples. β€œIt is time to continue expanding our nation. Will you turn to your partner and take each other's hands.” The sound of feet awkwardly shuffling filled the room with the couples turning to one another, holding both hands this time. β€œLook each other in the eyes. Sons, repeat after me”

β€œI take thee to be my wife,” the Leader began, followed by the echoing of manly deep voices β€œI will protect and provide for our family. I vow to be a strong warrior of Christ and the source of our family’s teachings. As Jehovah as our witness, I will never stray from God nor our family.”

A deep exhale was heard throughout the congregation. β€œNow, daughters. Repeat after me” The Leader declared. β€œI take thee to by my husband. I will keep our family name strong and bold through our offspring and vow to follow your ways and teachings. As Jehovah as our witness, I will never stray from God nor our family”

As the voices died down, the Leader gazed upon the couples with a warm grin. β€œWe have made our declarations, and we have thanked our God who provides for us. Sons and daughters, you are now husbands and wives. Let us seal our vows with a lover's kiss; a contract that only the Devil will attempt to tear apart. ”

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Β© weldherwings.


the son.


moon do-yun.

ok. at least she's cute.

hand crafted black wedding suit + flower tie

in the chapel getting married


junegloom junegloom

moon do-yun.

Her hand in his own felt like it was meant to be.

A jigsaw puzzle that had finally come to completion after so many years of critical pieces had been missing. Doyun’s eyes remained gazing down at their hands as they perfectly intertwined together, the warmth radiating despite the cold winter temperatures. The silence between them was thick; Doyun didn’t know what to say. This whole situation was just awkward. He was meant to spend the rest of his life with this person and yet didn’t even know what her favourite colour was, or if she was a morning person. His whole life was now to meld with hers to create a family together. He was now going to have to provide for both of them.

As they waited in the foyer for the brief minutes, a thousand questions ran through his head. He wanted to ask Nari questions about her to see what he was getting himself into. But, at the same time, he was fearful that he already knew her answers. He knew that his parents would’ve picked the best for him. He knew that she would be the most obedient out of all the women; that she was knowledgeable and rolling in the favour of the Lord. But then, he also knew what it meant. That she was happy with this marriage. That she wanted to get married. That she wanted to spend her life mothering his children. But overall, it meant she was just like his sisters; brainwashed. His stomach flopped at the thought of being stuck with someone who didn’t speak her own mind. Someone who was well, fake.

Marcus stood before them and after speaking to them, the doors began to open. All eyes were on them. Move, legs he had to mentally scream at himself, prompting the movement in his muscles. Even though the pair of them were at the back of the line, it was obvious that the other couples were preparing the room for them to come through to the front. Obviously, they thought that they deserved the best spot in the house; upfront and centre, right in front of his Mother and Father. As the Leader rose to speak, Doyun struggled to listen to his message. All he could concentrate on was Nari’s heartbeat through her fingertips as their hands stayed by their sides, entwined. He had yet to speak a word to her since Marcus announced their partnership. Well, it seemed that the time had come to finally talk.

The Leader instructed the couples to turn to each other; and just like magic, all of them followed suit. Doyun slowly followed along with the herd, taking hold of Nari’s other hand with his own. Come on man… Let’s just get this over and done with. For the first time, his dark brown eyes gazed up and met Nari’s. And for the first time, it was like he was properly seeing her. Her deep brown eyes with chestnut undertones. Shoulder length silky locks. Her plush downward-turned lips. Soft, ivory skin with next to no blemishes. At least his children were going to be good looking, I suppose.

β€œSons, repeat after me”

β€œI take thee to be my wife,” Doyun repeated as his Father began to go through the vows. Unlike the Leaders, whose voice echoed and boomed no matter the setting, Doyun’s was soft and soothing. His Father’s was often compared to the trashing wind and waves, while Doyun’s was the subtle autumn evening breeze. β€œI will protect and provide for our family. I vow to be a strong warrior of Christ and the source of our family’s teachings. As Jehovah as our witness, I will never stray from God nor our family”

It was like a great heavyweight was lifted from his shoulders. A deep exhale slipped past his lips, and he waited in anticipation for what was coming next. It was Nari’s turn to say her vows. Listening to what she had to repeat… There were some things he didn’t quite agree with but… it was said and done now. Her vows were exchanged, and it was coming to the end of the service. To finish it all off, each couple was expected to β€˜seal the deal’ with a kiss. Doyun could remember watching his sister’s weddings; he would wonder what it would be like to kiss someone. Heck, how to kiss someone too. And what did it feel like? He had been nervous as hell about this whole kiss. That was until their all-male camp out in the lead up to the wedding. After hearing what was expected of them for tonight and for the rest of their lives, in order to have children, he… he was more nervous about that.

So, just as his Father announced, it was time to kiss. Doyun was hesitant at first. He had seen so many other people kiss (all of them were married couples also), but he had never thought about just how to kiss. So, he was going for it. Hands still entwined, Doyun leant down and closed the gap between the pair of them. His lips captured hers, but only for a second or two, before he pulled back and looked back at her once more. There we go. That was it. His first kiss. Their first kiss. It… well, it wasn’t as scary afterall.

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Β© weldherwings.


/* ------ right side ------ */

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mood | nervous!!!!

location | the chapel

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outfit | here

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choi nari

/* ------ main textbox ------ */
Nari's thoughts were absolutely racing through her head. This was it. This was what she had spent her entire life preparing for and she had been given the best match she could ask for. So, why was she so nervous? Nari should be relieved, happy with her match, and ready to start this next chapter of her life.

And she was happy with her match, it was just the uncertainty of what was going to be her new life. Who was Doyun really? What was he like? Would he like her? Too many questions flowed through her mind far too quickly. Trying her best to put them aside, Nari did her best to focus on what was happening around her. The feeling of his hand entwined in hers.

She fell into step with Doyun as they made their way into the chapel. Of course, they'd be right up front with his parents. Attention like this is something she'd need to get used to. The whole congregation would be paying attention to them from now on. Was she ready for that? Probably not. She had a lifetime of smiling through discomfort to fall back on. First, she focused on the Leader's commanding voice, going over the vows they were meant to say. Doyun didn't need her to manually focus on his voice. It just drew her in as he repeated his vows to her.

Her turn. She took in a deep breath.

β€œI take thee to by my husband. I will keep our family name strong and bold through our offspring and vow to follow your ways and teachings. As Jehovah as our witness, I will never stray from God nor our family.”

The words were harder for Nari to say than she thought they would be. She was quiet, far softer than she normally spoke, nearly stuttering on the word offspring. Nari knew she was expected to have children, especially considering who she was marrying. It still just struck fear into her core. However, she thankfully got through her vows without stumbling. And with a kiss, she will officially be married to Moon Do-Yun. She said a silent prayer that her hands have not gotten sweaty from the nerves.

Nari's eyes closed as his lips met hers. Before she could even really process what was happening, it was over. The idea of kissing grew stranger and stranger the more she thought about it, but she was pretty sure she enjoyed it. Maybe it was too quick to tell, though it was not unpleasant. She supposed she had the rest of her life to figure out how she actually felt about it.

As he looked at her, and she back at him, her lips twitched into a barely-there smile.

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Β© weldherwings.


the tricked



Confused, but Trying


wedding suit


The Chamber


Wan Mi-Ok


Her hands were light, just barely touching his palm as the couple progressed to the front of the altar. Whatever she'd done before marriage had not marred her hands in the same way that his mother's were from helping with the farm, but rather delicate (much like the rest of her). It felt surreal that he would be spending the rest of his life with her, someone whose life he could only surmise through rumors.

Ji-Ho certainly didn't mind Mi-Ok. She was far prettier than people gave her credit for, but he didn't know her like that. Unlike his parents, his union didn't form out a natural love for each other. He never bumped into Mi-Ok at a coffee shop. He never got to take her on walks around the lake or stare at the stars. He never even proposed. It seemed like the Leader was working backwards. Marriage first and love after. Then children, specifically the act of making them.

Did she know anything about him or the oddities associated with the rambling Ji-Ho and his heretical theories? If she didn't, would she call him crazy too?

At the Leader's behest, Ji-Ho began reciting vows that the Leader laid out for the men, subconsciously tightening his hands around Mi-Ok's β€œI...take thee to be my wife. I will protect and provide for our family. I vow to be a strong warrior of Christ and the source of our family’s teachings. As Jehovah as our witness, I will never stray from God nor our family.”

He pressed his lips against hers, lingering longer than he intended before pulling back. Kissing was...nice? Their connection didn't feel heavenly or, God forbid, magical. It was a breeze on a warm day, an extra yolk in his egg, or finding a cool rock. He liked her, but she didn't feel like the missing piece in his life.

At least they were halfway there.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Nervous, in a little bit of pain.

The chamber



your best friend in the world

choi si-u

Si-U licked his lips anxiously, taking Yu-Min's hands at her request. They were soft, completely different from his father's hands. Dong-Geun had the thickly callused hands of a farmer, working the fields, tilling soil and getting sunburnt. His grip would fluctuate in tightness with the pain in his back.

Yu-Min's hands had no tightness in her grip yet, he led her towards the front of the chapel like a shepherd to his sheep. He felt tense, and not just from the stinging in his vertebrae. It came from the gazes peering through the open chamber doors, wary parents wondering who was married off to their children. Si-U couldn't find his father in the crowd, but felt that he was there, sensed his presence, like a compass always knows how to point north.

He tried not to let his nervousness show on his face when he took Yu-Min's other hand into his own, holding them both.

"I take thee to be my wife." The word 'wife' tasted sour. His last vestiges of youth running away on the wind. "I will protect and provide for our f-family." Family. Heck. They had to make one of those too. One child, if not more. He tried not to keep stammering, lest he sound foolish. "I vow to be a strong warrior of Christ and the source of our family’s teachings. As Jehovah as our witness, I will never stray from God nor our family.” His arms stiffened a bit.

And he leaned in. Their lips connected, in a momentary, chaste kiss. It lasted maybe a few seconds, but it felt like a few years. He sighed into it before withdrawing. He was so anxious that, for a moment, he forgot he was in pain.

Maybe she was magic.

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Β© weldherwings.









The Chamber

Pwetty wedding dress c:

Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy

Song Yumin

Yumin swallowed as she felt him take her hand. It felt so safe in his... It was bigger than hers, but not so much bigger that he could crush her fingers... not that he would crush her fingers. It wasn't perfectly soft but that just meant he worked hard.

She held his hand loosely as they entered the chamber. A firm handshake was a dominant trait, after all. She felt everyone's eyes on them; well, not just them, mostly Do-Yun and Nari, but she was near them so it was still pretty scary. She knew most people there for their children and those that weren't, well... they were focused on Do-Yun. He was the leaders son, after all, and they just had to know who exactly he'd been paired with. She had to be the perfect wife to be paired with him.

She tried to subtly scan the crowd for her family. Her heart was in her throat... what if her mother was there? Why did she want her mother to be there? She'd probably just cause trouble... but she still sort of wished she had come to see her get married... As her eyes met with her father, she smiled at the cheesy grin on his face. That made her feel a little better. Her father was happy, she should be too.

She turned to face Si-U, placing her other hand in his. She wished she could jump up and down, trying her best to make eye contact with him. She hoped her palms weren't clammy... She could feel his hands twitching, his grip tightening sporadically. Her hands were shakey, too, it was sort of comforting that he was just as nervous as she was... at least that was what she thought, anyway.

Yumin smiled as he repeated after the leader... She was sure Moon Ji-U would be disappointed to know how she felt, but the line about family made her stomach turn. She'd forgotten about that... She was so excited to marry him, it had slipped her mind. She tried to push that thought to the back of her brain, focusing on the rest of his words... Then, it was her turn.

β€œI take thee to be my husband. I will keep our family name strong and bold through our o-offspring--" She began, though struggled to get through the dreaded O-word. Offspring... that made it sound like livestock, like the chicks she would be feeding every morning and evening. "...and vow to follow your ways and teachings. As Jehovah as our witness, I will never stray from God nor our family.” She swallowed. Her voice was shakey.

Oh no, now was the kissing part. She'd seen her brothers get married, she'd seen her parents share the occassional kiss. It couldn't be that hard, right? Despite the two being relatively similar in height, she still propped herself up on the tips of her toes, closing her eyes as their lips touched. For a moment, her brain went quiet, something unusual for her. She dropped back onto her heels as they parted, still holding onto his hands. She smiled as she looked into his eyes... then giggled. Oh goodness, she hoped that wasn't too loud... She could barely stand still, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

She was married!

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Β© weldherwings.


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